Can't get my D levels up

Julie R.
on 7/19/06 3:49 am - Belspring, VA
How frustrating? My labwork came back in and my vitamin D levels are still low One would think that with my calcium supplements, multi-vitamin, and vitamin D supplement, I could get my levels into the normal range. Now I have to take my vitamin D supplements 2 times a day. Hopefully, that will give me the boost I need. Hope so! Don't want my bones to start crumbling on me Thankfully, that has been my worst complication fromt he surgery, so I really shouldn't have anything to complain about. Hope everyone else it doing well!!!!! Julie 238/179/165/135 preop/current/drs goal/my goal
Kathy & Rich
on 7/19/06 10:06 am - Fairfax, VA
I'm not sure if it is Vitamin D or not but I know that sometimes if someone is low the docs put them on a big dose for a short period of time. I forget if it is Vitamin D or A. Duh. I know that you can get natural Vitamin D from the sun. Perhaps a nice 15-20 minute walk each day in natural light with no glasses or sunglasses on will help. A holistic nutritionist told me that once a zillion years ago. I actually do a 20 minute walk at lunch each day around our parking lot (and I do take off my glasses). Have you had a bone density scan? How are your calcium and PTH levels? Your new picture is great! Best wishes, Kathy
on 7/19/06 9:50 pm - Altavista, VA
My D levels stay low too even w/ the supplements. I feel ya frustration. Shannon
on 7/19/06 11:37 pm - Marshall, VA
Hi Julie, I was just diagnosed with low Vitamin D also. My PTH and Dexa Scans were normal. My doctor at UVA told me to be sure that the Vitamin D I was getting was Vitamin D3. She suggested that I take the Citracal Ultra that has 623mg Calcium Citrate and 400 mg D3 in each dose. Or take 4 of the Bariatric Advantage chewable calcium citrate w/D3. My multi-vitamin also has 400 mg of D in each pill, but it doesn't say what kind of D. So, essentially, if you look at what I was taking and what I am now taking, I have increased my daily D3 from 300mg to 400mg and I have to sit in the sun three times a week for 15 minutes each day, with NO sunscreen, arms, legs & face exposed. You cannot overdose on the Vitamin D your body makes from the sun. If you go up on David Becker's new website,, he has an excellent article on Vitamin D and bariatric patients. Let me know how you get along. Hugs, Karen
Julie R.
on 7/19/06 11:54 pm - Belspring, VA
Thanks for the tips! Actually, I do take my dogs on a 45 minute to hour walk each day. Lately, we have been waiting until later on in the day though when the sun is lower (I don't want to overheat my "kids"). We were going around 6pm, but with the temp in the 90's, none of us want to get out in that. I do get out in the midday sun 2 times a week when I have to walk to the other side of campus for my water aerobics class. Then there is the trek back and forth to the parking lot, but that only gets me 5 minutes each way. If the temp comes down a little, I will try going for a little walk at lunch on the days I don't go to water aerobics. It's kind of funny...when I went to get my blood drawn, the Phlebotomist teased me about getting out in the sun more. Maybe I need to make a career change I would love to do something outdoorsy for a change Julie
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