Greetings, VA!

Kathy & Rich
on 7/11/06 7:49 am - Fairfax, VA
Just wanted to send out a "Hello". Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their summer thus far. I've been a bit scare/spotty due to how I've been feeling. Rich and I won't be vacationing unfortunately. Our budget was spent on our 4th of July trip to see my sister, BIL and father in NY (as well as the OH conference in Pittsburg in May and of course the fabulous Richmond event in June). Sis is doing well. She has one more chemo to go and that will be a week from tomorrow and then that's it! Then she goes on a drug called Femara for an indeterminant time. She is a trooper! Dad is doing well. He now has a "golf buddy" named Peggy. We are all happy for him and enjoyed ribbing him about it. My mom has been gone just short of 2 years now and apparently Peggy's husband has been gone about a year and a half. I'm glad that Dad is having fun and has found friends. It was nice seeing a decent number of you at support group last night and hope to see some of you and others this coming Saturday. I plan on being there. Things are hanging here. For the first time in weeks, I had a pretty decent day. Chest pains were to a minimum. I had all the heart related tests while hospitalized last month and then had an EGD to check my pouch and all was normal. Surgeon thinks it might be esophageal spasms. Right now I'm trying to take note of what triggers the pain and to be honest...I just don't know. It comes and goes each day. Seems sometimes to feel like an allergy attack yet Claritin didn't ease things so who knows. I had one attack at the cemetary in NY and that was one not related to eating but came on like something airborne. In a nutshell, I continue to live my life as a science project. As for Rich, his blood work didn't show anything interesting to account for low platelets and an enlarged spleen that apparently pre-date his WLS by years but of course no one ever investigated or said anything (he had a CT scan 10 years ago that showed enlarged spleen and blood work from 7 years ago in the hospital's system showed reduced platelets). He had a bone marrow biopsy just before we went to NY. Results should be in later this week. We'll see if that shows anything strange or not. Not exactly sure what the doc is looking for either but I think things are just being eliminated one by one. Guess that's about it from here. I hope that everyone goes on in good health and that happy days are ahead for all of us! Kathy
(deactivated member)
on 7/11/06 9:59 am - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Hey there Kathy .. good to read your post . I surely hope that all goes well with Rich's test . I know they will be fine . As to me .. well you read what I have been doing .. hanging out with my Alan and finally able to start enjoying my life . I spend a lot of time now in NOVA .. this is a place that was dark to me for so long , never really knowing about the area , but am finding it is a great place to be .. so much history .. neat restraunts .. great shopping malls .. I am very impressed . I am a history nut .. so this place is right up my alley . I am hoping Saturday to join Roberta's group at the Panera Bread support group . This is in Fairfax I think .. I am waiting to hear back from her . My X husbands wife goes in for her RNY tommorow morning . I am happy for her .. but scared , as she I feel just does not realize how serious this surgery really is .. instead of shopping for vitamins .. she has been out shopping for size 4 panties .. hmm .. makes ya wonder right ? Well .. I would love to get together with you and Rich one night for dinner when I am up there . I love downtown DC and all that it brings .. we could do something along that line if you are up to it ... summer will be over fast .. Well love ya .. take care .. and be good . Nat
(deactivated member)
on 7/11/06 11:16 am - Fairfax Station, VA
Hi Natalie, hi-jack!! Yes Roberta's group is this Saturday at 10:30. I hope you can make it! I would love to see you inbetween events!! What a concept. I hope Alan is doing okay! See you Saturday! love donna
Kathy & Rich
on 7/12/06 1:33 am - Fairfax, VA
Hey, Nat... I'll be at Roberta's group on Saturday. It is walking distance to my house. Rich and I would love to have lunch or dinner or brunch (LOL!) with you and Alan one weekend when you are up our way. Interesting to hear about your ex's wife. Hope her surgery goes well. And no, I do not understand going out to buy new panties as opposed to vitamins and protein and baby spoons, etc. I hope she learns and does well. Take care, Kathy
on 7/11/06 12:08 pm - Manassas, VA
RNY on 05/09/06 with
Hello Kathy! It was very nice to meet you last night. I hope all goes well with Rich's test. I am glad you had a good day and wish you many more! Hugs Andrea
(deactivated member)
on 7/11/06 11:08 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Ever since I met you Kathy you have been in the wars lol!! Glad your sister seems to be doing well. I wish they would find out what is causing your chest pains because that can't be much fun! And I hope they find the answers to Rich's issues too. Bill's mom was taken into hospital on Sunday evening with internal bleeding - they think they have found the source now so she may get home tomorrow if her blood count continues to improve. It was caused by a mixture of the cumadin she is on and the doctor giving her celebrex. I won't even go on what I think of her doctor but she defends him to the end and like many older people hates change - and refuses to change doctors even though this isn't the first time she has ended up in hospital because of medication he has put her on...... So life is hectic with running up and down to the hospital - but that might end in the next day or so.... Will see you on Saturday! I missed the last two meetings so I am looking forward to this one. Hang in there... Jackie
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