on 9/14/06 6:20 am - Richmond, VA
Ok, so when i was very overweight comments and stares and watching every single thing that went into my mouth. my MIL said to me a long time ago, a few months after i had my son that i ate too much one day last week?? ok. Then i get my mom staring at me on vacation like in a rude way a few weeks, by the way she had the surgery and eats like she used to. She asked me in a rude way, "well what can you eat", very mean like. Then i get the comments now well will you have to eat more so you don't lose too much weight. you know family is never happy with you when you are fat or i guess getting skinny. especially the husbands family. what in the f..k is there problem? i just don't get it. I have gotten rid of a lot of neg people over the years in my life because they are nice to your face and turn around and just talk bad about you like my husbands fam does. How can i get away from these people? i wish so bad that my husband would get transferred again. oh maybe if i pray real hard it will happen just so i can get away from family. now i am really want to get down to a size 4!! which i know i can but was not my goal weight. ok i am done venting. thanks Liz
(deactivated member)
on 9/14/06 6:33 am - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Liz ... what I say is to hell with them.... how many times do we as Obese people end up feeling like we have to explain ourselves for our eating habits .. How many times do the true skinny people have to answer to how they eat ?? When the ask you questions or try to demean you .. simply say .. YA know if I tried to explain it to you .. you just would not get it .. it is rather complicated and a secret only to those that have had the surgery .. so if I tell you .. I might have to EAT YOU !! lol .. No really .. try to ignore the rudeness and explain what you can .. but never LET ANYONE DISRESPECT YOU EVER !!! You are a WLS hero .. fighting OBESITY .. and honestly sweety they will not get it .. Many hugs to you and here is to you reaching your size 4 goals Natalie
on 9/14/06 9:21 pm - Richmond, VA
Thanks, that is why i had kept this to my self. only family knew but that seems to be the issue is with them. i did tell the women at the consignment shop the other day and she said well most people stop at a size 14! uh lady i am already in a size 10 so i have passed that. it was a plus size shop so i should have known that she would have something to say. even though she asked me how i had lost my weight. Thanks, Liz
on 9/14/06 6:36 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Hiya Liz... Sometimes it is just the foot in mouth thing. Other times it can be the well meaning people who just say the most ignorant things. Some people lack social etiquette...Unfortunately lots of these people happen to be in our families !!! I was able to pass down some clothes to my sisters for once in my life. My one sister said to me," You may be two sizes smaller than me now..but i still weigh less than you !" ( I am also half a foot taller than her.) WTF??????? You are right...I guess the comments are a sort of jealousy or insecurity on their part. They probably don't know how to take the rapid change in us. Oh well..we just need to keep moving forward and blow it off. Congrats on the size 4 !!! I don't even know what something that small looks like...hehehe Hugs, Dana
on 9/14/06 9:18 pm - Richmond, VA
HI, oh no i have not hit size 4. now that's my goal. i am in a size 10-12. i bought at pair of size 10 on ebay and they fit. i could not believe it. crazy. yeh it is hard to ignore family and just because i had surgery does not mean it is easy. i still have to watch what i eat, stay active. It is still hard just like before. thanks for letting me vent. Liz
on 9/14/06 11:35 pm - White Post, VA
RNY on 08/30/05 with
Hi, Liz....just keep up your great work! My family and friends are the same way. They made comments 150 pounds ago...and now they say I am too skinny..!! I agree...WTF I am EXTREMELY happy being a size 3/4! I was this size in high school even though I way more now...In high school I was 113 pounds and now I stay between 128 - 135...just depending on the day- I guess. Best of luck in your journey. You are doing great!!! Hugs! Jill
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