For those at Portsmouth Naval Hospital

on 8/17/06 3:41 am - GA
Okay, I have a question. I just got my initial appointment set up...finally, YEA!!! anyways, I was just wondering if anybody knows what will cause you to get denied. I've been waiting on the list for a year now, have gone through some crap with the numbering system and while I know I haven't waiting as long as some, i'm still sooo ready to have my surgery already. So I would hate to have waited and hoped for this and then get to my first appointment only to have the surgeon say "Sorry you are not a good candidate for surgery" or something similair. Sounds silly I know, but it's nonetheless what I'm afraid of. Also can anyone who has had the surgery recently give me a time line of how long from initial appointment to surgery? I'm guessing right around 2-3 months...which will put it sometime around Thanksgiving to Christmas. I did lose some weight while I was doing the 6 month nutrition classes...but it was only about 15 lbs and it was because I gave up all chocolate and soda. Anyways...please let me know if you know any reason that they would deny me. Thanks, have a great day!
on 8/17/06 6:40 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Raven... What was your number? I was 236 and decided to go on the outside. Last month Jan called me and asked if I was still interested and wanted to set up the appointment. I told you no move on to the next number, but thanks for calling. First off...When is your first appointment? What is your BMI and do you have any co-morbidities? Jan said in the class we all had to sit through that if you did the diet and dropped below the required BMI then you would no longer qualify. There are ways around a few boxes of Actually...i wasn't quite 40 BMI when I checked into WLS so I gained a few pounds to make sure I qualified. Shoooot..a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do !!! It would have only been another year or so before my BMI was over 40 anyhow !!! I know what you mean about being afraid of being denied after the long wait. There are ways around that !!! Look forward to hearing from ya !! Dana
on 8/17/06 10:19 am - GA
My number was 261. It was 213 (I think I found out about it being changed like 2 months ago so I don't really remember) but then they changed it, moving on. My appointment is Sept. 15, BMI is 45.5...I have some co-morbidities...but nothing too serious. My asthma is much worse because of my weight, I have trouble doing some dancing and running, goofing around with my two toddlers. I remember that but I'm far from being away from dropping below the BMI they want, lol. I'm right there with you about doing anything to qualify for the surgery. Thankfully I haven't gained any weight but I'm not really losing it either. I wanted to go on the outside so bad but we just couldn't afford it. My husband was an E-4 when I got on the list last year and there was just no way we could do that and still support us and 2 kids. So I waited, it has not been fun but I can't allow us to go into debt for this when I can get it for free. Well not free...just free moneywise, lol. Feel free to email me anytime. I can be reached at [email protected] or [email protected] . Blessings, Raven
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