1 Month Appointment
I had my 1 month appointment today (actually 5 weeks) and it was FABULOUS!! First, according to my doctor's scale, I am down 29 pounds since surgery!!! Woo Hooo!!! My scale still says 27.5 but I'll take the extra 1.5!!!
He said that I am doing really well. I met with the Physician's Assistant first and she was AWESOME as always. (Love ya Sara). Then Dr S joined us. As soon as he walked in, Dr Snyder said to Sara, "Doesn't she look like Mariah Carey!" I could have kissed the man!!! I have been told that before but it was pretty cool to have the doc say it! Anyway, I don't have to go back for 2 months unless I have any problems.
Well Now....... to the Princess Miriah,
Just couldn't help myself but you do strick an amazing resemblance to the diva. So glad to hear you are already a month out....how wonderful is that? I will be 2 weeks out this coming Monday. It is awesome how the time flies once you're post op........compared to pre-op. I'm so glad we are both on the lossing side of town. Way to go with your weight loss.......take that extra 1.5 lb and run with it. It's great!! Where else could or would you loss that much weight that quick.........you have done amazingly well.
Lots of Love