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(deactivated member)
on 8/27/06 10:16 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
. G'morning friends, Well, I knew it was just a matter of time before my Laptop would bite the dust and boy did it bite HARD!!! I'm downstairs using the old relic of a "desk top" and it's barely keeping up with my thought process much less the speed of my fingers. lol, heck it took 5 minutes just to LOAD this site and yes, that's with high speed connection. I mentioned it's a RELIC, right? I'm not sure when we'll get a new one, probably sometime in the next wee****il then, I will be OUT OF COMMISSION and mainly off line. This desktop is just too slow and Lei is just TOO impatient to mess around with it. If you're trying to reach me and I'm slow in responding, that's why. Oh, and like the timing of this hard drive crash wasn't enough? It happens AFTER I uploaded all of the photos to my computer from Saturday night. Havent a clue if any of that can be retrieved or saved (grrrrrrrrrr) but I'll have Paul look at it when he gets home. He's got more "geek" skills then me and if there is a chance of retrieving them he can do it. Anyone else have pictures out there they can share? We had a WONDERFUL time with ALL of you this weekend. Talk about non-stop fun, sun, dancing and friends. Life's a BEACH!! Lei Psssst.... Lady Di (Dianne) ....thank you so much for the TIP on the Ramada Inn. We had an absolute BLAST up on the roof splashing around in the pool. Wendy, Nannette, her hubby Gene (and I) pretty much stayed there the entire day! Dontcha' know we're gonna become regular guests? lol .
Sharon Q.
on 8/27/06 10:49 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
DANGIT DANGIT DANGIT!!!!!!!!!!! I always rely on you to post the pictures, and I was sooooooooooooooooo looking forward to it this morning!!!! Oh well, hopefully soon, or somebody else will have em. I had such a blast with you guys!!!!!!!!!!!! I so wish I could've been there longer, I don't think you should go to the beach unless you have more than 24 hours to spend there!!! I barely was there 12 hours in the end!!! Couldn't possibly pack in all the fun I wanted to have in that short time!!! Thanks Lei, Wendy, Paul, Joann, Rick, Track & Kat for the fun times I did get to spend!! TRACK, a special thank you goes out to you for providing a comfy place to sleep...........and entertainment in the form of a drunken son!!!! Nannette, it was so great to see you again and meet Gene, he's a sweetie pie!!! Natalie, we had a blast as always, and you know I love Alan soooooooooo much!!! I love my newly found friends...........Dana (Dang are you ever beautiful girl!!!), Christine (the regal princess!!), Cheryl (I thought we were gonna dance together, did we?? ) Kelly (man you do you have the moves girl!!) Sorry if I missed anybody, I'm still sleep deprived!!! I love all of you soooooooooooooo much, and I am sooooooooooo thankful for each of you!!!!!!!!!!!! XOOXOXOXOXOXOXOOX Sharon PS>>>>>>>>>>>>Did you guys see how HOT Leilani looked in her SKINNY JEANS??? DAMN, bet she GOT SUM when she got home!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christine Hood
on 8/28/06 8:09 am - Fort Eustis, VA
Hey Sharon! It was great to finally meet you! You have the most awesome smile! Oh, and I second that on the Lei/skinny jeans/gettin sum!! Christine 253/204/134
Christine Hood
on 8/28/06 8:09 am - Fort Eustis, VA
Hey Sharon! It was great to finally meet you! You have the most awesome smile! Oh, and I second that on the Lei/skinny jeans/gettin sum!! Christine 253/204/134
on 8/29/06 11:37 pm - Toms River, NJ
Hey Sharon - I already wrote you but wanted to chime in here to say it was good seeing you again. Sorry you split so early on Sunday -- we had a very relaxing day at the pool with Lei and Wendy..... Hugs, Nannette P.S. I have never heard Gene called a sweetie pie before>>>> LOL He is though, but hides it well.....
Betsy Anitahug
on 8/28/06 1:28 am - Danville, VA
Hi Sweet Lei....I wish I could have been there this weekend...barely got out of bed all weekend. Still recovering from the nasty pnemonia...(yeah, on my knees, moaning for the last 2 weeks...this is a killer) I am feeling better today and thinking of going out and actually doing something. Not sure what yet. Anyhoo...sounds like you are doing wonderful in the losing department..I am at a stall again. Has been a miserable summer for me...hope things get better soon...I am sure they will..Take care and I love and miss ya bunches.. Hugs, Betsy
Christine Hood
on 8/28/06 8:14 am - Fort Eustis, VA
Hey Bets... Sorry you couldn't make it but I am glad to hear that you are on the mend. See ya on the next go 'round! Keep feelin better! Christine 253/204/134
Christine Hood
on 8/28/06 8:07 am - Fort Eustis, VA
Nice! Break the computer before you display the pics...Anyway, I had a blast with you and Wendy last night!! You two are always sooooo much fun!! I am planning to go to the Hilton on Wednesday morning (or maybe tomorrow evening) to get my pin for next weekend! I am definitely going to all of those concerts!! I will be attempting to convince Tony that he needs to go but if not, he just won't see me for the weekend as it seems that I will be parked (on my butt that is) at the oceanfront the entire time !! Hopefully there will be another hot vision!! Christine 253/204/134
on 8/28/06 11:09 am - Richmond, VA
Hey Lei, I'm so glad you all were able to enjoy the pool I wish we could have stayed a bit longer to join you all, but I had to get back to Richmond with my friends . I am sooooo glad I got to hang out on the beach with you, Paul, Wendy, Joann and Rick, it was so great to meet you all. Next time I will make it out for sure! I'm sorry I missed out seeing everyone else! I'm so glad we finally got ot meet! Keep in touch, I hope your computer gets fixed soon! -Diane
on 8/28/06 11:29 pm - Stafford, VA
Hey damn I know you want that fixed and fast! Thanks again for all the fun and to Paul for the hook up on the cigar. I had a blast ! Take care........... and to all of you that mised it ya better be there for the next one !
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