Six week check up and everything is going wonderful
Hey Everyone,
Just had to post and say hey to everyone and let you know that it's been 6 weeks since my surgery and today was my 6 week check up. I am down 45 lbs. since my surgery and doing fantastic. My incision is healing wonderfully and everything is coming up roses for me. I am down from 305 to 260 which is amazing. I am just totally beside myself. It's really easy to do this. Overeating isn't an option anymore for me. Wow, I never knew lossing could feel so GREAT!!
This week I had a wow moment too. A guy that had not seen me since way before my surgery came to my office. He did a double take and told me I really looked good. Looks like you've lost weight and you really look good. I am sure I blushed but ate it up too. It's so nice to see others notice the change that's taken place in me.
This surgery definitley isn't for wimps but if you are willing to give it all you got to get through it is so worth it!! Good luck to all of you out there in your continued progress, maintanance or if you are just beginning your journey as I was so long ago. Seems like a million years ago now.
I want to thank each and every one of you for being my through all this. You all mean the world to me and I couldn't have done it without you.....and you know who you are.
Lots of Love
Hey Stephanie,
Thank you for your loving support. I'm pretty proud of me too but in my heart I couldn't have done this without the surgery and I am so grateful I pressed until I got it. I will keep everyone posted on all my WoW moments. They are coming more and more now. I am on my way and I can't wait to reach my goal.
Lots of Love
Hey Baby Cakes,
Thank you so much for your love and support. Can you believe how long I waited for these WoW moments and now here they are. It's an amazing journey and I know the best is yet to come. I'll let you know everytime I have a WOW moment. If I could only be as beautiful as you.
Lots of Love
Hey Tink,
How could I have done this without you and all your love. You've been there for me when I wasn't even here for myself. You've seen me in the pits and still loved me through it all. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for more than anything else.......your friendship. You are one classy lady.
Lots of Love