I'm Back....and I finally posted some new pictures!

on 7/21/06 5:00 am - White Post, VA
RNY on 08/30/05 with
Hi, ALL!!! I got my computer back this morning!!! YEAH!!! I missed the stupid thing...for those of you who don't know...we had a power surger and we thought it had fried my computer along with 2 other computers, our fax machine, our copier, a ceiling fan, and 2 floor fans. Of course the power company says it's not their fault - yadayadayada... Oh, well - I am back and I have been trying to play catch up today. I finally updated my profile and added some new pictures. Let me know what you think of me with long brown hair! Things have been going pretty good here - besides the computer stuff...we have been traveling and staying busy. On August 3 my daughter and I are heading off to Uriri Village, Migori, Kenya, Africa by way of Dubai, United Arab Emerites! We just got our visas today with the Kenya stamp in them! How cool!!! I am soooo excited!!! Miss you all bunches!! Hugs Jill 278/133 Pre-op/Today-below goal!!!
Betsy Anitahug
on 7/21/06 5:24 am - Danville, VA
Hi Beautiful...Wow...going to Africa? Is it a missions trip? Please, Hon, be very careful. My trip to WA wore me out!!! Long flights, delays, missed planes...what a nightmare. Was worth all the hassle though to be with my boy. He is precious. Hugs, Betsy
on 7/21/06 5:48 am - White Post, VA
RNY on 08/30/05 with
Hi, Betsy! Yes, it's a missions trip...I know I am going to be one whooped puppy!!!! We just got back from Dallas Wednesday night. The total flight and airport hours is over 26 hours for the flights to Kenya. We have 2 days of rest and then a nine hour bus ride from Nairobi to Migori, Kenya to Uriri Village. The trip back will be rough too...we have the 9 hour bus ride...will stop at a day house in Nairobi to shower and freshen up and then the 26 hours back to JFK and a six hour bus ride back to Winchester! It will be soooo worth it...I know God will look out for us! I'm glad you got to see your grandson before they move. You need to get your passport so you can go to Germany to see the new one!!! It won't be long!!!! Tickets aren't that expensive to get over there...sometimes even cheaper than domestic tickets. I can't wait to see you!! I miss you! Hugs! Jill
(deactivated member)
on 7/21/06 5:47 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
I hate when the power zaps everything! We lost a computer that way too! Now we have these protected power surge strips on everything - I don't know if they work or not I am just hoping that they do!! I read your profile by the way - it was very inspiring and you have done so well. I hope I can get down as tiny as you. What do you eat to stay that slim? Do you have dificulties controlling what you eat or do you record it somewhere to keep an eye on it? Exercise? Sorry for the many questions but I am 5 months out and still working hard! Any help on how to do well would be appreciated Jackie
on 7/21/06 6:00 am - White Post, VA
RNY on 08/30/05 with
Hi, Jackie - (that's my sister's name btw...hers is spelled Jacqui!) Thanks for your kind words. The key to this whole new life is protein, water and walking. I eat pretty much whatever it is I am hungry for. I try to always get in between 80 (on a low day) and 120 grams of protein a day. I take all of my vitamins (No more prescription drugs!!! _ YEAH) Sometimes at night - I still get the munchies...but I grab some popcorn or carrots and peanut butter - or a protein bar. I just eat so much more healthy than I did before. Exercise has been tough for me because I have just had yet another foot surgery. It is better now and I have been walking again. I take the stairs whenever possible... I have an ab lounger and total gym and work out on them occaisonally - but not every day. I also have a membership at Curves and we have a pool...(and I wear my bikini when no one else is around!!! ) My advice is to jus****ch everything that you put into your mouth... Never let your carbs be more than your protein amount....and stay hydrated!!!!! Best of luck on your journey. I hope to meet you someday soon! Hugs! Jill
(deactivated member)
on 7/21/06 7:39 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Hi Jill, I hope to meet you too someday - maybe in January if you are going to the New York, New York! I am listening to your advice - I usually take at least 75g of protein a day not counting any food choices. You don't look like you will need any plastic surgery so you may not need to use your prize!! I am making good food choices so far and night time munchies are the hardest.... Thanks for your advice - I appreciate it very much! Hugs Jackie
on 7/21/06 7:13 am - hopewell, VA
hello girl, how have you been ??? been missing you on here.. we must get together soon it has been way too long!!!! holly
on 7/21/06 9:37 am - White Post, VA
RNY on 08/30/05 with
Hey beautiful!!! I loved the new picture on your profile!!! I don't have the courage to do that yet. I think I am going to have Jon take some bikini pictures for my before plastic surgery file though! My tummy is toooooo yucky to post any though!...maybe I can make it look fuzzy right there or something! Stay in touch! Hugs! Jill
(deactivated member)
on 7/22/06 12:22 am - Remington, VA
JIll, Hey lady! I just sent you an email....guess I should have looked down the thread somemore to have seen your post! Kirsten
on 7/23/06 7:26 pm - Chesterfield, VA
Hi Jill!! Exciting and good things going on with you... that's GREAT!!! Congrats with the Mary Kay... First place and 14th ... WOW!! Prayers will be going with you to Kenya. Stay safe and enjoy. You're looking great; I'd love to see you sometime. We should plan for a get-together for end of summer, what do you think?? Take care Tammy 303/190/150 surgery date/estimated current weight/goal
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