Ok ... How Is This for An Update

(deactivated member)
on 7/10/06 3:06 am - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
WOW.. what a weekend . Yes I am back . Finally . I arrived back into Richmond early this morning @ 8 went directly to work .. yea I did . I arrived down in Fayetteville on Saturday morning to find this man .. so beside himself .. he told me that as a federal officer he has responded to hundreds of accidents , but never would he have felt the way he did . Well we managed to get the car home , and his daughter I had never met his daughter before and she had no idea I exsisted ... as I am the first woman he has been serious with since he and his x divorced 2 years ago .. so this made it pretty akward ... but we managed . Ok .. it gets better .. later on Saturday evening .. I went out to get some cold cuts for dinner .. came back and as I am making the samies .. he comes in .. takes me by the hand and says " Tink .. we need to talk " I got a little scared but he got down on one knee with tears in his eyes and said " I was going to wait to tell you this next weekend when we where on our cruise in the Potomac , but I need you to hear this now . He looked at me .. rubbed my face and said " I am so in love with you .. I could have called many people to help me .. but I knew I could trust you and your judgement .. and Natalie , If something had of happended to me .. and you never heard these words .. I would be devestated . He said he has wanted to tell me for weeks .. but now he can say it .. that HE LOVES ME .. and I am so in love with him . So there you have it .. this is what I have been waiting for .. and it happend as I was not looking . We spent the rest of the weekend in each others arms .. traveld to Bethesda to shop and just really looked at our lives .. I am so so thankful God spared him for me .. he is truly my angel . Thank you to all that sent their prayers .. I know God has had his hands in this from the start .. and we are all going to be just fine ! Love you all . Natalie
Kathy & Rich
on 7/10/06 3:14 am - Fairfax, VA
Now you got me crying... STOP THAT! I'm so glad that he and his daughter are just fine. Man, oh, man....I'm so blasted happy for both of you. (wiping a tear from the corners of each eye...) Hugs, Kathy
on 7/10/06 3:16 am - Richmond, VA
Awesome news Tink! I knew it when I saw the way he looked at you at the boogie and splash but it means so much more when the other person waits to say it until they feel it is right. He is a great guy and I know you make each other happy. I needed this "pick me up" story today! Thanks for sharing. Tammy
Michele R.
on 7/10/06 3:47 am - Pittsfield, MA
Wow Natalie...what a wonderful man you have! That is absolutely precious of him to say that. I would have CRIED those pop outta yur eyes tears if that happened to me. I think you are a very blessed woman. God Bless the two of you and I am so happy you found eachother. So glad he and his daughter are ok and that things went ok with her meeting you. Hugs! Shele
Kitty Kat
on 7/10/06 4:09 am - Richmond, VA
Nat, You KNOW how much I believe in everything happening for a reason. There was a REASON for God to send Angels that protected them both from what could have been the unthinkable. God's hands graced them and it takes something like this at times to make us realize what REALLY matters. I'm happy for ya'll and thankful God is showing you both not just His will but is guiding 2 hearts that have been shattered in the past and derserve happniess now and forever...together and making ya'll realize we aren't promised tomorrow so we should take advantage of today. Missing a friend? Call them! Missing a family member? Get on the dang phone. Haven't seen someone in a while? Make that extra trip. Want to tell someone how much they mean to you? Get to it! Whatcha waiting on???? I you! Kat
(deactivated member)
on 7/10/06 4:34 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Oh Nat, I am sooooooooooo happy for you!! This is very romantic and sweet! It is nice that you both feel the same way! Congratulations!! Jackie
on 7/10/06 4:55 am - Barboursville, VA
Congratulations!! Glad to here your good news and glad you all are home safe. HUgs
Lorraina M.
on 7/10/06 5:20 am - Ruther Glen, VA
That is really wonderful Natalie, and I am very happy for you. Love often comes when we least expect it and that makes it all the more special. Take enjoyment from this well deserved happiness! Lorraine
Stephanie M.
on 7/10/06 5:25 am - Moncks Corner, SC
AAAWWWWWW, that is so sweet! He sure sounds like a keeper, Nat! I am so happy for you! Love, Stephanie
on 7/10/06 7:05 am - Kings Mountain, NC
Well GirlFriend....... You know how happy I am for you. I know this is the beginning of something more wonderful than you could have ever imagined. Hang in and give everything the time needed and it works itself out. Haven't I been trying to tell you this for months now? Lots of Love Kathy 305/292/185/160
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