Daily Post! I've been re-inspired!

on 9/4/06 3:35 am - Rockingham County, VA
Ok, here it goes.... I went shopping this morning and cleaned the house. I have to baby sit my 2 nieces ages 2 years old & 18 months old, will that count???? (I have a busy day today) If I have time later on tonight, I will get a few miles in on the tread mill....... I have gotten in all of my vits. I have started in on my fluids. I plan on keeping H20 on hand to sip all day. I have ate a beef jerky 22g, and I plan on eating chicken for dinner plus a protien bar 19g later on for a snack. I have ate a peach and a piece of tomato (yummy) One of my favorite treat to eat is SF popsicles! I can go through quite a few in a day. Hugs to all!!!
Kitty Kat
on 9/4/06 6:03 am - Richmond, VA
Hi there! YES! That counts! Are you kidding me? Chasing buggas (my term for kids) around IS exercise. Mine are 5 1/2 and almost 18 months and they are a riot and keep me on my feet. Oh me too with the sf pops! I can and do eat seveal of them at a time. What type of beef jerky do you eat? 22g is fabulous! Hugs, Kat
on 9/4/06 9:56 am - Rockingham County, VA
The brand is Jack Link's original beef steak it has 26g protein. The only problem is that it takes me a little while to eat it. It is 22oz portion. But it is yummy. It isnt really tuff like most beef jerky is. I found it at the check-out at Wal-Mart. CP
Betsy Anitahug
on 9/4/06 3:57 am - Danville, VA
What a great idea, Ms. Sunshine.....Thanks, I really need this. **How will you/did you move your body today? I have been cleaning most of the morning and if that doesn't count as excersise, I don't know what does. Hoping to get out and get some walking in later this pm. Got my vitamins, etc sitting in front of me so Down the hatch....hehe Downing some water this am...pushing it so I can treat myself later to a soda...I know...but I have to do this gradually... **REMEMBER: PROTEIN, PROTEIN & PROTEIN FIRST! What's on your menu for today? I had two hard boiled eggs for breakfast and a protein bar!!!! How is that??? I will be getting more as the day goes on. **REMEMBER: Exercise and get those heart rates going! I am reminded that it doesn't take strenuous activities or a long drawn out work out regimen to do so. Walking for about 15-20 minutes at a brisk pace works as well. Do you have an excercise regimen to share? HOUSEWORK>>>> been busy this am. **BONUS QUESTION: What is one of your favorite "treats" to devour? I really don't have any that I can think of...would like to hear others ideas.....Please??? Hugs to ya.. Betsy
Kitty Kat
on 9/4/06 6:14 am - Richmond, VA
Hey Betsy, Great job starting our for you am! Oh house cleaning sure gets us going huh? It is never done, lots of stretching, bending, squatting and scrubbing so we're working tones of areas on our bodies. As for yummy goodies...I have been eating fruit w/ sf whipped topping, sf pops (freezer), I sometimes take Crystal Light and pour it in ice trays and wait for it to get a bit ice-eeeeee and then eat it like a slushie...also I have been eating lots of the chocolate puddings sf of course and I know this might sound gross but I've been adding fruit to that too. Hugs, Kat
on 9/5/06 9:33 am - Chesterfield, VA
Ok... I didn't get on here yesterday, so I'll put my today's stats! Moving my body... sad to say, this is still my struggle... I did WORK 10+ hours today. Vitamins: got them all in, with the exception of one more calcium that I'll take after dinner Water: over 60 oz so far and still drinkin' (still got 3 hours 'til bed-time) Protein: 20g protein drink this am; 3 oz grilled chicken for lunch; 1 oz cheddar cheese for snack this pm; dinner will be 3-4 oz italian sausage (turkey version) with peppers and onions. Favorite Treat: hmmmm, I'd say Gen-Soy soy crips...I like both the apple cinnamon and the barbeque flavors. What can I say... I'm a chip-o-holic! ALSO, I have been enjoying fresh peaches lately, since they've been ripe and in season! Hugsm Tammy
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