Introduce Yourself .. Share your Journey .

(deactivated member)
on 7/27/06 4:20 am - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
While we can scan the profiles here on OH .. let's hear from our Va Members Old and New .. where you are on your journey .. There are many new members here and I think a quick intro to all of us is in order ... So ... Let's hear it .. YOUR STORY .. Tink ...
(deactivated member)
on 7/27/06 5:52 am - Gum Spring, VA
OK - Here goes - My name is Dawn...and I'm 34 years old as of tomorrow. I currently weight 240 pounds at 5'4". I just made the decision last week to have WLS, and I chose Dr. Bautista since he'd operated on me before for an unrelated problem and I really like him. I will be attending the first informational seminar at St. Mary's on August 2nd. My diet and exercise history is probably very much the same as most people's...I have probably tried every diet under the sun since I was 16. My weight was kept somewhat under control in high school because I was very active and athletic, but once college and life independent of my parents began, it was a different story. Marriage at age 18, baby at 21, divorce at 24 did not help, either. At least 6 times in my life I have lost 50, 60, even 100 pounds, but always to gain it right back despite desperate attempts to keep it off. The biggest obstacles to maintaining a healthy weight for me have been being diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 1998, which was most likely as a result of the extreme yo-yoing, as well as never having a stable enough life to properly take care of myself. PCOS showed up in 1999. We all know the extreme commitment and time it takes to properly take care of oneself, but my past life the choices I made and cir****tances I could not control made it difficult to put myself first. Example: always having to work full time while attending college full-time, being a single mom, having a full-time job plus teaching at night at a local college, etc etc. For the first time in my life, I am stable from a personal standpoint...I completed my education; have one great, excellent-paying job; the best husband and family ever, and so much more. I am a great person and deserve to be free of the specter of my weight hanging over everything I do, and now my body refuses to let go of the excess weight even though I eat moderately and exercise as much as I am able. It got much worse after I quit smoking 3 years ago. Yes, I binge sometimes, but it is more out of frustration and anger because even when I am so strict and good about sticking to my plan, the pounds do not budge. Or, I embark upon Weigh****chers, Slim Fast or the latest diet fad (you should see my diet book library!), and the loss comes to a screeching halt after about 30 pounds. It is almost like it says "Oh no, you don't! You are not doing this again!" and stubbornly refuses to budge. I am ready to live again - although I am not convinced I have ever really lived because of my weight issues coloring everything I do. I am ready to stop crying so many tears and throwing away money in pursuit of a dream that has always eluded my grasp. I have lived too long thinking I could do this myself, and feeling weak that I couldn't, but now, I realize that WLS is merely a TOOL in the quest for a better life. One still has to make lifestyle changes, and I'm ready for that - I have that part down pat - I just need some extra help getting there. I am apprehensive about doing battle with the insurance company - which is funny because healthcare IT and insurance is my industry and I know all of the tricks and tips. I am ready to blast them if they even try to say that I haven't tried and that I am not sick enough!!! I am so ready to do this I can taste it - and it's sweeter than any taste of any food out there. So if you're a religious person, pray for me - I want to live. Pray that I be allowed to have the life I deserve and have worked hard for. If you are not a religious person, keep me in your thoughts. I will do the same for you, and I am here to help anyone in any way that I can.
(deactivated member)
on 7/27/06 8:28 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Welcome Dawn .. and yes I am a believer ... Keep up the Good Fight .. you will get this .. I can see the determination in your writing . Your life is so worth fighting for . Welcome again to the best board and the best people on OH . Love ya ! Natalie
on 7/27/06 8:53 am - chesapeake, VA
I am Deb McKee. I live in Chesapeake. I have been hanging out on the January board a lot because there are so many people at the same point of the journey. But, it would be cool to get to know you all too because we could actually visit with one another! I saw your post about going to the beach. That would be fun! Anyway, My surgery was jan 10. I started at 316 ponds and I am at 238.5 now - almost 80 pounds gone! I am 48 years young and I have a husband and 3 awesome kids! 21, 11 and 8. I am a working girl Have you heard of The Virginian-Pilot? Best to all of you wonderful Virginia peoople! Deb
(deactivated member)
on 7/27/06 8:31 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Hey Beautiful ... welcome ! I am here to tell you that this is the best board and the best support system here at OH . Congrats on your weight loss - you are doing excellent !!! WOW I commend you for the 3 kiddies .. I am 42 and mine are grown .. but 2 grandbabies and one on the way .. shweeeew ! Please be sure to stay posting here .. we are all very lovabale and supportive .. so many new people .. and some old timers like myself .. I for one must have my daily dose of the VA Boards .. these folks stick with me no matter what ! I will be down at the board walk Saturday ... Not sure where yet .. But keep some dates open ... I would love to plan a big get together down there before summer is out . Many hugs and love ya ! Natalie
Stacey D.
