I have HAD it! I MEAN IT!

Kitty Kat
on 9/3/06 12:58 am - Richmond, VA
Ok I am pizzed and I am ready more now than ever and I MEANT IT! What is she talking bout you are prolly thinking and why the attitude??? We'll I am flaming mad but in a positive way! Yep...do keep reading! If ya feel like adding something to this in a reply feel free as I am putting this out there and figure my family here will rally around me as always! ************************************************************* I have had it with my excess weight! Oh yes! It's ON and I do not mean just a little. I have gone and done it! Yep, I have QUIT drinking soda of ANY kind. Yep, no more Pepsi's (boo hoo whine hiss throw HUGE objects)! In addition, no more bread AT ALL. I will not touch it. This might hurt a little bit but hell I will suck it up AND here goes no more sweets cept for the now and then Hershey Kiss. Yeah again BITE ME! I WILL have one or 2 now and then but it will be no more than once a week. "Strength & Temptation I beckon you both to get your a$$es here on the double!" Yeah like you are perfect too and do not try to do the "well, I have neva" cause you KNOW you have fallen off da wagon so ? HA, NOT! Seriously though I will make even more changes eating wise but in the long run it will benefit me greatly. Another advantage to Kayla being in school (starts Tues) is the scheduling (regular this and that) which will allow me to strap Nora in and haul some butt around the neighborhood and she can't say "no" or "I can't walk" cause Momma will be walking her! I am going to start off with 2 miles per am or pm and increase back up to 4 miles per am or pm 5 days a week (Hey! I am TRYING to be optimistic here). This crap is coming off me I have had it! It's a benefit that I'll be pushing a stroller with almost 30 lb kicking around in it too! Talk bout a workout? YES, PLEASE! So, I am gonna pump da Crystal Light, pump da wata, pump da coffee (oh yeah like you thought Kat would give up her coffee? Yeah NOT!) and da vitamins and I am focused. I am printing out a calendar along with a check off list to make dang sure I get in what I am supposed to. I am so sick and tired of finding reasons for this weight when in reality there aren't really valid ones any longer. It's ALL about me now. I have the will power, I have the MAJOR tool and the minor ones and God as my witness I will do what I have to and make this happen. I am starting off with small goals and the first is to use the next 2 weeks and get back on track. That means starting THIS AM the above goes into effect and from there I will make goals and post them here and ask for guidance, suggestions and feeback. I NEED to be held accountable. So, this is where ya'll come in. Please do me a favor and read this and gimme your best shot. I am talking down right all out full fledged spewing of resources, kicks in my azz, etc. Come on I KNOW ya'll got stuff to say cause ain't now one of ya'll been quiet around me so dontcha start now ya hear??????????? Ok, so whatcha waitin' on???? I wanna be defatteeeeddd (yep, made it up) BY CMAS so I don't have time to just sit around! So get ur beautiful/gorgeous butts on da puter and light me up! Oh IHEARTYALL so even though I am asking for a lot I know ya'll will come through! & Kitty Kat
(deactivated member)
on 9/3/06 2:16 am - Fairfax Station, VA
Hi Kat, I'm not really sure what you're saying here, I just had a hard time following it, but that's me not you! I think what you are saying as far as eating, drinking, exercise and vit goes is right on, and I support you in that. I'm just not sure what else to say. I wish I were more hip and cool and with it so I could understand your message, but I'm not!! Good luck Kat, we all need to be accountable to each other, and that is the important thing. By the way, your new pcture is lovely. donna
Kitty Kat
on 9/3/06 11:00 pm - Richmond, VA
Hey Beautiful, Basically I am saying this excess baby weight and weight in general has got to go! I am going to deal with it and be done with it and I have already started making small goals. Last pm while @ Target (again I should rent an aisle there) I bought a Project notebook. I am taking these next 2 weeks to get back into the swing of things. I am in the process of updating a daily checklist that will remind me about my fluid, vits, food, exercise and mental health needs. In addition, I am going to be working with some friends and family as not just a support system but to keep my rear in line. You ARE hip and cool woman! Thanks for luck wishes sweetie! I'm blessed and grateful and have this here tool and I am going make Drucilla (pouches name) happy and in return my body will make me happy! Thank you! I really enjoyed the night that was taken! I hope you are doing well! Hugs, Kitty Kat
(deactivated member)
