21 months out and still sick, sick, sick!!!

** Judy **
on 8/30/06 9:52 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
Oh, I do not mean physically -- I mean mentally!! Last night Rick said "let's order pizza". We have NOT ordered pizza in the 21 months since surgery. "Why?", you say. Pizza is at least my number 2 -- if not my number 1 -- "red light" food. Of course, ice cream is right up there with it, but I can control myself in the ice cream area. Well, we ordered it and I ate two slices. Hmmm, not too bad. The problem is -- this morning it is calling my name. I love cold pizza for breakast. I am upstairs in the study and I can almost hear that dang pizza screaming from the frig. Where are my "mental" ear plugs when I need them!!!???!!! Note to self: NEVER order pizza again -- at least, not in this life time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christine Hood
on 8/30/06 10:34 pm - Fort Eustis, VA
Hey Judy, That head hunger is terrible. Maybe it would help you to see a therapist to help you work that out before it becomes detrimental to your loss. I see Dr Zoll in VA Beach (she is sort of near Beach General). She is really great and has helped me through a lot. Email me if you want more info. Good luck! Christine
** Judy **
on 8/31/06 12:43 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Thanks Christine! I may just take your suggestion and run with it!! When I met with Dr. Barbara Cubic for my psyc eval, she said to come back to see her if I had any problems -- like binging. So far I have been OK -- even with the pizza I hope to be triumph in the long run!! I have kept my 120-123 pounds off -- I weigh about everyother day. It is a daily battle -- thanks for such a good suggestion!! Judy 280/158/???
Sharon Q.
on 8/30/06 11:10 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
YES JUDY........................I totally relate!!! The first year we are all about dieting, using this tool, YEEEEEEEE HAWWWWWWWWWWWW, ain't it great!! Year 2 is all about pushing the limits!!! (Well for me anyways.) Now I have the pure joy of losing the weight I gained by pushing those limits!!! FUN FOR ME!!! Pizza is a red light food for me too. IF you want control back, head for all protein and drink a ton of water, even for just a day, you'll be amazed how it comes right back (the control I mean ). This truly is a journey that never quite ends!! Best of luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XOOXOXOXOOXOOX Sharon
** Judy **
on 8/31/06 12:45 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Hi Sharon -- Is pizza not the pits?!?!? Good suggestion for the protein and water. I usually do lots of water, but sometimes that protein goal can be quite elusive!! Judy 280/158/???
(deactivated member)
on 8/31/06 12:42 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
When I feel tempted by food in the refridgerator but I know I should not have it - I go and take it out and give it to my dog! He is a 95lb English Golden Retriever....... admitedly as I watch him eat it I want to get down on the floor and wrestle it out of his mouth BUT - it is all over in a couple of seconds!!! And that darned pizza or any other kind of food that is not good for me can't call my name again...... Of course if you don't have a dog you could just throw it in the trash can - covered with some kind of hot sauce or pepper - so if you think that no-one can see you later as you try to get it back from thr trash can - you know you can't eat it anyway....... As you can tell I sometimes do get cravings too........... and have to rid myself of the demons by destroying the food or I will never get any peace....... I am not quite sure what a therapist would say to my behavior though lol!! But it does take care of my problem.... Jackie
** Judy **
on 8/31/06 12:51 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Jackie, Jackie, Jackie -- may I borrow your dog!?!? I have a Yorkie -- he does not need the pizza anymore than I do!!! He should be 7 pounds but is about 9!!!! My other problem is my hubby -- he likes pizza but does not always eat it as fast as I need him to (like immediately, in the next 30 seconds)!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmmm, bet you could rent your dog out and make a fortune!!
(deactivated member)
on 8/31/06 1:57 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
lol! Judy - I am pretty sure he would be more than happy to oblige - he used to weight 110lbs but we had to put him on a diet - English Golden Retrievers are about 20lbs heavier than American ones because they have bigger bodies, head etc... I also have a 4lb Bichon Frise puppy who we don't feed any scraps too........or at least I don't - I am sure my husband does when I am not looking.... Now my husband can eat Pizza pretty fast - I have some pizza too occasionally but only the toppings and never the dough.... and if any pizza gets left in our house they all know it may be fed to the dog before they get back the next day so they are now getting pretty good at eating it when they should!! The things we have to do to stay on track eh? lol! Jackie
** Judy **
on 8/31/06 3:29 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Jackie -- Good idea to only eat the toppings. I'm going to try it -- well, I may try it someday when I am OUT OF THE HOUSE -- eating pizza at a restaurant -- where I CANNOT bring it home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 8/31/06 4:22 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Well you still could bring it home - you just need to make sure you don't! Jackie
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