(deactivated member)
on 8/18/06 4:27 am - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
I just received my official email , my inpatient clinic date is Tuesday August 22nd at 10 am . I am so excited . I feel like this will give me the answer I am looking for and I can finally get my life back here and with all of my great friends ( MOONBEAM !! ) Here is my delima ... I was to be Pat Birdsongs Angel .. she is having surgery( RNY ) the same day .. I need for everyone in the Richmond Area to rally with me to see to it that she is taken care of . I feel like I have let her down , but I must take this appointment .. and I hope if she reads this she will understand . Tammy C .. Tammy George .. all Richmonders .. I need you to help be my angels in waiting . I plan on getting down there as soon as I can . She says she has it handled .. I just do not want anything to hinder her in having this life saving surgery . Please be good you all while I am gone ... and remember me .. Love ya .. Tink
Kathy & Rich
on 8/18/06 7:24 am - Fairfax, VA
Tink, You are such a giving, giving soul but when it comes to your health... you have to put yourself first, hon. This appointment is critical and you must get it done as soon as possible. Enough time has already passed waiting on it. You need to get this surgically removed or treated or whatever they are going to do to it. I want you and Alan to have decades of joy together in the best possible health. I'm sorry that you won't be able to physically be there for Pat that night before and the next day. But I'm sure she's knows how important your appointment is and that you'll totally be there with her in spirit. Love, Kathy
Betsy Anitahug
on 8/18/06 12:31 pm - Danville, VA
Oh, Girlfriend...If I only lived closer you know I would be there for Pat but like Cathy said, this is too important to your health. You always help everyone and now it is time to help you. I love ya and wish I could be with both of you. I love ya. Hugs, Betsy
(deactivated member)
on 8/18/06 9:04 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
That is AWESOME NEWS!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad this is finally coming together for you - the hardest part (for me) is the unknown, let me know what the hell I'm up against and I can find ways to deal or adjust, but NOT knowing makes it impossible to micro-manage the results. Hey? How long before they have some answers? What exactly are they doing to you as an inpatient? When do they release you? When do they expect to have some ideas on how to treat it? Is it immediately, or will you have to wait for labs/testing results down the road? I'm hoping when you and Alan are here on Saturday we're all toasting to some fantastic news! Hugs - Lei
Christine Hood
on 8/19/06 12:24 am - Fort Eustis, VA
Congrats Nat! I am soooo happy that you will finally get the info that you need. See ya next week! Hugs Christine
on 8/19/06 5:51 am - Marshall, VA
Natalie, That is awesome news!!!!!!!!! I know how long you have been waiting for answers! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope they will find out the real scoop on that tumor! Keep smiling; we love ya, Karen
on 8/20/06 3:48 am - Richmond, VA
Tink~ Congrats on your date! I will be happy to visit with Pat and post after work on Tuesday if she/you would like me to. I get off from work at 5:30 and could go straight there. Just let me know something and I pray all goes well with you! ~Tammy
(deactivated member)
on 8/21/06 12:52 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Good lucl Nat - we will all be thinking about you - and waiting to hear how things went! love, Jackie
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