Back from Hawaii ~ missed reading the posts!!

eileen f
on 7/3/06 2:01 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
Hey all, I'm back from 3 weeks in Hawaii, visiting my sister. I'm trying to catch up on the posts, sounds like everyone had a good time in Richmond. Christine, i'm glad everything went good with surgery and you're down 25 pounds!! Whoohoo!! Of course I missed my best buddies Lei, Wendy, Kim T. and Carole T!!! Can't wait to see them to catch up on everything!!! I'm hoping to see them on the 4th, if only for a little while. Boy, jet lag is a bear!!! I am still so tired!! Hope to get caught up on reading the posts in the next few days! Have a GREAT 4th, everyone!! Eileen =)
Susan E.
on 7/3/06 10:29 pm - Purcellville, VA
Hi Eileen, Three weeks in Hawaii, Oh that sounds so wonderful. Glad you made it home safe and sound. Bet your hubby missed you. We missed seing you in Richmond. Make plans to come for the Jan. event. Can't wait for our trip in October, DRUMROLL....... Its's in 93 days, Yahooooooooo. But if you ask Lei she has a shorter way of counting the days. According to her it's only 2 months away. I think I like her math better then mine. Happy 4th of July, Susan
(deactivated member)
on 7/3/06 10:35 pm - Fairfax Station, VA
Hi Eileen, missed you!! How wonderful for you to have gone to Hawaii to visit your sister. We missed you in Richmond -- your girls Wendy and Lei were there and held up the fun loving VA BEACH chicks tradition of making this party even more fun!! Talk to you later, love donna
(deactivated member)
on 7/4/06 12:26 am -'Beach, VA
Hello sweet friend!!! So nice to 'see' you posting again, which means you're officially HOME and shaking off the two days of jet lag. I'm so glad we're gonna get to play catch up in REAL space this afternoon, I am so soooooooooooooooooooo LOOKING FORWARD to my girly-friends, blue skies, good conversations, tanning poolside, while our cabana boys (your husbands) are BBQ-ing. On, and of course breaking in Kim's "Sugar Free Margarita Machines" ...oh my my, is it 3:00 yet? See you soon - welcome home - love you - ME!
Christine Hood
on 7/4/06 12:47 am - Fort Eustis, VA
Hi Eileen! I am soooo jealous! Hope you had a GREAT time in Hawaii for 3, no, I am not bitter (yes I am cause wahhhhh I wanna go!) Everything went great with surgery and I am on the road! I went back to work full days yesterday (yuck) and it wore me out but oh well! Enjoy your 4th! Christine
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