Question for women only

Andrea N.
on 7/14/06 9:32 pm - Ashland, VA
I know I have not been around much especially since being back at work (going to work now) since the 5th and so far I have been doing okay and I am down 24 pounds since surgery on June 23rd. This is my question: I have heard about women who get their period right after surgery in the hospital even though they just had one - I have heard of the periods getting harder with more cramps...etc...but what about NOT getting one? I am usually very light and very regular and I had mine the week before surgery and it is now late and other than grumpiness I have no signs of getting it. It is not possible for me to be pregnant cause I'm single and I was just wondering if this happened to anybody else. Another wierd thing is how everybody talks (men and women) about being "cold" all the time - that has yet to happen to me. I am still sweating all the time - I get out of the shower and have to stand in front of a fan in order to cool down enough to get dressed and as soon as I walk away from the fan I am sweating - using the air conditioning in my car on full blast and my house AC is set on 69 to 70, the windows are fogging up and I am still hot. What gives? Am I just wierd? Thanks to all who answer - I have to run off to work now. I hope everyone has a fabulous day! Andrea
on 7/14/06 11:07 pm - Barboursville, VA
Andrea hey there as far as the period cant help you there didnt have one for 4 yrs prior to surgery took meds to stop it, and now the Depo shot has kept it gone except some spotting and a little cramping once in a while. As far as the being cold I freeze at times, not always but most the time. Before I was like you sweating 24/7 I sleep w/ a fan an air condition every night but get cold but cant stand feeling hot, so I think it comes and goes. I hope it all works out for you soon.
Andrea N.
on 7/15/06 2:47 am - Ashland, VA
Thanks Melinda! I am rarely late and it bugs me when I don't know what is going on with my body - I am used to knowing exactly what it is doing at all times (that is how I knew what days to "you know" in order to get pregnant) and now it is kinda up in the air and I'm just kinda waiting to see what happens next. Hugs!! Andrea
Kathy & Rich
on 7/14/06 11:45 pm - Fairfax, VA
Estrogen is stored in the fat in the body. As the fat is decreased, the estrogen is given off and reeks havoc with cycles. I would think that your temperature issues and lack of period are both due to an abundance of estrogen floating around. My periods changed but not dramatically and likewise I didn't have temperature issues but I also lost weight much slower than many others. So, I think what you are going through is normal given the changes in your body! Best wishes, Kathy
Andrea N.
on 7/15/06 3:12 am - Ashland, VA
Hi Kathy Awesome new pic, btw. I guess I have a ton of estrogen hanging around - feels like menopause to me. I did go through what they called "early menopause" after having my first child by c-section. I went on BC pills and eventually my periods just stopped so they changed the pill and then took me off of them and still no periods - eventually the docs told me it was early menopause and I kinda freaked because I wanted more children. They ended up putting me on a strange pill for about 7 days and it kick started my system again. I am enjoying not having a period, but if it continues I am going to call my GYN doctor and make an appointment. As for the temperature thing - I am definately looking forward to my temperature coming down to a normal range. Thanks for explaining - lets me know I'm not wierd. Andrea
Stacey D.
on 7/15/06 9:49 am - Harrisonburg, VA
Well one thing to ease your mind Andrea, this is very very very common. After gastric most woman have crazy periods for a little bite. Actually, I haven't talked to one who didn't have something unusual happen. For my story, have been on the depo shot and hadn't had a period in nearly two years....guess who shows up the day after surgery...Good old mother nature, and she stuck around for a few weeks...and she wasn't nice about it either. Doc said...some women have it when they shouldn't and some women don't have it at all. So I hope with these responses, you can put this one on the back burner and not worry. Good Luck getting it straight...LOL....Stacey
Andrea N.
on 7/15/06 2:22 pm - Ashland, VA
Hi Stacey Thanks Stacey..I will definately put it on the back burner for now as I know my body is going through changes that I can not even possibly begin to understand. If after a few months things are still the same then I will consult the docs. Thanks again! Andrea
on 7/15/06 11:33 am - Rockbridge Co., VA
Hi Andrea (Yes, I still want the Nectar and am going to Richmond on the 25th) I had not had a period in three months when I went in for surgery. Since I am 55, no period is great!! Naturally my period strted THE MORNING of my surgery. I haven't had one since, either. Yippeee!! In the winter I was VERY cold at work. This was due not only to the surgery, but also to the fact that all the schools had their thermostats lowered to 68. Right now I am comfortable. The a/c is on 77, vs the 72 I kept it on last summer. Your turn is coming! Lois
Andrea N.
on 7/15/06 2:30 pm - Ashland, VA
Hey Lois It is so wierd how our bodies work sometimes and even when we think we know what it is going to do it changes something on us and trips us up. Another wierd thing that has happened to my body since having surgery is I can no longer use Degree Deodorant cause it quits working within a few hours of putting it on and since one of my incisions got infected and I have had to have it bandaged while being active my pcp and I have found that my body is not sensitive to tape - all kinds too. We have tried three different ones - even one that is supposed to be hypoallergenic and my body is still having a reaction to it - uugghh. It is mildly uncomfortable, but at least the infection is finally going away. As for the temperature thing - it is making me nuts, but I am losing weight and feeling good and eating has been good and little Gertrude (pouch) has been very easy to get along with so far and likes everything I have given her except for Slim Fast so I guess I just have to stop complaining and know that eventually things will change. Hugs to you! I will see you on the 25th. Andrea
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