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(deactivated member)
on 6/27/06 8:30 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
We hear it often ...the question is .. Are you moving to Loose ? I noticed since I began getting ready for B and S .. and Alan.. my exercise routine is slacking. No .. I do not need to Loose any more weight .. but I do need to stay in shape . So today , I am back on the wagon again .. In order to maintain .. I know I must keep up with my program . 1. 4 mile walk this afternoon 2. Extensive 60 min Weight Training 3. Cool Down Meditation If you are new into your journey .. do not be swayed to think because the scale is moving that you do not need to exercise .. the entire program goes hand in hand . PROTEIN + WATER + EXERCISE = WEIGHT LOSS Join me today and restart ... or continue to move to loose .. Always .. Moving Someway! Tink
on 6/27/06 8:38 pm - Altavista, VA
Ok Tink. I need the motivation. My scale aint jumping no more so I know I got to boost the walking. My protein is still very high but I struggle getting the water and motivation to walk. Pray for no rain today so I can walk. Shannon
(deactivated member)
on 6/27/06 8:49 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Ahhh No Excuses Huney Buney .. Rain or No Rain .. if it rains.. get in the middle of your living room .. and walk in place.. or better yet .. throw a dance party with yourself .. that is what I do when it rains .. Sometimes I use my fireplace mantle as a step .. and do step areobics .. So .. move someway today .. you can do it .. you are looking so good .. !! And I know you feel like a Mill .. Hugs, Tink
on 6/27/06 9:05 pm - Chesterfield, VA
YES! This is just what I need... I have definitely been slacking in the exercise department. For someone who has gone out of her way to AVOID moving almost my entire life, this is the HARDEST change to make... sooooo TODAY, I'm going to move! Not sure how yet, but I'm doing it!! Tammy
(deactivated member)
on 6/27/06 9:10 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Good .. Way to go .. I know I have totally neglected my walking . I know that I need to .. with Diabetes .. exercise as well as diet are so crucial . I sure wish we all lived closer .. we could work out or walk together ... We should try to get a bunch of us together once a month to do a long walk somewhere here local .. Wada ya say ??? Hugs, Natalie
on 6/27/06 11:57 pm - Radford, VA
HAY Natalie, It was nice to meet you this weekend. Even though I have been doing pretty good with the exercise, Coming back from the B&S has really motivated me for several reason to take it to the next level. On my Monday work out I walked for 1 mile at work, worked on the wieghts pretty heavy, Rode that bike for 23 minutes at 8.25 miles, then walked another mile. But when I did the second mile I ran for 2 laps. I have not been able to run since college. Granted it was only 1/6 of a mile but when was the last time you saw a 371 pound man run except to the doughnut shop.
on 6/28/06 12:47 am - Barboursville, VA
Way to go Dan !!!! Was real nice meeting you this weekend, keep up the good work...
(deactivated member)
on 6/28/06 1:49 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
That is a lot of exercise! I don't do half as much as that so I think I need to step mine up a bit too! It was nice to meet you this weekend Dan!! Hope you enjoyed yourself. It was my first time too and now I can't wait until January for the next one!
on 6/28/06 12:01 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Good Morning Tink !!! Yes, I am moving but I am NOT losing !!!!! Boohoohoo !!!! Please make this stall go away !!! This morning I did arm weights, basic yoga, and rode my recumbant bike for 50 minutes on medium intensity. My butt and legs are poping away !! Protein is up, water is up, only eat natural carbs in small quanities. HELP !!!! I am waiting for the sunny weather to get here this weekend. I am over the dreary days, rainy weather, floods, etc... Come on weekend !!!!! Dana
on 6/28/06 12:54 am - Barboursville, VA
Nat hey you how are you? Did you go to the ER?
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