Med ID Bracelets - A Big Thank You!

Kim B
on 6/28/06 10:36 pm - Twilight Zone
Ok, so I hear I missed a really great time at the Boogie and Splash event. Being friends with David, I am well aware of all the work that goes into making these events the success that they are ... so even though I wasn't there, thank you David and Tinkerbell ... you both obviously have what it takes to put these events together and make it look easy - and we all know it is not. As some of you may know, I design and make beaded medical id jewelry, and in preparation for the weekend, had made a bunch to bring along. When I ended up not being able to come, David offered for me to send them anyway and he would set them up at a table .... I want to thank David for being .... uhhh well, David! A wonderful friend. Thanks to Tinkerbell (by the way, congrats on your next grandbaby!), Joanne-Tigger and Betsy Anitahug for manning the table and being so awesome. You are all the best and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will be there in January - Jet Blue is allowing me to put my unused ticket toward airfare then - oh yeahhhh! Can't wait to see everyone again .... Kim
on 6/28/06 10:43 pm - Orlando, FL
I loved your bracelets. Next time I will bring some extra money with me. CathyA
Kim B
on 6/28/06 11:47 pm - Twilight Zone
Thank you so much Cathy, and I truly love making them .... I was just telling my friend from the other board that I started to make jewelry the summer before my surgery consultation. My surgeon told me if I gained anymore weight, he'd know I wasn't serious and would consider not operating on me. That put such fear in me ... ugh! I knew that I needed to stop shoveling the twinkies and busy my hands elsewhere..... and there we have it ... Jewelry (to be honest, the beads remind me of candy so I get a semi-fix right there!) .... thanks again for the compliment Cathy ... Kim
*~Tigger~ *
on 6/28/06 11:22 pm - Staunton, VA
Kim, Your bracelets are lovely! I enjoyed showing them off to the crowd, and I think I sold quite a few! Sorry you missed the weekend, but there's always January!! JoAnn
Kim B
on 6/28/06 11:40 pm - Twilight Zone
Hey JoAnn! Yes, you did an amazing sales job - David was very impressed! I must say that for the brief moment I spoke with you on the phone - that accent of yours - ohhhhh yeah, I'd buy anything from you! I will be coming in January, can't wait to see you all. Thanks again JoAnn, Kim
*~Tigger~ *
on 6/29/06 2:19 am - Staunton, VA
(deactivated member)
on 6/28/06 11:50 pm -'Beach, VA
Hello beautiful - I didn't get to see the actual display/table set up - didn't make it there till late Saturday afternoon and that portion was over with. BUT, I know first hand, the quality of your work, because I still wear and love the necklace I bought from you about two years ago!!! Hey? PUT YOUR WEBSITE LINK OUT THERE - how are the rest of us who couldnt see your stuff, live in Richmond, gonna look at it - otherwise. Yah yah, I know OH frowns on "self promotion" ...but this doesnt fall in that category, cause I'm SPECIFICALLY REQUESTING it and I KNOW that's allowed. You've changed the name of your company, so it's no longer the link I used to have for you - I know the new company is called "Wrist Candy" (or close enough?). Soooooooooooo - the website would be? Hugs - Lei
Kim B
on 6/29/06 12:00 am - Twilight Zone
I am so happy you still love and wear your necklace ..... I loved making that for you. Ok, yikes, I hope I don't get in trouble ... but, Lei, if you make a request, I am going to oblige ... cause I love ya! The site is wristcandydesigns add the www and the .com ... If you don't see something on there, you can contact me and I'll make ya anything you have in mind and work it so the price suits you... love the creative part of this! Thank you and I so missed seeing you again ... I look forward to being with everyone again in Jan .... Kim
Betsy Anitahug
on 6/29/06 12:16 am - Danville, VA
Hi Kim...No thanks was fun although JoAnne manned the table most of the time. I love your designs...Kelli bought me one that you are making!!! Can't wait to get it. All the jewelry was do an awesome job! Beautiful. Missed you at the conference and can't wait to see you again. hugs, Betsy
Kim B
on 6/29/06 1:39 am - Twilight Zone
Hi Betsy, Hugs for you .... and thank you. I love the design that I will be making for you and Kelli .... David sent the bracelets back to me yesterday so I will get them and start making them right away! I can't wait to see you again in January ... I need my OH friends fix bad! I will talk to you and thanks again ... Kim
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