What's going on?!

Christina R.
on 8/31/06 10:25 pm - Reston, VA
Hi All- Thought I'd put this out there to get some thoughts on what my be going on with me! I'm having trouble keeping food down at home in the evenings. I do fine at breakfast, great at lunch, but then I get home and try to eat dinner. Anything I try seems to end up coming back up. A few nights ago I worried about a stricture because it was so awful (over an hour of bringing it up after only 2 bites!). BUT...the next day was fine, until dinner again. I'm being careful to stop drinking 30 minutes before, chewing well, and eating soft foods (puree consistency). Someone said maybe it was stress. I thought maybe I was being more adventurous in my choices, but I've gone out and tried new things at lunch with no problem. Any thoughts? Christina S
(deactivated member)
on 8/31/06 11:57 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
WOW does this ever sound familiar . 2 years post op and I still do that . Sometimes , it is stress , sometimes it is the food choices . I have found from my great friend Kathy - ( Kathy and Rich ) that taking Papaya Enzymes will help . You may want to try that and see what happens . If it continues I would go see your surgeon , and they can look to see if it is a stricture .. What where you eating when this happens .. IT happens to me when I eat beef .. or reheated foods ... Well let me know how it goes and hang tough sweety .. it does work itself out . Huglles. Tink
Christina R.
on 9/1/06 12:40 am - Reston, VA
Tink- Thanks for the response. It's happened when I tried vegetarian chili, cheese, edamame, soups, nothing seems to want to go down after I get home from work! I'll run and get some of the papaya enzymes and see if that helps. I personally am not that concerned yet because I can eat during the day...my husband is the one that's feeling a little freaked out. It's the only time he sees me try to eat...and he has a weak stomach for the . Thanks again! Christina S
on 9/1/06 8:51 am - Rockbridge Co., VA
Your choices DO seem quite adventurous no further out than you are. But I honestly vote for stress. I thought you posted about being under a lot of stress at home. Seems to go hand in hand with the eating trouble at home. Why not go back to post op foods for dinner and see how that goes? Good luck, Lois
Christina R.
on 9/1/06 8:54 am - Reston, VA
Lois- That's what I did tonight, along with some Papaya Enzyme and I'm doing just fine. Things have been stressful at home, but are finally getting better too. Thanks for your advice and concern, Christina S
(deactivated member)
on 9/1/06 1:23 am - Fairfax Station, VA
Hi Christina, this still happens to me, although not as much. I find that it is due to eating too fast, and drinking too soon after I eat. Also I have come to realize that I just can't eat meat right now! I try and it just doesn't sit well. It's so annoying because the things I'm supposed to stay away from (crackers, etc) are the things that are so easy to eat!! I think that is why at almost a year out, I am so faithful to protein drinks. As both my doc and Ms Tinkerbell told me, if you're not getting it with food you have got to get it with protein drinks!! Not ideal probably at this stage, but oh well!! I would say maybe if it continues and bothers you to call your doc. Also how 'bout trying eggs, cheese, some soft protein. That works for me so much better. love donna
Christina R.
on 9/1/06 2:24 am - Reston, VA
Donna- Thanks for the words of encouragement. I think I will try to go back to those foods I tolerated well (applesauce, pnut butter, eggs, etc) tonight for dinner. My body is just being a tempermental toddler this week I suppose! I'm still doing the protein drinks and vitamins, so I'm not too concerned about that yet. Christina S
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