
~ Julie ~
on 7/6/06 11:32 am - Reston, VA
RNY on 04/18/06 with
Hi everyone, At work, we celebrate everyone's birthday with a sugar-filled cake (usually ice cream, I started this a couple years ago). We all file into the conference room, sing Happy Birthday stand around all uncomfortable like, and everyone but me eats the cake. This doesn't bother me, even though I have to turn down cake three and four times for people to get it. "Are you sure you can't have just a little?", etc. I told them that sugar free ice cream makes me sick, and they leave me alone. However, my OWN birthday is coming up in two weeks. I have made it clear that I can't have cake, but that doesn't mean that everyone else can't. (there are three birthdays on my birthday too (for all you astrologers out there, it has to show some sort of hiring trend. In fact there used to be FOUR until the vice president cashed in his stock and ran away to Florida.) Anyhow, of the three of us, one guy always takes the day off, and the other is IT and generally isn't there unless one of us breaks something. He does show up for his cake, but doesn't expect it. That leaves me. I've been asked what I wanted, and I jokingly said a salad. Well the idiot who takes care of the birthday celebrations has taken me seriously, even though I flat out told her that I was kidding . She keeps talking about having salad on the 20th. Anyhow, my real question is: Does anyone know of a dessert-like food that would substitute in this situation? Something high in protein? I would love to show the rest of the office how I eat every day. I can find sugar free cake recipes and the like, but the word "cake" kind of scares me to begin with. Thanks for any help you can give, Julie PS: NO JELLO. If all else fails, I'll ask for sugar free popsicles. I love those things.
(deactivated member)
on 7/6/06 12:37 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
For My birthday , I was like you .. I did not want cake .. so here is what my menu consisted of . Deli meat Tray w cheeses . Crackers Olives Fruit Veggies I then took an Angel Food cake .. cuz I knew there would be some body in the group that had to have cake .. Angel food is lighter w/ less sugar .. I then poked holes in it .. filled it the holes full of sf pudding .. Chocolate , butterscotch .. etc .. and coverd it with Low carb whipped cream .. I had one piece .. about 2 inches w my candle on it .. But by the time I ate all the deli meats and cheeses and all the other good stuff . The cake was merely eye candy .. Or if all else fails .. Bake a Turkey Meat loaf .. and put some candles in it .. LOL .. Hugs. Tink
~ Julie ~
on 7/7/06 9:54 am - Reston, VA
RNY on 04/18/06 with
Haha Tink -- I mentioned something about turkey meatloaf with candles in it at work today. All I got was stares. The angel food cake idea is a good one. My parents are both Type 2 diabetics, who love desserts. I just have to shake my head. Since I've posted this, I've gotten lots of sugar free ideas that I'm going to try on them. I hadn't thought about what I'm going to eat that day. Last year they got me lobster tail. I might have to go that route again. Thanks! Julie
Christine Hood
on 7/6/06 1:37 pm - Fort Eustis, VA
Hey Julie! Some supermarkets sell a sugar free angel food cake..I heard it's pretty good...definitely worth a try! Christine
~ Julie ~
on 7/7/06 9:59 am - Reston, VA
RNY on 04/18/06 with
Thanks Christine I'll keep my eye out for it, even though it's not really the sugar so much as it's the volume that worries me. Or the texture. I have not had any bread or bread-like products in over four months. (quit before the preop diet) We'll see. I don't even care about the cake, but since it's insisted upon that I get something, I want it to be WLS friendly. Julie
on 7/6/06 9:04 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
Just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY Julie !!! I am of no help in this department because I am a sugaraholic !!! I like Natalie's idea of the tray... You are looking great !!!! Dana
~ Julie ~
on 7/7/06 10:00 am - Reston, VA
RNY on 04/18/06 with
Thanks so much Dana. Sugaraholic? Is that possible? I'm sugar-phobic. Haha.
on 7/6/06 9:12 pm - Richmond, VA
Julie~ First of all...HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!!...and now to your question. I have a recipe for a SF cake and frosting and it is pretty good. You said the word "cake" scares you, so just let me know if you want the reicpe. I have also done Nat's idea with the cake. I have used sf pudding and sf jello for this and most people love it and do not notice the sf part. I have a great unflavored cooking protein powder at home and I add two scoops to boost it up. Good luck! I know how difficult it can be. We have weekly meetings and they always bring treats full of sugar (even though my manager is a diabetic and she is the one that brings them usually!). Be strong. You are looking great. ~Tammy
~ Julie ~
on 7/7/06 10:26 am - Reston, VA
RNY on 04/18/06 with
Thanks Tammy I'd love your recipe. Even if I can't tolerate it, I can make it for my parents. You can email it to me if you like. You said unflavored "cooking" protein powder? How does that work? I would love to throw some unflavored protein into some things (like coffee and soup and stuff) but I'm always afraid to because I think it's pointless -- that the heat will just break the protein down. Where can you find it? They have meetings like that at my office too. I used to look forward to them -- I didn't have to participate, and sometimes there were leftover Krispy Kremes and Starbucks. Or bagels. Now I see it and I just kind of shrug, oh well. Talk to you soon, Julie
(deactivated member)
on 7/6/06 11:25 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Julie, First of all Happy Birthday! I saw you at the Richmond Boogie and Splash but as it was my first time I didn't say hi to everyone (slightly shy but not too much) - if you are going in January I will definately say hi then! There are many sugar free desserts that you could make or bring that day to celebrate.You can buy SF Coolwhip - it is delicious - and yesterday I found SF carmel pudding in Shoppers. You can buy SF Angel cake that tastes great! Also cheese cubes, sliced deli meat for protein and eat with crackers. These are all Normal foods now in my household and no-one questions how much I am eating because we are all eating it...... And if all else fails....and she doesn't and enjoy your salad!! Jackie
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