In the hospital again
Well folks...I thought I was doing awesome...besides a hard time sleeping...I felt pretty good, until Saturday evening...I have been having these little sharp pains every once in awhile around where my old belly button was. Well I have heard of phantom pain so I was thinking that's what was going on. Well Sunday night all of sudden the pain started and didn't go away. I was blessed that my sister n law came over to "babysit" me b/c my parents went out. (I know sounds like I am a kid again, but that the story). We decided that call 911 was my best bet b/c my mother lives 30 mins from Winchester Medical Center, and I was doubled over in pain. I thought for sure it was my hernia they just repaired. Well WMC looked me over, gave me pain meds to take the edge off. They did a CAT scan and Xrays to determine what could be the issues. Well there was a pocket of fluids under the tt tissue, so without hesitation, I was off to UVA. PS looked at the CAT scan and determined that the fluid was a typical amount of fluid. His biggest concern was my skin should not be as tight as it was, and he felt that I should be able to lay back and shouldn't have any pulling. And he believe I had a stitch go and that is what the pain was from and not the fluids. They took my stitches out around my new belly button so I don't have to go into UVA today, but they want Dr. Drake to look at me--so I go back next Monday.
Anyways, I got home last night around 8pm. Very tired due to all the pain meds. And they gave me more pain meds at home because of the pain from the stitch. I am doing okay today....but feel it will be no time before I am back to myself again.
Thanks for listening! Stacey
Sorry to here all this but glad you are feeling better was hoping to run into u today Im getting ready to head to UVA now Holly is to be there at 11:00 for her leg surgery. Gonna go sit w/ Joann hope we see you Sept 30th is our next Charlottesville Meet last sat of the month time and place will follow. Hang in there kiddo it will be all worth it soon.