(deactivated member)
on 8/14/06 2:19 am - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Go figure , I called the lady that is assisting with the NIH study . And guess what .. they never received my paperwork . Nope .. never . I am now having to hustle to get Doctor Parkers office to fax it all over to them . All 37 pages !!!!! I have been sitting here now for 3 weeks hoping to hear something - and now another delay . If this does not go thru , I have no clue what to do . I am so mad I could spit bullets .. but I know to have expected it .. as it always happens .. ya know . Well... I will keep ya posted .. as I am preparing to move and get things situated here in Rockville ... my new home .. yes he asked me to share his life and that is what I am going to do .. He has been my angel and I cannot thank God enough for him Things are changing for me leaps and bounds .. and I want to thank all my friends for sticking by me at this time . All of you have been very supportive and understanding . Stay tuned .. Tink
Kathy & Rich
on 8/14/06 2:45 am - Fairfax, VA
Tink, Paperwork is one of those great mystery things that always seems to disappear exponentially related to its importance. Hope you get it fax and received right away. Sorry for your delay. Share his life? WOW, big news (not suprising but BIG!!). Congratulations to both you and Alan!! That's awesome. All you've been through and are going through, I know you both realize how precious and short life really is. Make the most of every moment. Believe me, given our situation... we are trying to do the same. It'll be great to have you closer! Hope we get to see you two one of these days. Hugs, Kathy
(deactivated member)
on 8/14/06 2:53 am - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
I am so happy . Even with all that is going on . I would love to get together with you and Rich .. that would be awesome ! Hey do you have any reccomendations of a good neuro-surgeon? I need to have the disc in my back looked at .. and clueles on who to use . Thanks again .. hope to see ya soon . Nat
Kathy & Rich
on 8/14/06 3:29 am - Fairfax, VA
I do not believe he is a neurosurgeon but my back surgeon is top notch. Dr. Michael Hasz of the Virginia Spine Institute. I was seeing an ass and ended up asking physical therapists who they thought the best back doctor was and he came highly recommended by them. He is in Reston. Takes a long time to get an appointment so call now. http://www.spinemd.com/office.htm I cannot recommend him/them enough. Kathy
on 8/14/06 3:04 am - Orlando, FL
1st WOWWWW! Welcome to the DC Metro Area and Best Wishes to both of you for having the courage to step out on the water and take a chance on building a life together. You seem so great together. 2nd Don't get discouraged. It is only a setback, nothing that you can't fix. Hugs from Springfield CathyA
on 8/14/06 3:58 am - Richmond, VA
Tink~ Congratulations! I am happy for both you and Alan. I understand why you are so mad but maybe this will mean you will be put at the top of the list? I will keep praying for you. As for a neurosurgeon I have been doing A LOT of research this past few days since my nephew has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. It is in the middle of his brain and he will be having TWO brain surgeries this week and then we will see where to go from there. We have chosen Dr. Ward and Dr. Ty (partners) located at MCV. We have researched probably every one in Richmond and I used the data base at work to see some others as well from around here. They had the best track records and results. Hope this helps! {hugs} Tammy
Pat F.
on 8/14/06 5:30 am - Richmond, VA
Tink try and be patient a little longer things will work out. Congrats to you and Allen I hope the two of you will be happy for a long time to come. I will keep you in my prayers and throughts. Mom Pat
on 8/14/06 5:36 am - Potomac Falls, VA
Hey Tink, Sorry about the medical stuff but very happy for you and Alan. Are we going to see your this Saturday at Panera. We are all going to the Gem and Jewelry Show after I have free tickets for everyone. Miss you. Roberta
(deactivated member)
on 8/14/06 6:11 am - Remington, VA
Natalie, Isn't it frustrating having other people put your life in their hands?? I hope they get on the ball as of yesterday and get their act togeher to get you better! On a good note it seems the romance department's carrying you through!!! How exciting! Kirsten
on 8/14/06 7:07 am - Rockbridge Co., VA
Boo on the fax machines, but hooray for your new life! Funny, I was just talking with Dusty about things like that on the way home from work today. There is no way I would move away from here. Guess I shouldn't count on finding anyone via POF . Having been married twice has given me quite a list of preferences vs. requirements AND right about now I am feeling pretty well depleted. I have little to offer anyone. I am so thankful just to be able to take care of myself. You are very fortunate to have found the right guy, but I know YOU know that. Congratulations! Lois
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