New Pic Test

Christine Hood
on 7/3/06 12:30 pm - Fort Eustis, VA
Just checking to see if I can see my new pic...I think I lost a chin and gained a neck...I'll take it!! I posted 2 pre-op and 2 post op pics side by side and I can finally see some difference! The mirror just was not being helpful at all!! Christine 253/229.5/134
Amy B.
on 7/3/06 2:23 pm - Hampton Roads, VA
Wow I see a big difference! You should be so proud of yourself! One minute I feel smaller and the dunno. Trying not to overthink it just yet. "Aunt Flo" stopped by a week ago and is about to finally make her exit. I always feel very uhhhmmmm aaaaa well......cow-ish all during the time she visits. But back to you, my dear. In the words of Billy Crystal......."YOU LOOK MAAAHHHHVELOUS!" Amy
Christine Hood
on 7/3/06 2:26 pm - Fort Eustis, VA
Thanks Amy! I was doing that back and forth thing and I couldn't see it until I took another pic...I see a little but a lot of people say they see a big difference! Christine
on 7/3/06 9:12 pm - Rockbridge Co., VA
Yes, I see a BIG difference in your face! Good work! Lois
Christine Hood
on 7/3/06 11:05 pm - Fort Eustis, VA
Thanks Lois!
(deactivated member)
on 7/3/06 10:45 pm - Fairfax Station, VA
Christine, beautiful!! I definitely see a difference. Be sure and take a picture every single month on the surgery date. I've done that and when I look it's amazing. I didn't notice much difference as it was happening, but month by month it is. Hey I was reading your profile, and what is the 2 mess up rule (from your therapist I think). Your profile is cool. It was fun reading it. You're doing great Christine! Wish I could meet you -- I wanted you to go to Richmond!! love donna
Christine Hood
on 7/3/06 11:24 pm - Fort Eustis, VA
Thanks Donna! I wasn't going to take a pic at a month but you are right...I'm going to take one every month. The 2 mess up rule is for guys...2 mess ups and they are matter what the excuse or reason...she's trying to make me not accept so much crap from guys...i still have trouble with that rule because i always want to see the best in people (even if the excuses are lame). I want to meet you too!! I was thinking about going to Richmond but I was so tired and was just going back to work and couldn't swing it...hopefully i'll be there in January. You know the beach is a great place to go on vacation in the summer so come on down! I'm sure I'm not the only beach girl who would love to see ya! Love Christine
on 7/4/06 12:46 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Party Princess !!!! Look at you !!!!!!!! You look BEAUTIFULLER !!!!!!!!!! Seeeeeeeeeee..I told you !!! I could tell when we were "briskly" walking the boardwalk !!! You are so pretty. I wish you would accept yourself and enjoy the journey !!! AKA put on a damned bathing suit and run up the flumes with me !!!! See...I don't care if I cause an the meantime I am burning a calorie or two !!! Sorry, I didn't call back last night. I was painting like a madwoman..Neon Green !!! I can't wait for you to see it !!! I wanted something wild and retro looking. I don't know how to tie it in with the ajoining room though I think tonight if it doesnt storm we may go watch the fireworks on the boat !!! Please come with us !!! Gimme a call soon !!! Smoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooches, Jessica Rabbit !!!
Christine Hood
on 7/4/06 2:17 am - Fort Eustis, VA
Hey JR! Glad I look beautifuller and not WORSERER! As far as the bathing suit face and my thighs are 2 waaaaayyyyyy different stories!! Neon green...interesting...not sure if that ties into anything but neon ORANGE! or neon PINK!! OOO paint the livingroom neon pink!! I LOOOOOVVVVVEEE Pink!! That would be hot with your furniture! I wanna paint my house neon PINK!!! LOL I think I'm gonna wander to the boardwalk and watch the know that me and boats are not the best of friends and I'm just not in the mood to vomit! Then I'll definitely feel WORSERER!! And I don't want your chirren vomiting on me either...that would be GROSSERER!! Smoooooooooooooooooooooches back at ya! PP (ewww, I don't like that!) Party Princess! (ok, that's better!)
Amber B.
on 7/5/06 10:53 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
Looking pretty good!!!! If you need any help graphics wise, give me a hollar! I do web & graphic design. I'll help in any way I can!!!
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