A great time at the B & S

on 6/29/06 2:54 am - Radford, VA
Hi everyone, Just wanted to tell everyone that As a new guy to the board and the new guy at the B & S, I had a great time. Sorry if I seemed a little stand offish, I really enjoyed meeting everyone and sharing some great stories. As some of you know I am doing this whole WLS thing by myself (which sucks) and it was great to just be around people that are going through the same thing as I am. I can not wait until Jan. I should be a lean mean fighting machine by then. I guess I will have to buy all new suits and stuff. I promise to be more outgoing and try to talk to everyone. By the way I ran for a quarter of a mile yesterday (and did not keel over with a heart attack) and I feel ok today. Also lost another 4 pounds, total so far 255 gone for every. Still have more to go though. See everyone soon. Dan
(deactivated member)
on 6/29/06 4:21 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Dan, As someone who was there for the first time also I was pretty quiet myself so I know how you feel. 255lbs gone is a lot to be proud of and you are doing just wonderful! I am 4 months out and still have a way to go too. Everyone I have spoken to had a grest time and I am glad thst you did too. I know you were worried if you would fit in but everyone made us "newbies" very welcome! Thanks EVERYONE!! Jackie
on 6/29/06 7:33 am - Barboursville, VA
I was a newbie too and I enjoyed meeting you Dan and Jackie, hope to be there in Jan. I have lost 150 pounds so far but gained 3 pounds back fluid I think ( I hope). Dan your doing great considering your story and your not alone you have all of us here on the VA board as well as others. Stay in touch both of you.
(deactivated member)
on 6/29/06 10:08 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
I gained 2lbs over the weekend and I am not even sure how!!! - I lost it again this week but it was a shock to see how eaily I could gain from sugar free desserts and cookies - none of which I had a lot of..... I enjoyed meeting everyone - and can't wait until January - unless you have another one before that!! hint hint! lol! Jackie
on 6/29/06 7:56 am - Warrenton, VA
Hi Dan, Although I wasn't able to get to Richmond to meet all of the "newbies", I have followed your profile and you are doing great!!!! It sounds like I missed a great time...and looking at the photos...I know I missed some good fun. Hopefully I will be there in January and look forward to meeting you. Keep up the great work and good luck with the running. Take care Sue
on 6/29/06 9:32 am - Northern, VA
*Whats your name again??* Yeah, it was nice meeting you as well, sorry it had to happen *multiple* times!! Hehe, but you better believe, I will NEVER forget your name or face......I have a bad time with names, like Lei, and will say Hi sweetie, honey, ect, ect I am glad you came out for the festivities, and hope to see you in January as well!! Dianna
on 6/29/06 11:26 am - Altavista, VA
Was great to meet you Dan. We will let you know when the meet and greets start back up. You are doing great. I need to up the exercise too. Good to meet you again. Shannon
on 6/29/06 8:51 pm - Richmond, VA
Dan, Steve and I had a great time meeting you and hanging out with ya over the weekend. The first time I had met anyone from the board was in January, so I do remember how ya felt. It was a blast and we can look forward to an even better time in January! But we need to get together before then. Six months is too long to go without seeing everyone. Tammy
on 6/30/06 11:10 am - Va Beach, VA
Hey Dan, I was a B&S newbie too, as I wasn't able to attend the January events. Really didn't think I'd be able to pull off the B&S either, but was so happy I made it out for Saturday and Sunday morning. Was definitely worth the effort in scheduling, and it made me sad that I missed the Friday schedule. Cant wait to see you in January, if not before. I felt like there was so little time, and so many folk to meet. Hoping to spend more time in the future getting to know everyone. Keep hitting that gym, you're doing so awesome on your journey, and exercise will benefit you that much more. The surgeons only take you so far, the rest is up to you.. keep it up! Wendy
(deactivated member)
on 6/30/06 10:48 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
A runner ... !!! Yea ! I love to run too .. and trust me .. it does help with your weight loss . It was good to finally meet you . I just did not have time to enjoy everyone like I wanted to . I look forward to seeing you again in January . Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing the Lean Mean Fighting Machine in Jan .. Hugs, Nat
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