Indemetrial Ablation (sp)?

on 8/16/06 1:11 am - Barboursville, VA
They called this morning to schedule my surgery for the 7th of Sept. Im concerned about this if you have had it please let me know what to expect, Im tired of the bleeding whenever it feels like it and Im getting my tubes tide as well boyfriend thinks Im making a mistake, any suggestions on this?
on 8/16/06 1:26 am - Marshall, VA
A woman I work with had this done last year. She is 49 and has had the periods from he** for a long time. The procedure was painless, about 30 minutes, under general anethesia and her hubby drove her home to rest afterwards. Seems to me it was done on a Friday and she returned to work Monday. She had hoped it would completely stop her periods, but it didn't. They are very light, no more cramps or backaches and very do-able. She prays for menopause to hurry up and get here! But she has no regrets in having the surgery. I am sure you will be fine and hope you have a great result! Hugs, Karen
(deactivated member)
on 8/16/06 1:26 am - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Many moons ago , I went in for what seemed like eternal bleeding. I found out I had fibroids and tumors in my utererus. At one point they wanted to do an Ablation, almost like a DNC where they scrape and clean out the womb. It is painful , but managable . I would not worry to much . It will fix your bleeding issues. I ended up with a complete Hysterectomy as I had carcinoma . As to tying your tubes .. sweety only you can answer that one . If you do not want children anymore .. than I would possibly consider it .. but if there is any hint that you may change your mind.. I would reconsider ... so many varibles ... I wish you the best and pray you find your answers . Much love and hugs, Natalie
on 8/16/06 11:13 am - Barboursville, VA
Thanks Natalie for your post and Im trying to avoid the Hysterectomy and rid of those periods though I dont really have just the last part of the cycle of the Depo shot but I want to stop those as well, because Ive read some have weight gain w/ them. God Bless you and your in my prayers as well.
on 8/16/06 3:28 am - Virginia Beach, VA
I had this procedure in Feb 2005. It was a huge blessing. I haven't had any bleeding since and have avoided a hysterectomy. They put you under and insert a balloon in your uterus and run boiling water thru it for 20 minutes. This cauterizes the blood vessels in your uterus. It does not reach the fallopian tubes so you may have some bleeding after. Also they said I might have some discharge after surgery but I really didn't. No pain either. I was really hot in the recovery room but once I was home I was fine. Just take it easy like they tell you. check out this website it has some great info. so does I will pray for your success Hugs Jenny
on 8/16/06 11:16 am - Barboursville, VA
Thank You for the words of wisdom and the information sights.
on 8/16/06 10:03 am
I had this procedure in March of 2004. The good news is that I only had one period afterwards. That was it. None again. I was happy to give that up! My Dr. said it was important NOT to want to have any children after the procedure, so I'm thinking having your tubes tied at the same time makes sense. I subsequently had to have a hysterectomy because of a cancer scare, but I felt great after my ablation. As I recall I went in for the procedure about 8am and my husband was driving me home before noon. I had a little cramping, took a long nap when I got home and still went to my daughter's kindergarten music program that night. I hope yours goes well too! Take care, Wanda
on 8/16/06 11:19 am - Barboursville, VA
Thanks I hope mine goes as well and they said they can tie the tubes in the same precedure so go for it is what I said. Thank you for your post.
~Sexy YaYa~
on 8/17/06 12:11 am
Hey there sweetheart! I had my endometrial ablation done on June 02, 2006. Mine was necessary due to excessive bleeding too. As you can tell from many of the other posts, it's an a same day procedure and can be done with local or general anesthetic. I was asleep and did just fine...but didn't rest as the doctor said and developed a complication (you can read about it in my profile). Having your tubes tied at the same time is a great idea (wish I had thought about it). Since the procedure, I have had 2 menstral cycles. They are much lighter and only last 4-5 days instead of 10 or more days with EXTREMELY heavy bleeding. So, for me it was well worth it. My doctor will be deciding by the end of the year if I will ultimately need a hysterectomy as the bleeding is a long term concern. I was anemic before WLS and this female issue is making my counts dwindle down even more. My your research and talk to your doctor about what is best for YOU and YOUR health. Your boyfriend is not the one going through this offense but you should remember you are #1 priority. I can tell you that you're not the only one going through fact according to my WLS surgeon MANY women suffer female problems post-op. After all, hormones are stored in fat and rapid loss of fat can create a hormone nightmare! Feel free to email me of you want to talk more...I'm here for you Tanya
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