Mark's Surgery

on 8/16/06 9:43 pm - Richmond, VA
Just a quick update. Mark had his first surgery yesterday morning. The neurosurgeon said it was a complete success and could not have gone any better. They were able to get a biopsy while they were in there so no we just wait 5-7 days for the results of that to determine the next phase of treatment. He goes today for a cat scan and an MRI to make sure the drain is still open and functioning well. He had a headache last night and a low grade fever, but the Dr. said that was normal. Thanks again for all of your continued support and prayers. I will post more when I know something. {{hugs}} Tammy
(deactivated member)
on 8/16/06 9:46 pm - Fairfax Station, VA
Continued good thoughts going your way Tammy, love donna
on 8/17/06 3:10 am - Richmond, VA
Donna, Thanks so much! Waiting is hard, but hopefully we will get a good result. {{hugs}} Tammy
Kathy & Rich
on 8/16/06 10:00 pm - Fairfax, VA
I'll keep him and your family in my thoughts. Hope the biopsy shows the best possible result. HUGS to you and yours, Kathy
on 8/17/06 3:12 am - Richmond, VA
Kathy, Thank you so much! All the thoughts and prayers are most welcome and appreciated. I will post when we get the results. Tell Rich hello! {{hugs}} Tammy
on 8/16/06 10:55 pm - Glen Allen, VA
Well that is wonderful news.. Let him know I wish him a speedy recovery.. Hang in there and keep us posted..I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.. Smiles & hugs Angie
on 8/17/06 3:14 am - Richmond, VA
Angie, Thank you so much and I will. I have told him that I posted and he was really touched that all of you were/are thinking about him and praying for him. I will post more when I know something. {{hugs}} Tammy
*~Tigger~ *
on 8/16/06 11:02 pm - Staunton, VA
Tammy, I know this is such a difficult time for you and your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers! BTW, my 23 year old nephew has cirrosis (sp?) of the liver, is very ill, and hoping for a transplant. Sometimes life just doesn't seem fair, huh/ JoAnn
on 8/17/06 3:18 am - Richmond, VA
JoAnn~ Yes, it is a very difficult time for all of us. We are mentally and physically exhausted. I am hopeful that thngs are on the way up! Thank you so much for the thoughts and prayers. They mean the world to all of us. I am sorry to hear about your nephew and I will add him to my prayers. Life is not fair a lot of times but I am trying to look at it like God only gives us what we can handle. Steve's cousin (mid 30's) is awaiting a heart transplant right now, too. He is on the list and carries a pager with him. Please let me know how your nephew is doing! {{hugs}} Tammy
Christine Hood
on 8/16/06 11:45 pm - Fort Eustis, VA
Hey Tammy, Glad to hear that the first phase was a success! Continued prayers for EXCELLENT biopsy results and smooth results for future phases. Hugs Christine
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