renea g
on 7/27/06 9:15 pm - Mountains of, VA
Hello oh family, I know I havent posted in a while .....And I i really have been staying away from the computer lately......I do have to say I miss all being here and reading the updates on everybody.....It hard to believe its been almost a year since my surgery (august3rd, 2005)......I have been so grateful to have the WLS..... The biggest scare was when my pcp told me I had diabetes at age 32.....That was a wake up call for me that I really needed to do something....Well I talked to a wonderful person online who had the surgery and she told me the ups and downs about it and after alot of research I went to my pcp and she was 100% for it.... One month later I had my first consult with Dr. Schirmer and then 4 months later I had my surgery......This surgery has changed my life in my many ways .......It has boosted my self esteem dramatically and made me feel like a real person again.....I love getting the stares because of the way I look now compared to a year ago when I would get stares because of my weight.... I thank God everyday for having a wonderful surgeon to give me another chance at life and I am so happy to be a beautiful woman who has the self confidence I did 14 years agoooo......I have a wonderful man in my life for 10 years now who has loved me when I was obese and stills love me the same now that I am just overweight......He tells me that I am beautiful everyday and he loves the way I look.....(he tells me I am getting too skinny too ...Haha) but I wanted to thank everyone on the va board for their support and love and caring .....We are all one big family....... God bless, Renea p.S. I have updated pics in my profile
on 7/27/06 9:50 pm - Richmond, VA
Renea~ Congratulations! I can't pull up profile pics here (I am at work) but I will look this weekend to see your progress. You have come a long way and are lucky to have a great support system. Hopefully the reason you have been off of the computer is because you are out living life to the fullest! I do not get on here on the weekends much, but I do spend my lunch and breaks on here when I am at work! I am looking forward to seeing the pics when I get home! ~Tammy
Kathy & Rich
on 7/27/06 9:57 pm - Fairfax, VA
You look beautiful. You always did. Congratulations on your transformation. Best wishes, Kathy p.s. Your babies are way too cute!!
(deactivated member)
on 7/27/06 10:23 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
G'morning Renea ~ Pictures....? Did someone say PICTURES?!? I love looking at photos, love taking 'em, showing 'em and viewing 'em, so you KNOW, I ran straight to your profile to see the newest ones. You're doing freakn-FANTASTIC woman!!!! It was nice being able to compare them to the earlier shots in your profile as well, talk about an amazing transformation/difference. You're gorgeous and have THE most beautiful eyes. I'm an "eyes" kinda chicklet, it's one of the first things I notice about a person, prolly cause I ended up with some boring grayish-blue ones, no spark or pizazz to them. Hey? I'm also a CAT person - so of course I had to oooooh and aaaaah over Jasmine and Lily too, are they from the same litter? One looks older then the other, but they sure look like they could be family. Congratulations to ALL your successes and here's to TEN MORE YEARS of happiness and love with your sweety, Tony! Hugs ~ Lei
Stacey D.
on 7/27/06 11:06 pm - Harrisonburg, VA
Hey Lady! It's so nice to hear from you out here on the boards! I am so proud of you! I remember this big event a year ago and you have done an amazing job! Once I am healed up, we have to get together! Maybe do some shopping girl, cause you look like you have ....now what's the opposite of out grown your cloths...undergrown your cloths! LOLOLOL! Happy Anniversery to your new life! Take Care, Stacey PS, tell Tony I said Hi!
on 7/29/06 9:36 am - Hopewell, VA
hay girl, you look wonderful!!!! congrats on your sucesss!!!! we must really get together soon. I miss yah!!! take care and hugs, Holly
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