(deactivated member)
on 9/1/06 2:02 am - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Ok .. It is rainy and windy up here in ole Rockyville .. and I am up for anything... so let's see for those at home.. who still have power and internet .. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WLS STORY.... OR FUNNY EVENT ? My favorite story is where , I see people that have not seen me in years and they do not know who they are talking too .. and when I tell them they are shocked and amazed ... !!! A WLS Funny is when, I was about 4 months out .. lost about 70 pounds .. went shopping forgot I was in what they consider normal clothes .. went and picked out a size 24 dress .. took it to the dressing room .. tried it on .. and modeled it .. not even thinking that I was now wearing an 16 - 18 at the time .. the dress fell off of me in front of everyone ... Duhhhh is me ... So share you story or funny ... Love ya .. Stay dry ! Tink
Christina R.
on 9/1/06 2:28 am - Reston, VA
OK Tink - I'll play (even though I'm at work!) I had a pretty fun moment yesterday...WLS related... My boss is one of two people at work that know I've had the surgery. Yesterday morning I walked into her office and before I could even say hello she blurted out "My goodness, you're melting away!" I just smiled and said thanks but inside I was laughing because it made me think of the wicked witch in Wizard of Oz..."I'm melting!" HAHA...I guess the "fat girl" in me is dying like that ole' witch! Made me giggle and smile all day. I'm still amazed that people that see me everyday notice my changes more than I even do. Good I guess. I still haven't had anyone that didn't know I had the surgery say anything to me, but I chalk that up to their fear to say anything about weight (sensitive topic, especially at work). Christina S
(deactivated member)
on 9/1/06 4:54 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Okay - I am working but I will play. Last week when I was in Food Lion I saw a woman who used to work in my previous Food Lion so I said hi to her. She looked at me as if she didn't know me and then said hi back. She gave me a puzzled look but I just carried on shopping. I could feel her looking at me all round the store. As I got to the checkout she said, "Okay you can tell me - what illness do you have?" When I assured her I had none, she said, "You look well but no-one can lose that much weight without being ill. I didn't even recognze you!" So I gave in and confessed my surgery. I could see the relief on her face! Made me laugh as I loaded the groceries in my car...... Or my son who is nearly 3 - yesterday he said, "Mommy you are really pretty. Your hair is so nice........ and you are so thin......" Just as I am basking in the glory of his adoration he finished with "you look just like a skunk!" Kinda took away the moment don't you think? lololol! But he likes skunks ever since he saw one called Pepe le Peu (or something like that) so he actually meant it as a compliment....... Jackie
Ms Court
on 9/1/06 5:49 am - Remington, VA
Oh Jackie I had to laugh at your little one. Pepe is a wonderful character in the Warner Brother Cartoons. A very sauve gentleman skunk who has fallen in love with a beautiful female cat and just doesn't understand her reluctance to love him back. Glad to hear you are doing good. Keep it up. Courtney
(deactivated member)
on 9/2/06 10:54 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
My son is so funny at times! I think we may need to work on his skills with women lol!! Today he told his grandma that she had the best wrinkly skin!!! I saw you were doing better Courtney which I am glad to hear. If you ever want to vent you can use my ear!! Jackie
Ms Court
on 9/1/06 6:00 am - Remington, VA
I am at work too but I wanna play. Some my favorite funny WLS moments happened with my friend's son. When I decided to have surgery I spoke to him about being in the hospital and explained I was going to have surgery on my tummy so that I could be healthy & thinner. I used the word skinny with him so he would understand. Well while in the hospital I called to chat because I was bored. The first thing out of his mouth was "Are you skinny yet?" So for the forst few months when I would see him I would ask him if I was skinny yet, he would always look me up and down & then say "Not yet but you are getting there." So today we went out to lunch, my friend, his son & I and I was trying to decide what to order. So the little one says, order the big breakfast, you always get the big breakfast. I responded, I don't get the big breakfast, my stomach is only this big (made small circle with my hands), I can't eat the big breakfast. So the little snot looks over at me and says, Your stomach looks big to me. No even though I have lost 120 lbs, I do still have a nice little stomach roll, and I admit at being very insecure about it. But I love the little stinkerbutt and I know that he doesn't yet understand the ways of the world. So I just started messing with him & told him now I was going to be sad all day because he said I was big. He of course responded with no I didn't I said your stomach looks big. So I told him to remember he is supposed to be telling me how beautiful & skinny I am . We just laughed and ordered lunch. Courtney
Andrea N.
on 9/1/06 7:23 am - Ashland, VA
I'm finally at home - went to work early so I could get off early - it was a good move on my part. I am so happy to be home! I guess I will play - although this is funny to me - I don't know if it will be funny to you all. When I was in the hospital after my surgery and been brought to my room - my whole family (just about) was in there and my sister's boyfriend was being a major pain in the ass with his loud mouth and I was exhausted just listening to him - I had the morphine pump, but it wasn't working so well so the nurses asked the doctor if I could have Fentanyl - I was so tired - I just wanted to be left alone so my family finally left, the nurse came in and gave me the Fentanyl and off I went to sleep. When Dr. Schirmer came in a couple hours later and woke me up to tell me about the "accident" and that I had to be operated on again, but all the operating rooms were busy so they had to wait a few hours, etc...etc... - my only real question was "okay, that is fine - can I please just go to sleep until then??" He was like yes of course - now when I look back I really laugh - because all my drugged and exhausted mind wanted to do was sleep. I'm sure I will have funnier stories sometime in the future, but right now even though I have lost 50 pounds and you can tell in my face - body wise not a lot of people can tell - I can't wait until I have one of those moments where somebody doesn't recognize me - I will really be happy then. Hugs to all - be safe and have a fantastic weekend, Andrea
on 9/1/06 9:10 am - Rockbridge Co., VA
I missed something along the way... the way from June 25th that is. what accident, if I may ask? Lois
Andrea N.
on 9/1/06 10:03 am - Ashland, VA
About 11pm that night (had my surgery between 11 and noon that day) Dr. Schirmer came in and told me they had a problem. It seems they had removed a portion of my intestines that were not getting adequate blood supply and put them in a plastic baggy to be removed when the operation was over and I believe be sent to pathology. Well, they forgot to remove the bag and it was wreaking havoc on my insides. I had a temp and was not getting a lot of oxygen and while it was really serious - I just could not seem to grasp the concept. They opened me back up and took out the bag and I started recovering right away. Sorry - I should have explained - you were going through a lot at the time Lois and my little complication seemed very insignificant at the time even to me cause I started grieving for you as soon as I got home and got on the message board to see your post about Cody. Hugs to you, Andrea
on 9/1/06 7:41 am - Roanoke, VA
I have a pretty good one.....my husband's great-uncle who of course is not very knowledgeable about more modern medicine....was very confused when I came back from the hospital. He told my husband "I don't think that surgery worked for your wife she looks the same size to me!" He thought I was having extreme lipo or something and I would instantly lose all the weight at one time (I wish)......after my husband explained he told him " oh, now I see, I was getting ready to say you need to go get a refund...." HAHAHAHA
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