One year ago today...

on 8/29/06 11:23 pm - Littleton, NC
One year ago today I was waiting to go to the operating room. The last twelve months have been the best experience that I could have hoped to have. When I started my journey, I was carrying 267 pounds on my barely 5'5" frame. I was beginning to develop some serious health issues that were scaring the mess out of me. I had absolutely no energy. I was a crummy wife, mom and housekeeper. The thought of doing anything even remotely labor intensive was starting to push me towards panic attacks. I was missing out on so much in life and I was slipping into a deep depression. Today I weigh 135, two pounds below my surgeon's goal and 5 pounds away from my own personal goal. I have loads more energy. In fact, we recently moved and I was able to take care of a good portion of the move on my own. Let me tell you, I couldn't have done that a year ago. Today, the health issues I was developing pre-op are gone. My blood sugar is in check. I don't even snore anymore, let alone stop breathing in my sleep. My legs and back don't hurt if I have been on my feet for a long time. My knees don't hurt when I stand up and my hips and chest don't hurt when I get out of bed anymore. In the past twelve months, I have lost 9 dress sizes, found a new respect for myself and realized that I can take care of my family and my house. I have self confidence now, which I was seriously lacking before surgery and didn't even realize it. I have the stamina now to do things that I used to avoid alltogether. Moving this house was a huge wow moment for me. It made me realize just how far I truly have come. I have been asked often lately how I feel physically and mentally and if I would do it all over again if I had the chance. I feel absolutely fantastic and without a doubt, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. This surgery not only saved my life, but gave me a better life than I could have ever hoped to have before. My only regret in the whole thing was that I waited so long to actually make the decision to have it done. I know I have been really lacking in the post depatment. We moved out of our old house at the end of May. Brian and Andrew went ahead and moved in with his mom in NC while I stayed with my parents in Chesapeake and continuted to work. Since I was the only one working, I stayed too busy to really do much more than work. For the past week, I have been setting up our new house and taking care of my two favorite men. I love our new house and can't wait to get this unpacking and organizing over and done with! Well, I guess that is enough rambling for now. I hope everyone is doing well and I hope to talk to you all soon. Take care! Stacey
(deactivated member)
on 8/30/06 12:13 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Congratulations Stacey!! As someone who is just 6 months out it is wonderful to see someone succeed and sound so positive about it! You have achieved so much in such a short time! Enjoy your new house! You deserve it! Jackie
Robin C.
on 8/30/06 3:06 am - Norfolk, VA
Congrats, Stacy. Thank you for sharing that story. I see an awful lot of myself in your experiences. I am 5'6" and weigh in at 233 and find it very difficult after a full day of running my home-based video production and transfer business to have the energy to clean house and interact with my 3 children and husband. I am so exhausted by 8:30 that I am ready for bed . I cannot wait until the day that I light on my feet and able to move about freely enough to feel like it is not work just to walk about. You are an inspiration! Keep up the great work! Sincerely, RockinRobin
on 8/30/06 4:17 am - Northern, VA
Congratulations Stacey!! You have come a long way baby Dianna
on 8/30/06 7:35 am - Rockbridge Co., VA
Hi Stacey, to you, also. I am inspired by you. I, too, started at 267, at my iniital consult. I then lost 33 pounds before surgery. I am 7 months post op and have lost 108 pounds (also 5'5"). Like you, my goal is 130. You inspire me and give me confidence. Congratulations and thank you, Lois
Christine Hood
on 8/30/06 12:43 pm - Fort Eustis, VA
Congrats on all of your successes! Christine 253/203/134
(deactivated member)
on 8/30/06 10:14 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Stacey, Congratulations on making the 12 month mark . I am sure many things have changed over the last 12 ... and as I always tell people .. it is a lifestyle for life .. and while we hit our goals .. and maintain .. it speaks that we will always walk these shoes .. and you my dear are walking in them proudly . Enjoy your new life .. and never forget where you came from .. and always hold your head high while walking the GBS Life .. Hugs, Natalie
on 8/31/06 4:47 am - White Post, VA
RNY on 08/30/05 with
Hi, Surgery Partner! It's great to see you back! Thanks for the post - I have been wondering how you were doing! What an awesome year it has been!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! Hugs Jill 278 - Pre-op 225 - Surgery Day 128 - Today!!! 150 pounds gone!!!! - in one year!!!
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