Updates...News .. All Rolled into One ..

(deactivated member)
on 9/6/06 1:48 am - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
WOW .. what a month .. here it is September and so many things going on I want to share with you all . Updates on Me ... well , I go back to NIH next week for follow up on my tumor . I also had an MRI done this morning in regards to my neck problems .. ( Blown Disc they suspect ) I go for an EMG on the 25th . Hopefully they can address my bad headaches and back pain soon . I went to the Plastic Surgeon here in Rockville . It is the Washington Plastic Surgery Group, and I got to try on Boobs... Wow .. what a difference they make on your appearance ... I have to wait a while to get them , as I will be having my tummy tuck done along with my hernia repair before the year is out . Alan has agreed to pay cash for the TT .. and Dr. Hutcher gave me a good deal as well as ST. Mary's for paying cash with my insurance . I will be meeting with the Plastic Surgeon again next week for a consult on my lower body lift and my boobs ... This is definatley a work in progress . But right now my main focus is my tumor study and my hernia . Ok .. Now on to some really exciting news . While many of you know that I tend to be a protein queen and exersise and weight training nut . I have decided to put this to use . I will be attending Montgomery College in November to start training to become a personal trainer with focus on weight training , areobics and nutrician . My goal is to affiliate myself with a Bariatric Hospital and do this privatley with Bariatric Patients only . I am so excited about this new career goal . JANUARY JANUARY --- Just spoke to David and plans are underway to begin putting together yet another great WLS Expo for you all . It really does take months of planning .. and I have gotten some great ideas from you all about group topics and speakers .. and as we get more info we will surely post it here first . Will and Stephanie : Will is undergoing surgery right about now to open up the bed sore that he has . The doctors will be cleaning it out and applying the wound vac . Please keep them in your prayers as they undergo yet one more issue . Other than this Will's Spirits are the best .. and he thanks everyone for their support and encourangement . OK last but not least, I will be meeting with Roberta M. Who leads the group that meets at Panera Bread , she and I are going to team up together to try and expand the group there .. and to offer some health and wellness tips . I challenge all of you from the area to come out and take part in this group . I plan on supplying as much education on our nutricianal needs and tips on how to get on track, stay on track , new post ops .. how to stay motivated . I so look forward in joining them and hope you all can come out too !!! Roberta has done an excellent job with this group and is one of the best leaders I have come accross in my travels . Well, I am still enjoying life here in Rockville .. I love it up here .. it is a busy place .. I ventured out today to the DMV to register my car .. boy was that a chore .. Alan and I are solidiying our relationship more and more each day .. and I hope soon to be posting plans for a bigger brighter future .. ( Yes those may be wedding bells you heard ) Take care everyone ... Big Hugs ... and Much Love to You All . Tink
on 9/6/06 2:09 am - Toms River, NJ
Hey Nat -- glad to hear that all things are "falling into place" in your life! It was great seeing you last month, and I am looking forward to boogieing with you in January! Hugs, Nannette
(deactivated member)
on 9/6/06 2:32 am - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
YA know missy .. you are not that far from me .... I do not think I can wait till Jan ... Whatca think ... Love ya and miss ya .. Tink
on 9/6/06 5:16 am - Toms River, NJ
Anytime you want to head up my way, you and Alan (or even you alone) -- I'll take what I can get! LOL are welcome in our guest room. Perhaps you want to plan a spa day in Atlantic City with me -- I just love those. I go to the spa at Bally's Park Place ($155 for herbal wrap, massage and loofah cleansing, plus lunch and use of the facilities for the entire day) - a wonderful girls day out. Any takers to join me? Hugs, Nannette
Kathy & Rich
on 9/6/06 7:52 am - Fairfax, VA
All that costs is $155? Geez. That's an incredible bargin. The spas here are outrageous for something like that. Wow! Kathy
on 9/7/06 1:07 am - Toms River, NJ
Hey Kathy - yes, it is a great bargain. However, it is only available Mon-Fri (not weekends), and they only sell six packages per day. I usually book about 4-6 weeks in advance, buy all 6 packages, and plan a "girls day out" -- always lots of fun. I live about 45 minutes North of AC, so we get our first treatment at 10am, meet for lunch in the spa restaurant, and end with our last treatment by 5pm -- go gamble a bit - have dinner and we're back home by midnight! Anytime you want to join me, just say the word! Hugs, Nannette
Robin C.
on 9/6/06 3:20 am - Norfolk, VA
Hi TInk, Sounds like things are really taking shape for you. I am so glad that everything is working out well for you! Your plans to become a personal trainer for WLS patients are so EXCITING. You are awesome to want to help out so many people who are going thru this process. I hope everything comes to fruition for you. Best wishes for much success in your schooling, career, and dealing with your health issues! Love, RockinRobin
(deactivated member)
on 9/6/06 4:45 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Wow - thaty is an email full of exciting new Natalie!! Good luck on your new career move - I am sure you will be very succesful at it!! I am excited about January - can't wait to register!! Good luck with your plastic surgery!! I hope you can get all the things done you are thinking of. You have come a long way - you may as well completely finish the job - I know I intend to! Poor Will and Steph - they have had to go through so much to get to where they are - my thoughts are with them! That is exciting news about our Group (Roberta' and Cindy's Group)! Can't wait to see it go into fruition! And hopefully congratulations will be in order soon when you guys announce that you plan to get marrried!! I hope Alan realizes that he is taking on your whole WLS family as well!!! love, Jackie
Christina R.
on 9/6/06 4:49 am - Reston, VA
Tink- So many exciting things going on for you! Can you post or email me the date/time/location of that support group meeting you mentioned? I know I've seen it before, but can't remember now where! Thanks and best wishes to you! Christina S
(deactivated member)
on 9/7/06 11:40 am - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Here is the email to the moderator . I am most positive that the meetings are the 3rd Sat of the month but for some reason we are doing it early . [email protected] Roberta leads this group .. give her a note and try to get there . Would love to see you . HUgs, Natalie
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