Weird sensations. Has this happened to any of you?

(deactivated member)
on 7/2/06 10:21 pm - Fairfax Station, VA
Hello friends, well here is my weird sensation! Greg is gone this week to a Tai Chi camp so I'm alone. Well that is with 4 cats and 3 dogs. But human alone. And he has always traveled quite a bit with his job, etc., but this is the first time since my surgery. So here's what's weird. Usually whenever he went away it was for some reason, a big eating fest for me! Not that I didn't eat with Greg around but with him gone I even did better. Started planning what take out I would get, when I would go to DQ, just normal pig out. So yesterday when he left it was sort of a funny feeling. A feeling like I really needed, and wanted, to 'go' somewhere and eat, but totally not interested in doing it. I didn't, but I have to say it was frustrating because it had become my 'reward' for being alone. It sort of felt like a let down. I totally went through the whole proces --- okay, I'll go to the new Steak N Things, see what the stuff tastes like there. Then I thought, no, you'll find one thing you can eat, take two bites and be done. So I didn't. I guess this really reinforced to me how strong the mind is and how hard it is to overcome old habits, feelings. Also, how I always used to use food as comfort, and still think of it that way. Oh yeah friends, I am definitely not cured!! I have got to keep working on this -- but I am aware!! Have a nice holiday everyone. My computer is working now (obviously) after having our modem go out from the lightening storm, so hello - write me!! I'm going to be lonely!!! love donna
on 7/3/06 1:25 am - Barboursville, VA
Good Girl Donna you fight those demons, cause thats what they are. It is hard to break old habits but you have done so well and you will be fine while Greg is gone. Sending lots of hugs for support and Love to you. Mine is working today so Im alone as well. Know the feeling.
(deactivated member)
on 7/3/06 6:18 am - Fairfax Station, VA
Hi cutie, yeah, I fight those demons, that's for sure. And it is so funny because it is totally not a hungry thing!! But like I said, I'm aware!! Thank you Melinda, for being such a good friend to me. I'm glad I know you. love donna
Amy B.
on 7/3/06 1:48 am - Hampton Roads, VA
OOoohhh yeah.....been there and done that! My turn with dealing with this is coming at the end of the month. And being freshly post op I'm really limited. It must be sort of a "well what do I do with myself now" feeling. So much of my time was spend eating.....and scheming to eat. It will be nice when my brain finally says "ah ha" and opens itself up to new things. Maybe Donna, you COULD still go out to eat....maybe plan one special time with a friend and look forward to it.....then bring the leftovers home for another meal. Just a thought. Take care! Amy
(deactivated member)
on 7/3/06 6:23 am - Fairfax Station, VA
Hey Amy, you totally hit it on the head the scheming to eat!! What is that about!! And I hope one day my brain finally gets with the program!! I don't think you will have any problem at the end of the month Amy, cause you are still so 'new'. With me, I can see that I am getting hungry more frequently than I did, which I guess is normal. That was a good suggestion about doing something special with a friend, I might round up a friend or two!! Thanks Amy, and take care and enjoy this time!! Try on clothes all the time - that is the amazing thing. One day they are tight, the next day they are too big!! What fun!! love donna
J A.
on 7/3/06 2:08 am - Southwest, VA
Donna, You're winning the head game! You go girl! I've had surgery, 3 days out now and I'm doing fine. It's such a chore to get enough liquids in though! I had not realized how hard it would be to learn to sip sloooooowly. Love, Jan
(deactivated member)
on 7/3/06 6:25 am - Fairfax Station, VA
Jan, where was I?? I didn't realize you had surgery. I am so so excited for you. How are yu doing. This is wonderful Jan, you will do great. Yes, it is hard at first to get in liquids, but just sip sip sip, as they say. Oh Jan, I am so excited for you, and sorry I didn't know about your surgery!! I'm glad you made the decision. Now we really have to get together!!! When are you going to visit your daughter - any time soon??? love donna
Ms Court
on 7/3/06 6:34 am - Remington, VA
Ms. Donna sounds like you beat the devil this time. What a wonderful story, and very incitedful for us that are coming behind you. Very good and now the next time will hopefully not be as hard. Courtney
(deactivated member)
on 7/3/06 7:16 am - Fairfax Station, VA
Hi little cutie - yeah, this was a good eye opener for me as to how I always have and still would use food as a best friend, a subsitute for whatever, and just nice to have around. By the way, sounds like you really had a great time in LV!! One of my favorite places, but only in small doses!! love donna
Christine Hood
on 7/3/06 10:49 am - Fort Eustis, VA
Hey Donna! It's so funny that you mentioned that...Today when I went to Wendys to get chili I was sitting there thinking..."I wonder what would happen if I ordered a frosty." As if someone was going to fly down and slap the cup outta my hand! I really didn't even think about eating/drinking it...just wanted to order it (for old time's sake, I guess). CRAZY BRAIN! love christine 253/229.5/134
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