I'm Baaaack

on 8/29/06 10:48 am - Kings Mountain, NC
I know it's been forever since I was here or it sure feels like it. I have been so busy and not only that but my internet has been out and I just got it back up and running today. HIP HIP HOOOOORAY!!! I have posted a new picture, & want to share some WoW moments with you all. The sub-mailman at work saw me last week and said he didn't recognize me. He thought it was someone else. Now that's wonderful...I think. Unless this person he thought I was looked worst than the "real me". Hey this is the real me. I keep looking at pictures and can't believe it myself. I have lost 50 lbs. as of today. September 3rd will be 2 months since my surgery date and I never thought it possible to feel this good, this soon. I am doing fantastic, loving life and living life for the first time in a long time. I am finding clothes in the closet that "fit". Some of them are too big for me and these were things that were too tight just a month ago. I am finding a whole new pride in the way I look and I notice a difference in the way I walk, hold my head and face other people. The best part is I know it's only going to get better. At church Sunday (I hadn't been in a couple of weeks) my niece told me that I looked 10 years younger and looked so much like my youngest daughter now. My youngest is 22. Another WoW moment. Over the weekend, I went to a birthday party for my husband's niece and everyone who had not seen me since before my surgery just couldn't get over my transformation. Guess they won't know who I am by Christmas. I have missed everyone and hope now that I have the internet back...I will be able to be in touch a little more often. I do have internet at work but I've been so busy there that time has not permitted me to get online for personal reason. Lots of Love Kathy
on 8/29/06 7:37 pm
Hi Kathy, I love your new picture on your profile! You look terrific! Enjoy all of your wow moments -- it's such a pleasure to experience and enjoy them! Hugs, Wanda
on 8/30/06 9:26 am - Kings Mountain, NC
Hey Wanda, Thank you for the compliments. It is a wonderful time in my life right now. I never saw the change until I put this new picture on my profile beside the old one. What a difference a couple of months can make. Lots of Love Kathy
(deactivated member)
on 8/29/06 8:15 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
The best thing about you and I is that I get to see you from time to time ..and I know how beautiful you are .. pics do you no justice !!!! You are doing so awesome .. and as your WLS angel .. I am so very proud of you . I am on my way to CH to bring the baby back .. and may just stop in to say hi .. Love you .. Nat
on 8/30/06 9:32 am - Kings Mountain, NC
Hey My Angel Nat.... Yes it is wonderful that I do see you every now and then. I miss you so much but the good thing is I talk to you more now than I did when you lived here. Thank you for your wonderful words about my beauty. I would rather be pretty on the inside than on the outside any day of the week. I always say that beauty comes from the inside out. I do feel like a new person now. When I look at the before and now (notice I didn't say after because that's a ways away for me) I just can't believe the change. I guess I didn't know just how FAT I really was. I had on the "fat blinders" and didn't want to see it. You know what I mean. Fix your hair and make up and think you are just gorgeous.....ugh!! I was not gorgeous in the picture with Dr. Hutcher. In fact, I looked sick. I am sure I was sick due to the problems I was having with my weight. I love you Natalie and wish you all the best in your new adventures. You are a wonderful person with beauty beaming inside & out. Lots of Love Kathy
Christine Hood
on 8/29/06 8:43 pm - Fort Eustis, VA
WOWEE Kathy!! You look AMAZING girl! I certainly wouldn't have recognized you on the street. Congrats on your awesome loss and wow moments! Keep doin' it girl! Christine
on 8/30/06 9:37 am - Kings Mountain, NC
Hey Christine... Another Wow moment. Your comment is a "wow moment". I am hoping by the January conference that nobody will recognize me. It is pretty amazing. To really see the difference go to my profile and scroll down to the bottom. The last two pictures really tell the story. I am loving it!!! Lots of Love Kathy
Robin C.
on 8/29/06 9:31 pm - Norfolk, VA
Hi Kathy, You look terrific and I am glad to hear that you are feeling so well so soon after surgery. I am not on the losing side yet, and am wondering where you are with food right now? To have lost so much weight so quickly, you must be "doing it by the book". Keep up th good work! Sincerely, Robin
on 8/30/06 9:57 am - Kings Mountain, NC
Hey Robin, Thank you for your post and your positive comments. It means so much to me to hear from someone who has yet to start their journey. Let me see if I can give you a "reader's digest condensed version" of my story. I started my journey in June 05 with an apt. to my new PCP. I was then sent to a surgeons office for a consultation who mishandled my paperwork. In Oct. I found out that it was still sitting there and nothing had been done. When they did submit it, I was denied three times due to incomplete paperwork. I then decided to go to another surgeon which was the best thing I could have possibly done. It was there I found out my insurance requires a 6 month medically supervised diet. So I got set up on that and waited my 6 months out. It was April 26th when I finished up the dieting and got my final paperwork to have it submitted. May 25th I got my approval with a surgery date of July 3rd. I went in for my surgery...had only one complication and that was a swollen esphagus. I stayed one day longer than was anticipated. I had open gastric bypass. I healed well and was never down with this surgery. I came home on Friday, July 7th and had company all the next day. I did notice my stamnia wasn't as good as I would have liked. As time went on...day by day, I felt better and better. My incision healed really nicely and when I went back for my 2 week check up I was turned loose to drive. What a feeling that was. I started eating the soft foods I was told I could have but was having trouble with each new addition. It didn't take long for me to fully understand that you have to eat slow and chew throughly. Even though I knew this, I had trouble doing it. That came from old habits being hard to break. You said I must be "doing it by the book"...well I think everyone's book is different. What one person can tolerate may not work for you or visa versa. The one thing that's a given is protein + water + exercise= weightloss. You gotta do your vitamins because you can never eat enough to get what you need. I now eat almost anything I want, although I avoid sugar and most fats. I know now to stop eating the very second I feel full...if not I am going to hurl. I never try anything new when I'm away from home. Even though the changes are sometimes hard, I wouldn't take anything for having this done. This surgery saved my life. I'm 51 years old, grandmother of 3, mother of 3, married and working every day. I no longer take meds for my high blood pressure. It is an amazing journey and I know you can't wait for yours to begin. Sorry I made this so long. I just wanted to introduce myself to you and let you know my story. And I said this was the condensed version......LOL Lots of Love Kathy
Robin C.
on 8/30/06 2:09 pm - Norfolk, VA
Hi Kathy, Thank you so much for your reply. And thank you for telling me about your journey though approval, the surgery, and life afterwards (briefly). I am trying so hard to read everything that I can to learn as much as possible before the surgery, not only so that I will know what to expect physically, but emotionally too. (I know my experiences will be slightly different or maybe even way diofferent from other's, but knowledge is very valuable in sort knowing what to expect). I have seen a lot of commonalities in the stories that I have read both here and in "WLS for Dummies" and a book called "Gastric Bypass". Everytime I read a story, I get so emotional and so full of happiness , and I was touched by yours that I read in your profile. I cannot wait to be on the losing side of this process with you. I guess what I meant by "by the book" was doing exactly as your doctor and your body direct you to - stopping eating the moment you feel satisfied, avoiding fats, exercising, etc. and not pushing your pouch to the limit by trying to the wrong foods. I am so thankful to have "met " wonderful, beautiful people like you and all the others on this board that are so willing to share so that the rest of us can learn and become as successful as you. I hope that one day I will actually meet you guys in person so that we can all toast our successes. Thanks Again, Robin
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