My/our weekend in VA Beach...

Kitty Kat
on 8/28/06 6:17 am - Richmond, VA
Hey ya'll, I had such a fabulous time this weekend! I had a lot of firsts and truly just did not want to leave. Thanks to Track for putting me up in "Hotel Ben" not to mention the many wonderful experiences I had. There are many moments that shall remain forever etched in my mind, heart and soul. I kayaked for the 1st time and was well, a babbling idiot at times but it was truly amazing. I even got to see dolphins and some of the hugest jelly fi****ruly enjoyed the motorcycle rides and the walks, talks, boardwalk and more. Saturday night it was VERY nice to see everyone and some having met them for the first time. All are much more gorgeous and beautiful in person. Pictures just cannot do ya'll justice. I haven't danced in a while but it felt great and everyone looked great (& yes, Lei looked GREAT in her "skinny" jeans). I learned many things, saw many breath taking views, enjoyed some new tasty dishes, enjoyed conversing and spending time with many, met a few new people and am still processing all of the moments in my mind and trying to journal them. Somehow words just cannot seem to do justice to all I felt, thought and more. Watching the laughter, seeing the smiles, the hugs and everyone enjoying themselves was priceless. I am so blessed to have been able to share time with ya'll. I've got just 18 pictures and all from the club. I just did not have my camera with me as there was much spontaneity and water seemed to be a major factor. Besides pictures tell many stories but cannot touch what the eyes see, the body feels, the ears hear, the heart & soul experience. I hope the link works. Thanks to everyone for showing this "outtatowner" a GREAT time and I am truly looking forward to it again in the very near future. Always - Kitty Kat
(deactivated member)
on 8/28/06 6:36 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
You all looked like you had a wonderful time!! I am glad that you enjoyed it - you deserve the break! Congrats! Jackie
Kitty Kat
on 8/28/06 11:27 pm - Richmond, VA
Thanks Jackie, It was truly one of the BEST weekends of my summer. I am so touched by so many things. It was just great! I ate at this place called Panera Bread??? (Ok no I'd never eaten there until this past weekend yep lame I know) OMG can you say I KNOW where 2 of them are near me and I WILL be going again? Oh yes, Kat will be taking some ME time there. I had this wonderful 4 cheese/egg/spinach souffle and this really yummy Ginger Peach Tea. It was soooooo good! A welcome break and I am really looking forward to returning again soon. It may be a bit tough with the kids going to school (well our oldest) but I will take them down as well. Hugs, Kat
(deactivated member)
on 8/30/06 10:13 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
I know Panera Bread - some of us meet there in Fairfax every 3rd Saturday for Roberta and Cindy's support group. I have never eaten there because we go to PF Changs afterwards and that is the highlight of my month lolol!! I am so glad you had a wonderful time and you will have a good time if you take the kids too!! Jackie
Christine Hood
on 8/28/06 7:59 am - Fort Eustis, VA
Hey Kat! It was great to finally meet you! Hopefully we'll get a chance to chat a bit more next time. Glad to hear you had so many awesome firsts! Christine 253/204/134
on 8/28/06 9:50 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Did you try on that mini skirt yet? I wanna see you in it next time we go out. But with your weight going down like it is..You wont be lagging behind me for long !!!! So.... go out and buy some more clothes..and grow a foot. I need to get rid of my maternity looking attire !!!!! Smoooooooches !!! Dana
on 8/29/06 11:10 pm - Toms River, NJ
Hijack -- Hi Dana -- it was great meeting you and Pete on Sat nite. Sorry Gene and I had to split so early, but we are so old..... and were so tired! (At least, Gene was!) In any case, we'll take a raincheck on the boat ride when the weather cooperates more, and extend one to you guys anytime you want to head to the Jersey shore! We have plenty of space and guest rooms so give me a buzz anytime! Hugs, Nannette P.S. You are one gorgeous blonde!
Kitty Kat
on 8/28/06 11:39 pm - Richmond, VA
Oh it was very nice meeting you as well. I tell you what you remind me of and that is a porcelain doll! Beautiful & I LOVE your hair! I would love to get together again soon and chat. I'm sorry I wasn't as sociable this time around. It was a LONG day but quite enjoyable! I am sooooo glad I came down! Hugs, Kat
on 8/29/06 3:39 am - on the beach down by the bay, VA
now...don't go blaming me if you were tired...I had my list of b'day do' had kayakking, dolphin watching, motorcycling, boardwalk, at the club...besides...I was raring to need to get some more of that hi-octane starbucks instead of that wimpy 26 oz. 10 & 10...get some real coffee in you... I too had a great time...even though the music at the club was a little loud....what did you say?...I SAID...THE MUSIC AT THE CLUB WAS REALLY LOUD!!!... But the deejays were a riot...they were the entertainment...if you don't count the poor excuse for erratic movement of one certain individual who shall not be named.....hrmmmppp..track...ppphhh.... I got a late message from nanette that they were heading back to jersey early, so she didn't have time to kayak...but the offer is out there...just give me a little notice... It was good to see everyone...and boy...sharon can parrttyyyy...and then wake up at 0 dark thirty and head for the road....not me....I need my rest...ya'll wearing this old man out....
Kitty Kat
on 8/29/06 8:41 am - Richmond, VA
Yeah well, you wore me out! I swear when I hit "Hotel Ben" I was like a rock. I had such a wonderful time and I owe most of the thanks to you! I am so thrilled to be able to check off several more things from my To Accomplish List. Kayaking: check (and for the record jelly fish are fugly & I was a wuss bout 'em but in my defense they were HUGE & I did have a "Jaws" moment ) Dolphin watching: check (OMG what a BEAUTIFUL sight) Motorcycling: (a LOT) check check check check and check some more Boardwalk: rocking chairs in which I could have sat ALL am/pm and just vegged "oh waiter bring me a fru fru drink and some cheese cubes" Paneras: God knows the check books gonna take a hurtin' Party @ the club: I got you AND Rick to so There are several other things we did, chatted about and enjoyed immensely and I am forever grateful/thankful! I am truly looking forward to the next fabulous adventure. Thanks for EVERYTHING & IHEARTYA! Always-Kat Oh and BITE ME bout my coffee! I happen to my 7-11 10 & 10 and what sucks is in 3 years time 7-11 is GONE. Yep, Southland will no longer own them! Grrrrr! So, MAYBE just MAYBE I will have to LEARN another lesson and switch to THAT other coffee Stttttttttarbucks ()
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