Is it January Yet ??? Your Thoughts Please

(deactivated member)
on 8/17/06 1:06 am - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Ok , I know it is August, but I have begun getting responces from my Vendors for the Upcoming January Event ( See for the Formal Announcement . I want to know from those that attended in January and June, what vendors would you like to see , did we have enough at the other events , what topics excite you , what info would you like to see . I will be putting together some things for David in the coming weeks, and want to make sure that you all know that these events are for you , your education, support and FUN .. If you are thinking about attending - I would suggest start planning now . This is going to be one of the best events ever .. and I would hate for anyone to miss out . So get your thinking caps on .. and send me your responces , Always, Tink
on 8/17/06 3:22 am - Barboursville, VA
Cool do we know details yet price etc? I looked at the Stapled up page didnt see anything. I think there should be some type of group discussions on problems we may have and how to deal w/ them weather it be eating mental phyiscal issues that way getting to know each other and knowing we arent alone out here w/ issues and not getting answers. Does that make since. I think the vendors @ the Boogie and Splash were awsome the samples were great.
Sharon Q.
on 8/17/06 3:43 am - Fredericksburg, VA
DAYUM, now that gets me all excited inside just thinking about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, C'MON JANUARY BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, so here's one thing I want a repeat of. I was (for some reason) completely missing the point when I saw these beautiful bracelets made by one of our members, and used as a medical ID bracelet. I want one BAD!!! Can we make sure to have her come back??? NOW, HURRY UP N GET HERE JANUARY!!!!!! Sharon
on 8/17/06 12:23 pm - on the beach down by the bay, VA
those bracelets are made by kim b from mass. you don't have to wait until jan to get can order from her probably... uhmm...hi....
on 8/17/06 12:23 pm - on the beach down by the bay, VA
those bracelets are made by kim b from mass. you don't have to wait until jan to get can order from her probably... uhmm...hi....
on 8/17/06 4:21 am - Kings Mountain, NC
Hey Natalie, What about a recipe swap. Everyone bring copies of their favorites and let's trade. Or have a table where you can pick them up. Make sure each person has their name and OH identity on it so everyone know who to thank for wonderful ideas. This way we could make our own recipe book. How does that sound as a suggestion. I want to see the vendor back with the bracelets too as Sharon suggested. Love ya, Kathy
Sharon Q.
on 8/17/06 4:26 am - Fredericksburg, VA
OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the recipe swap idea!!!! I think that could really help a lot of people, pre and post op!!! I can think of a few off the top of my head, so I'm sure everybody else could come up with 1!!! Great idea Kathy!!!! OXOXOXOOXOOXOXOX Sharon
on 8/17/06 7:16 am - Barboursville, VA
Yea why not make our own Virginia recipe book? That would be a cool thing.
(deactivated member)
on 8/17/06 9:29 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Ok Kathy , would this be something you would like to take charge of ?? I would love to do this , I think it would be an adition to our event . We have a lot of great cooks here . Let me know and we can start working on it . It will take some time to get it together and hve it ready by Jan .. Let me know .. and yes the Lady with the bracelts will be back , Nat
on 8/17/06 8:44 pm - Chesterfield, VA
I, too, am looking forward to the January event!! The Forever Thin support group at St. Mary's is in the process of collecting recipes and compiling a NEW cookbook for post-op WLS. Since several people have expressed an interest, I'd be willing to go out on a limb here and say we'll have it available for January. Also, we are happy to add anyone's ORIGINAL recipe! All are welcome to email them to me; be sure to include your name for credit and nutritional info is helpful! Personally, I really enjoyed all the vendors at both events. I think it would be fun to have some t-shirts made up (or something like that) to commemorate the event and have them for sale. Profits could go to a vendor... defray event costs! Hope all is well with you, Ms. Tink!! Love ya, Tammy
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