I got it now and I am going to show it off!
First look at my new bikini, yes, I said bikini! I love the work Dr. Drake did on me. Still have some swelling...he said give it another 6 weeks or so, but I still look good in this bikini! I am feeling really good. Not over doing it...just enjoying life! and my new body! I know I have said it before, and I will say it again~~I got a flat belly!!!!!
I could not have done it alone! Thanks for everyone's support~ Stacey
Three weeks out pics:
Donna, thank you thank you thank you!
About 15 months after gastric I started maintaining between 120-130 pounds lost (which put me weighing between 150-160 pounds). I stayed there right up until my tummy tuck. So another words once you start maintaining you'll know and that is when it is good to look at the plastics. If you do it too soon you lose more weight you have more skin. My insurance wouldn't even consider until after 18 months.
After plastics I actually jumped up to 167 due to the weight gain from swelling. Now he took just about 10 pounds of skin off and he says in another six week I should be able to tell. I am currently weighing the 160, but have alot of fluids left even in my ankles. So I expect I will at least maintain around 145-155.
Hope this helps! Stacey
PS the weight lifted off my back was a gift in itself. I truely felt the difference from the minute I woke up from surgery. The nurses laughed at me for saying I felt like a feather, but I do!
You're looking FINE... mmmm mmm mmmm *wipes some drool*
Huh What? Umm yea... Sorry got distracted by the pics again...
Glad to see you're doing well baby...
Lookin forward to seeing you sometime somewhere! Always a pleasure to hug a beautiful woman!!!
Good job! who knows.. I just might be there someday.. flat belly would be nice!!!