WOW Day 3

on 7/27/06 11:14 am - Barboursville, VA
Well today was day 3 at the gym 4 laps on track yea!!! And they trained me on lower body machines ouch my knees are killing me but hey No PAIN No GAIN right? Met w/ my friend from Lynchburg up here for her 2 yr check-up Barbara Mann she done great and looks good, way to go Barb. Was great meeting your sister and son. Thanks for the support.
Betsy Anitahug
on 7/27/06 11:28 am - Danville, VA
Wow, Melinda...So proud of you. I haven't had the energy lately to excersise much but trying to get more focused. Too much going on right now but I am thinking about ya...You keep up the hard work and it will pay off. You are getting healthier everyday and looking great. Hugs, Betsy
on 7/27/06 11:57 am - Barboursville, VA
Thank You and I hope u get to feeling better soon all these sick people gettin me down wow, by the way the next c'ville meet will be the last sat. in sept. just havent decided where any suggestions?
Andrea N.
on 7/27/06 11:28 am - Ashland, VA
Way to go girl! I am going back to Curves next week - I am already in pain because I did something to my neck - it is making me CRAZY! I was in tears today it was hurting so bad - couldn't keep it together and I was very embaressed - doctor prescribed Lidoderm patches and some Vicoden so now it is manageable, but still hurting. I hope working out will help it out some and not make it worse. We will definately have to get together and do lunch! I will look forward to it. I was also going to mention to you that I told my weekend boss that when I start back to work on August 5th that for now on I would like to have the last weekend of the month off - every month - for some me time - so when you start planning more Meet & Greets - the last weekend of the month will be a great time for me so I can see everybody, hug everybody and see all my friends like you. Big hugs to ya, Andrea
on 7/27/06 12:06 pm - Barboursville, VA
Thanks Andrea and Shannon I hope your neck feels better and Shannnaaaa I hope u get straightend out too dont for to look for that bathing suit while ur gone.
on 7/27/06 11:40 am - Altavista, VA
Great job Melinda. I only been dancing a little bit for exercise. Get dizzy fast. I am drinking my water. Asked dr about the new medicine he put me on to see if that may be the culprit to my problems. Shannon
on 7/27/06 7:33 pm - Rockingham County, VA
Great Job! I need some one to put a stick of dynomite near me to get me to exercise. I keep saying that I will start tomarow, the problem is that there is always a tomarow. Any way, I have a 6 month check up with Shirmer on the 10th and I KNOW he is going to ask me how much exercise I have been getting.... I do not think that he will buy into any of my lame excuses.. Keep up the good work! I am proud of you. Cathy
(deactivated member)
on 7/27/06 9:12 pm -'Beach, VA
Way to go!!!!! That's one area that Ive ALWAYS had to struggle with this entire weight loss journey - heck, who am I kidding, my entire LIFE! Still can't make myself go to the gym without going into the "momma drama" stage - you know, hand o the forhead, long dramatic sigh, quivering bottom lip - whatever will get me OUT of having to go. GOOD FOR YOU - keep it up!!!
Ms Court
on 7/27/06 10:54 pm - Remington, VA
Melinda you are doing great. Doesn't feel great to be able to go to the gym and move around and do that. Just remeber for healthy workouts to alternate your upper & lower body. Keep up the great work. Courtney
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