Board dead???????????

on 9/7/06 9:33 am - Barboursville, VA
Wow the board is slow whats going on? Summer is over lol lets be posting. So what has everyone done today? Myself went to the gym this morning to the drug store did some laundry and out for dinner, now enjoying my decaf, coffee. So lets here fron all you good people.
Robin C.
on 9/7/06 10:07 am - Norfolk, VA
Well, I doubt that anyone would really enjoy the ins and outs of my entire day but here goes in a brief format: Took my 3 kids to school, worked on a sports scholarship video that I am producing and saw several other clients at various points thru out the day, picked kids up from school, took 2 of them to soccer practice, picked one up from field hockey practice and took her to ballet class, helped 2 with math homework and cooked dinner, helped hubby get kitchen cleaned up, and now am killing time until I have to go pick my daughter up from dance. Then it will be time to give the youngest a bath, and collapse into bed myself after making sure the older two are finished with homework. Now - how's that for an exciting day???? This is pretty much how all my weekdays go. So once I have surgery and start working out again, I'll have to get up at 5:15 to get it in before anyone else is awake. I am sure you are all on the edge of your seats wondering how this saga will end, aren't you? LOL! Have a nice night everyone! RockinRobin
Amber B.
on 9/7/06 9:35 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
Yesterday: Got up at 5:15. Worked from 6:30 - 5:00. Dropped hubby off at work. Took my Mom/Son grocery shopping. Got home at 7:30. Did German & Social Studies homework with the kid. Ate some celery & peanut butter. Watched Big Brother (I can't stand either in the final two, why couldn't Janelle be there?) and went to bed at 10:00. Not too excited, but didn't stop for a minute. Amber
on 9/7/06 10:18 pm - FPO, Japan
Amber- lol- I watch Big Brother, too, in fact I subscribe to the feeds. I won't be watching those final two this week-- they are GROSS!
(deactivated member)
on 9/7/06 10:21 pm - Gum Spring, VA
Went to work today...went at lunchtime to pick up paperwork for the sleep study I need to have because I am positive I have apnea and since I have Aetna, I need to prove all the comorbidities I can. After work, went home, fed all of the animals (dog and chickens) and taught a music lesson for an hour and a half. Ate ravioli with spinach and feta for dinner that my son made, helped him with his homeowrk, sat with Dh while he filled out his part of the sleep study packe****ched Star Trek, and went to bed. The first sleep study appointment is Monday. After this evaluation, they will schedule the actual study. I certainly hope they find out what's wrong, because I am tired of waking up feeling like a truck ran over me even thought I slept clear throught the night and slept for 7-8 hours. Nodding off at the wheel and not being able to stay awake during meetings is becoming a real problem, and DH can't stand the snoring. From what I've read here, a lot of those issues go away after WLS, so I am hoping that I eventually fall into that category as well. Today is a regular day at work...we are supposed to go to the Cheesecake Bistro for lunch (I work across from Stony Point Fashion Park for all your Richmonders). I love their great big salads, so that is what I will be getting. I am supposed to be on my six month supervised diet and exercise program, so that will be OK. I have me big Friday morning Starbucks macchiato here beside me...I am a Starbucks junkie and I know that has to change! This weekend I am taking my son to Roanoke to see his paternal grandparents since he doesn't get to see them that often and my ex doesn't visit them as often as they would like. Then, music lessons on Sunday and yard work! It is also SS13's birthday and he wants my famous devil's food with chocolate icing cake and I will make that for him. I have to get him a present...hard to buy for 13 year olds! I usually don't eat any of the cake, because believe it or not I am not a big chocolate fan, at least when it comes to cakes. Well, everyone have a great weekend!
on 9/8/06 10:15 pm - Culpeper, VA
hahahahaha... maybe we need a mass funeral huh? Life has been very busy and I haven't been on much. We are in the process of moving to NC so there is so much to do. Paula
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