One more thing...

(deactivated member)
on 8/22/06 9:42 pm -'Beach, VA
Hello Amber - Some people deal better with their journey if they stay away from the scales completely. While others (MYSELF) have to weigh in every single day, in the same nekkid stance, first thing in the morning. You have to choose your obsessions in life, and how you're going to deal with them. If your obsession is to weigh in daily, then you have to learn to DEAL with the fact that MORE days then NOT (possibly several weeks at a time), you will NOT have a weight variance. It's just that simple. IF weighing in frequently, is going to be difficult for you, and it's okay if it is, just recognize the aggra and stress that comes with it and stay off the scales!! Also, try to learn your specific bodies losing pattern. I had to discover and learn *my* bodies trends/pattern and ACCEPT it early on, or it would have left me feeling hopeless with over 230 lbs to lose. After about 6 months post op, my body would ONLY lose weight ONCE every 4 to 5 weeks. NOTHING the entire month, and then I'd wake up and be down 6 to 10 lbs, overnight, BAM, just like that. It did not mean I was stuck in plateau mode during 4 of those 5 weeks, it meant my body had a pattern and it was the true leader in charge, not my brain. So, regardless of what my mind said, or what other peoples STATS dictated, it wasn't going to be the same for me. I think if you can discover your specific pattern, it'll save you a lot of grief and stress in the upcoming year. LOL, Oh, and in case it doesn't? ...ditch the scales. - Lei
Amber B.
on 8/23/06 4:08 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Hey Lei, You're absolutely right. I know that I should put my scale away for a while. I guess I just didn't realize that this was going to happen. I set myself up with great expectations, but now that I'm realizing its more "normal" I'm not so upset. It's just tough now when people ask how much I lost and they were so excited by the big numbers, they seem different when I say I haven't lost anything. But I'm explaining it slowly but surely and they understand. I hope that I do learn my patterns, that would be great!!!! I'm going to work on eating different and working out more, that may help too. Otherwise, the scale is GONE!!! thanks! Amber
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