Wooooohooo got my consult date.

Anna Bryant
on 9/13/06 10:01 am - Roanoke, VA
Haha....I know it is just the first step, but still exciting to me...lol. October 24th 8:15am, I can't wait lol. Missy sounds very nice and from what I have been hearing she is great. I have been hearing really great things about Dr. Lucktong as well. Now...have any ideas how to make the time fly? I'm bouncing off the walls...lol Anna
Betsy Anitahug
on 9/13/06 11:24 am - Danville, VA
That is great news Anna!!!!! I have been wondering which dr you would chose. Either one of them are great. I highly recommend them. Just do some research and be prepared to ask questions. Keep us updated. I am excited for you. Hugs, Betsy
Robin C.
on 9/14/06 12:19 am - Norfolk, VA
Hi Anna, Congratulations on getting your consult date. I wish I could give you some advice on making the time pass quickly, but I am struggling with the same thing. I got my consult date of Sept. 26th on August 16th, and have been sort of losing my mind since then. I have read 4 books about gastric bypass in their entirety, check the boards very frequently, and went to a support group meeting where I met Christine and Judy (what wonderful ladies!! ) I have also tried to keep myself extremely busy with my video production business to try to keep my mind of it. But nothing seems to work - I am OBSESSED! LOL! It's all I think about and dream about. I can' t wait to get to the other side. Judy told me that everyone goes thru this; so I guess we're "normal"! Keep the faith - we will all get there in good time. Take Care, RockinRobin
Amber B.
on 9/14/06 12:34 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Robin, a couple of us are meeting up and visiting Erika at Maryview Med Center around 4:15, going to Outback around 5:30, and heading to the WLS Support Group at 7:15, feel free join us!!! Amber
Amber B.
on 9/14/06 12:32 am - Virginia Beach, VA
It is insane doing the waiting game, but it'll happy sooner than you think! Congrats on taking your first step towards a new way of life, it's awesome!!! Amber
Anna Bryant
on 9/14/06 8:20 am - Roanoke, VA
Thanks everyone! Yup it's okay, I know I will get there.
Laurie C.
on 9/14/06 1:44 pm - Vinton, VA
Congrats Anna, The waiting part is the hardest but you got your consult alot quicker than I did so that is good for you. I feel very comfortable with Dr.Lucktong. Plan on being there for about 4 hours. And Missy is very nice and helpful. just don't forget 2 weeks before your date don't take any heartburn meds if you do they won't be able to do the H pylon test. Best of luck to you!
Anna Bryant
on 9/17/06 10:32 am - Roanoke, VA
Thanks Laurie, that is very helpful. I marked it on my Calendar...but for the life of me I don't know how I can go without heartburn meds for two weeks..having to take them more and more often as well. I suppose it will be worth it though to just get that part over with on the day of my consult. Anna
on 9/15/06 12:04 pm - Richmond, VA
Hi Anna, I had my first surgeon consult this past Monday. During that appointment, everything became "Real". The PA said things like "When you have your surgery..." and "after your surgery" and "you will probably need to have so and so on hand when you get home". Until this visit it seemed so vague and undefined. Now, It's all about ME!!! ME! ME! ME! I am going to do this!! I have 2 more months of physician supervised dieting. November 9th is the date I can get the paperwork sent to the insurance company. I have a dietician appt in 2 weeks and am trying to set up the psych consult. I am so excited now I can hardly stand it! I was reading one of the WLS books, and the lady talked about going from 280 to 149 in one year! I started crying! I know that may be an agressive schedule, but for the first time I realized there really is a way out of this fat body! Good Luck Anna, hope you have a great appointment. Maybe we can playing the Wait Weight game together. I so hope that I can get my surgery scheduled by the end of the year. Kim
Anna Bryant
on 9/17/06 10:46 am - Roanoke, VA
Kim, that is as it should be. funny you should say that (me! me! me!) That's what I have told my husband. For the whole time we have been married and had a child it has always been about them. I get my allowance and I use it to pay bills or get Logan new clothes or something that hubby needs. So...Yeah baby it is all about Me! Me!! Me!! now. I am so glad you will soon be over the diet and on your way to being a big loser...lol, of course I would love to play the waiting game with you I too am hoping to get my surgery by the end of the year. Wouldn't that be a great Christmas present? I will pray for both of us that it happens that way. Feel free to email me anytime Kim. Anna
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