I'm Going to Lexington, KY!!! ARE YOU????

(deactivated member)
on 9/18/06 3:30 pm - Yakima, WA
I'm, GOING!!! WOOHOO!!! I've not worked out ALL the details yet, but I AM going to the Lexington, KY event - come heck or high water. I hope to meet EVERYONE there. I have 'lived' on this board for half a decade and am very excited to attend my very first event. I hope everyone turns out for this....it's a long trip for me (Over 2300 miles) and that's a HUGE deal to this small town gal. I am bouncing in my seat and this is going to be the longest month of my life! This is like waiting for Christmas or the birth of my first kid. WOW....I'm just psyched! I just want to make sure that EVERYONE knows I want to meet them - newer folks I've not had the pleasure of chatting with and older friends, who've I've gotten to know over the years. I want to pack as much LIVING into these 2 days as I can muster. I hope you'll join me. (((HUGS))), ~Toots
Amy Williams
on 9/18/06 3:32 pm
I'll be there too, I'd love to meet some folks from the Va board Amy
(deactivated member)
on 9/18/06 3:37 pm - Yakima, WA
Me too! I was really bummed when I couldn't go to their last couple of gatherings I hope a few show up!
(deactivated member)
on 9/18/06 7:58 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
No freakn way, are you serious?!?!? HEY? This is NOT a ploy to get me to spend my (er, my husbands) hard earned money, then when I get out there, BAM, I find out you didn't [couldnt] show, is it? Charlie and Lynda, in FL, and I have been yappin' and typin' about it. I still havent figured out if I can commit to it, I'm heading out on a Cruise the first week of October, then I'm heading to Florida (to see Lynda and Charlie and a few others) in November for a week, so I don't know how I'm gonna squeeze in the convention at the end of October too, but I wanna! Did you hearthat Dana Barr is gonna be there too??? Gawd, I'd love to meet that woman in person, she just oozes kindness, warmth and grace! Soooooooooooooooo - it looks like the stakes have been raised and I might have to reconsider groceries for the next few months and buy a plane ticket instead? Hugs - Lei [lolol, love the new picture, er....kinda!]
(deactivated member)
on 9/18/06 8:35 pm - Henrico, VA
Hey Lei, I was thinking about going myself, but wasn't sure if I would know anyone there. Now that I see that Tooter is going, it sounds even better. It is only 500 miles from where I live. If you are interested in going with me....I would consider driving. After driving 4500 miles from Alaska to get here.......500 miles is just a drop in the bucket. Think about it and let me know.........and tell Wendy she needs to come too! Heck....now that I think about it a road trip sounds like lots of fun! Hugs, Patty
(deactivated member)
on 9/18/06 9:12 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
WOW - ya'll need to stop this, I'm gonna make another IRRATIONAL decision (which is how most of my life works) and say frick EXPENSES and just do it!!!!!! I already did the MapQuest thingie after replying to Ruth's post (DameTooter) and it came up as 590 miles. I'm like you, Ive done so many cross country road trips that only covering HALF the US is gonna be a walk in the park. Id' love to take you up on your idea to drive!! I could head out to your place, l eave my car there and take off with you. Much nicer to have a friend to chat with and split the costs with. Besides, this way I can stick my feet up on your dash, crank up da' tunes and sing and jam the entire drive out. Yah, it's gonna be a long 8 hour drive, girlfriend!!! lol Hey? DID YOU JUST YANK BACK YOUR INVITE?!?!? lol, wouldn't blame you, I can't sing worth a damn. Okay - let's seriously discuss this. Here is the link to the convention with the date/times/speakers, etc. (and the schedule). http://obesityhelp.com/events/october2006_rancho.html General Schedule for Friday 8:00 - 9:00 Registration opens - come and visit our vendors! 9:00 - 12:00PM Morning Session Speakers 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch reception for pre and post ops 1:00 - 5:00 Afternoon Session Speakers 5:00 - 7:00 Break (dinner is on your own) 7:00 - 11:00 Join us while we celebrate your SUCCESS as we are hosting a Masquerade Ball. Come in any costume you can think of - this is a time to have fun and relax. Don't forget to bring your cameras... General Schedule for Saturday 8:00 - 9:00 Registration opens - come and visit our vendors! 9:00 - 12:00 Morning Session Speakers 9:00 to 11:30 CEU Classes Offered 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch reception for pre and post ops 1:00 - 4:30 Afternoon Session Speakers 4:30 - 5:00 Prizes and closing What day were you wanting to leave? I "assumed" if I went that I would leave the day beore (Thursday) since the stuff on Friday starts so early. Then head out on Sunday to return home - does that sound about right to you? I will DEFINITELY send this post over to Wendy's email and see if I can talk her into joining us, although I know it'll be difficult, at best, for her too. She's got two teens at home and a husband that's always out on a boat, working. Since she's one of the "8 Cruise Chicks" that are heading to the Bahamas in October or a week, she might not be able to take two more days off at the end of the same month, ya know? I've perfected "guilt trips" (just ask my hubby) so I'll try to work on her. Hey? You DO know "Charlie C. aka Surfer Girl" ...and "Lynda M in FL" ..right? Lynda flew in from FL, for the Winter Ball in Richmond. Anyway, they're also plotting and planning and mapquesting this trip, so if you're serious about this, let's start combining ALL our nuggets and planning. I'm not sure if they'll actually end up at the hotel that the event is at, but I'd like to stay at which ever one they do - Lynda M is an EXPERT at getting 'great deals on hotels'. I'll cut and paste this stuff over to both of them if you're ready to COMMIT? Hope life is treating you well, gorgeous!! As much as I hated to see Summer end, it looks like our FALL plans is gonna be just as exciting. Tag ----- you're it!
(deactivated member)
on 9/18/06 9:26 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
OK .. if I am not in the hospital .. I could do this >> !!! I see where you can by day passes too . So I would not have to register unless I was going .. So sorta count me in .. Heck .. I could drive and meet you all somewhere to share the expense in the driving .. Let me know .. Hugs,.. to you both . Nat
Amy Williams
on 9/19/06 1:49 am
Nat, I've been waiting forever to meet you! I so hope you come!!! Amy
(deactivated member)
on 9/19/06 3:20 am - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
Sounds like we have the potential for a CARAVAN!!!! [sounds of the song playin' in the background - of course, everyone is probably too YOUNG to know the song, huh?] Just got back from the Dentist office (boooo-hisssss-whine) and saw all the positive responses that want to go to the convention. Sounds like a WONDERFUL way to meet so many that we've only typed with from across the countryside. I hope your health is better (number one priority) AND that you can join us in 'Tucky (priority #2)!
(deactivated member)
on 9/19/06 10:34 am - Henrico, VA
Yank back my invite.....you gotta be kidding! You will have to sing at the top of your lungs to drown me out when I am driving! Yes, I am serious about going.....I will check at work tomorrow to see if I can take leave on that Thurs and Fri. It shouldn't be a problem and I will get back to you. Yes, I remember Lynda M. from Richmond and Charlie C. from the main board...would be great to see them. I saw that the rooms at the hotel where the conference is located are $119, but anyplace would be fine with me. I am very flexible! Okay, I am getting excited!!! Lets make this happen....I was so disappointed when I had to cancel out of the last get together. Hugs, Patty
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