on 7/27/06 9:33 am - Harrisonburg, VA
I am an old member here...but I look so different. LOL..right...I will remind everyone where I am in my WLS Journey, which my life's journey. I am 29 years old and had surgery 21 months ago yesterday. I had open RNY and have been very successful on my "Changed butterfly Project" losing...130 pounds! Nine days ago I had a tummy tuck, to complete my project...phase II. I have been maintaining my weight within ten pounds since Jan. 2006. I have worked hard, and frankly proud of myself! I have had few complications---some bow blockage that put me in the hospital this past May. And a hernia that was repaired with my tummy tuck. Other than that...I am a proud to be a Changed Butterfly! GOD Bless~~Stacey
(deactivated member)
on 7/27/06 8:33 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Stacey .. congrats Butterfly !!!! You have done excellent . Sounds like you are so on your way to maintaining like me ,. It can be a struggle sometime but we know what to do .. Congrats on a true success !! Keep sharing your story ok ! Hugs and much love ! Natalie
Andrea N.
on 7/27/06 9:42 am - Ashland, VA
I wasn't sure if I was supposed to do there here or start a new thread - so I am doing it here. This is my story: I will be 5 weeks postop tomorrow and I started at 323 pounds (highest was 340) and as of Monday morning I was 294 pounds. I have been heavy all my life - I was a large baby and I just kept growing. The lowest weight I ever was as an adult was 180 pounds, but that was only after my (now) ex-husband told me nobody would want me because I was so fat and this was right after finding out he had cheated on me for the 12th time. I lost from 240 down to 180 and I started out okay in the beginning eating right and exercising, but then I started drinking alcohol (I was 26) to numb the pain of the marriage breaking up and by the time I was 29 I didn't do anything but drink and lost the weight, but I did it the wrong way. I got help for my alcohol problem and as soon as I started eating again the weight came right back on. It seemed no matter what I tried, pills, diets, SlimFast - I just kept gaining. I decided in December of 2002 that the only way I could put an end to my continuous weight gain and my failing health (severe sleep apnea, pre-hypertension and constant joint pain) was to have this surgery. I started with the insurance company that I had at work and I called them January 3, 2003 and they told me their policy was as long as a doctor said it was medically necessary I could do it, but at the same time they said that could change because their company had just been bought and the insurance would be changing and at that time they didn't know how. I got the new insurance card a few days later and called the number on the back and they told me that if the company I worked for had bought a "rider" then it would be covered. Of course, they hadn't and it came down to fighting the insurance company, which would mean staying at a job I didn't want. At that point my ex-husband put me on his medical plan and I went back to college. I went to National College of Business and Technology for a year and got a Honors Diploma in Medical Transcription - all while working and taking care of my three sons on my own. While looking for a job, I started the process of getting approved in December of 2004 with Dr. Schirmer with my ex-husband's insurance. I went to the first appointment in December of 2004, then to a psych evaluation (Feb of 2005)and then they wanted 6 months of physician supervised diet so of course I set out to do that. I finished that at the end of 2005 (losing a grand total of 5 pounds in six months) and the surgeons office tried to get approval. Unfortunately, right about this time (December 2005) my ex called me and told me that his company was dropping that insurance for another company. The current insurance company knew they were about to be dropped and they played a little game for a couple of weeks so the end of the year would run out and they wouldn't have to pay. Go figure. I ended up getting my dream job with Martha Jefferson Hospital in January 2006 and I am now on their insurance as my primary and the new insurance through my ex is secondary and it is really too bad I can't get rid of them because of course his company did not purchase the rider and they won't be helping with the surgery. So it has been 3 years, 5 insurance companies and now I am feeling fantastic that I DID THIS! I fought long and hard and made it to the losing bench - so I am here to tell the newbies out there - sometimes this can be a LONG ROUGH road to get to that losing bench - but guess what - if I can do it - you will make it through and me and all the others will be here supporting you through it all! When you start feeling discouraged and just plain out of sorts - come here - it will be a lifeline and we will do what we can to help you out. If you don't want to post then e-mail works too! I know Tink is probably the BEST person to ask questions because she has been there - done that - and is almost at the end of her journey - but I am more than willing to answer what I can and just be here for you if you need it and there are many many people here who will tell you the same thing. GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE NEWBIES! YOU CAN DO THIS! Hugs to all, Andrea
(deactivated member)
on 7/27/06 8:36 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Andrea .. WOW you have fought the good fight girl Congratulations !!!! It goes to show that our struggles are not in vain and that if you want this bad enough you can do it . I am very proud of you !!! Know that I am here for you when ever you need me . Many hugs and lots of love ! Natalie
on 7/27/06 11:24 am - Barboursville, VA
Hi everyone Im Melinda (Prissy) my journey was a long and hard one as well. Today is the 1 yr annv. for my consult w/ Dr Schirmer last year this time I was 410 pound in a wheelchair on Oxygen 24/7 this year praise the Lord Im down 150 pounds walking w/out a chair and oxygen, Ive joined a gym temporary to see how it goes Im mowing shopping loving life, last year they were putting me in the graveyard. God know I suffered and Im so thankful for where I am today I have another 100 pounds to go and I hope they come off soon my goal is to be at 160 by my 2 yr anniv. So if your looking into undecided read out post yes some have had some problems but there well worth going threw to loose the wight.
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