Hydaration & Soup questions

on 8/3/06 3:25 pm - FPO, Japan
I am actually doing very well sicne surgery (July 15th, open RNY) but just had a couple things I wanted to ask-- I get in all my water, but I wondered if I just get, say, 48 ozs in one day and my urine is clear or just very, very light yellow, am I still hydrated? Also-- I've been making myself tomatoe soup for lunch. Today I looked at the ingredients and much to my surprise, it lists tomoatoe puree, water, and high fructose corn syrup! Shouldn't the corn syrup be making me sick? There are 10 grams of sugars per serving as well... I really didnt even think to look. Now I feel silly. Thought I would ask if anyone knows why Im not dumping on this?
(deactivated member)
on 8/3/06 8:48 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
G'morning MD ~ Rumor has it that 70% of all "RNY" patients will/can dump with the surgery, the reason Ive decided that is just RUMOR and not based on medical data is because based on my circle of friends (and thanks to the internet and 5 years of posting to the OH Board, I can say there are thousands) .....that ratio is skewed. If anything, it's just the opposite - 70% don't dump [in the dramatic sense that dumping is described and expected] and only 30% probably do. "MY" bodies version of dumping [or punishing me for eating foods with too much sugars or fats] was to immediately send me into the zone/nap mode. LOL, the way I see it, that's not much of a deterrant? Eat a yummy something or another and then have to go lay down and take a siesta? Oh alright, if I must! So, in answer to your question, should corn syrup have caused you to dump - lol, maybe, does it mean everyone will? Unfortunately, absolutely NOT - which is SO what I NEEDED with the RNY. Im a sugar-aholic from way back, hence the 400 lbs before surgery - now that my dump-o-meter is outta' order, it'll be a lifetime struggle to avoid sweets, ugh! - Lei
Amber B.
on 8/3/06 11:03 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
I agree with Leilani. I haven't dumped yet either, although i've been pretty good at check all of the sugar grams. I do believe I've surpassed my fat grams once though. My best friend doesn't dump, but she used to spit alot and sugar definitely makes her take a nap. She's the queen of 15 minute cat naps. I'm beat right now and I haven't had any sugar, its just my job, I should call it Sleepyville. Amber
~ Julie ~
on 8/4/06 10:21 pm - Reston, VA
RNY on 04/18/06 with
Hi I don't know why you don't dump. Are you sure that the sugar content is all refined sugars, or is there maybe some fiber or something in there too? I am one of those who DO dump. I get the heart racing, upset stomach (intestines? what stomach? haha) and all that. I got it from regular (I think it was even reduced sugar!) coffee creamer, from sugar free ice cream (though NOW I can eat that in small amounts, like 2 or 3 tbsp if I really want to, though I'm really more hooked on SF popsicles from my early postop days. ). I had a cheese quesadilla from Baja Fresh (or rather, had a piece of one) for dinner the other night, that made me semi-dump (I sandwiched it between two piles of napkins and don't think I got all the grease out even then). The tomato soup might not make you dump, but there's probably something out there that will. To hear it told from the old-timers, you can also dump on things now, but won't necessarily dump on them in a year. As for the urine issue, if it's clear, you're getting enough water. I think the more water you get, the more your body lets go of some of its water "stores" and this is why your urine gets really clear. For example, I drink 99-128 oz of water per day. I have to go to the bathroom like a million times while I'm at work, and it's always clear. 48oz at this early out is great. If you're dehydrated, you won't go to the bathroom, simple as that. I know when I haven't gotten enough water in when I look up and realize that it's been the whole day and I haven't used the bathroom once. Good luck, Julie
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