on 9/3/06 3:09 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Kitty Kat - good for you!!! I am more determined after your note too!! Let's kick temptation in the ass!! I wish I lived nearer you so I could go walking with you - I have a 38lber I could push in the stroller!!! I have a home gym - well a room downstairs where I exercise which has plenty of equipoment in it - but I needed your note to push me when I feel like giving up my exercise routine - you know when I want to say 15 mins is enough when I know fine well it is not and have to force myself to work out harder........ So today - after reading your note - I have decided that everyday I am going to drive to the train station to pick my husband up - then leave my car there - walk home and then put my son in his stroller and walk back to the car in time to collect my husband - that will give me a 2 mile walk every day...... my husband has said he will walk with me but he walks way too slow (because he is blind) and I need to set up a decent pace. So thank you - your motivation speech has enthused me to do better!! And I know how you are when you are determined!! SO go get em!!! You can do this! No more grazing, extra snacking and just one won't hurt okay!!! I am proud of your efforts!! Jackie
Kitty Kat
on 9/3/06 11:04 pm - Richmond, VA
Morning Jackie! We can be of support to one another each day here! I think I will opt to do a daily post again! What do ya say? I had moved it to weekly but daily seems appropriate as well. It'll help us to be more accountable and of more support. I believe we will learn new ideas and rally around one another. That is GREAT about driving and leaving the car then walking back and forth to get hubs! Maybe you can find a place he is comfortable walking in/around and do that together for 15-30 minutes several times a week? You are welcome! I appreciate you responding. Together we can do this! Oh I am determined as there is a goal I am working towards by Cmas and it's BEAUTIFUL and I will look like a million bucks in it! Shhhhhhhh! telling just yet.... Thank you now let's get at it shall we? Hugs, Kitty Kat
(deactivated member)
on 9/4/06 1:25 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Hey - that is a good idea reporting daily - I upped my exercise yesterday to 1 hour and then in the evening we went to see John Mayer and Sheryl Crowe and I walked more there from the car park etc - today the scales went down another 1lbs - so it seems to do well when I exercise more - so that is what I need to do. Have my butt kicked to exercise more. I have to go to New York on Thursday and Friday so my exercise will go out the window by the time I get there and then drive back on the Friday - so I need to exercise more prior to going........ Seeing the scale drop this morning is a motivator for me - my weight loss has slowed up considerably now!! And I am only at 6 months out.... Jackie
on 9/3/06 11:12 am - Rockingham County, VA
You go GIRL!! I was thinking the same exact thing There is just one difference and that is I can come up with a few extra 1000 excuses. I am the queen of excuses. After reading your post, I thought, yea, thats me! I am NOT going to eat any more sweets! I am NOT going to eat any more potatoe chips! I AM going to get my butt out of bed early enough to shake what my mama gave me every morning. I get MAD at myself for not being stronger willed. I feel like I am so LAZY!!! You are right, we have this tool and all we have to do is USE IT! What is wrong with us?????? So, I am with you. I am going to start exercising and eating healthier. And by Christmas; our Saviours birthday, we will be stronger, leaner and healthier. OK????? God Bless you! Cathy
Kitty Kat
on 9/3/06 11:07 pm - Richmond, VA
Good morning Cathy, Thanks! Yeah trust me excuses are soooooo easy and I know all of 'em and prolly we could swap some around huh? We can and will do this! What's wrong with us is the fact we've gotten comfortable and we figure we haven't gained all our weight back so we must be "ok." Well, I don't just wanna be OK I wanna kick my butt back into action and reach some goals! Oh we can really do this! OK! Cmas is our goal. We should make small goals and go from there. That way when we accomplish them we can shout to the Lord and make ourselves proud as well! Hugs, Kitty Kat
on 9/4/06 12:41 am - White Post, VA
RNY on 08/30/05 with
WTG!!! I am with ya!!! Jill
Betsy Anitahug
on 9/4/06 3:40 am - Danville, VA
Oh Miss Sunshine...I am on the same page! It is so funny because I told Jim last night that today I was quiting carbs completely...I am so into just working this tool now. I know that I am a carbaholic and need to stay away from them. I am ok on the sweets but the sodas will be tough. I have to have another 40 pounds off by December as that is when I go back to dr commitment and I better have that 40 pounds off...With the trav eling and being sick this summer, I have not been watching what I am eating...guess what??? Duh, not weight loss in a long time. Enough of this crap....I want to get thin...be sexy and healthier and the only way to do it is to use the tool like I should. I didn't go through all this crap of surgery, begging to get it done and then not using it like I should. I have no excuses....I just love food. Now I have to start eating healthy and get rid of the junk. Your post only made me more determined...thank you. This surgery is not a miracle, only a tool to get the weight off....we are the only ones who can make it work....I love ya...thanks for getting me riled up about this...I needed a kick in the butt and this did it. Thanks again. Hugs, Betsy
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