Where's Lei??

on 6/28/06 12:32 am - Northwest Indiana
Okay, I'm hijacking this site in search of our pal, Leilani!!! I'm hardly ever around anymore but always check her profile page and she's MIA. Someone out there knows something! Sheryl
Sharon Q.
on 6/28/06 1:05 am - Fredericksburg, VA
Hiya Sheryl!! It's not raining today, so she's probably out doing errands enjoying the sunshine...........finally!!!! Best time to catch our Leilani is early in the morning, but I'm sure she'll be around sometime today and respond to you!! She's alive and well though, we all saw her over the weekend!!! XOXOXOOXOX Sharon
on 6/28/06 1:11 am - Northwest Indiana
Thanks, Sharon! When you see her again, tell her it's not fair that she doesn't keep the rest of us, who can't SEE her, abreast of what's happening in her life! (aBREAST, no pun intended, ha!) She's a true inspiration---and a nut! Sheryl
on 6/28/06 5:08 am - Raleigh, NC
She was posting on the main board this morning : ) She showed me this amazing stuff called Profect. I may just order some samples. Wow, 25gs of protein in a Jello type shot!!! Looks amazing. It looks like something my mother in law (first marriage) was trying to tell me she was giving to my father in law just before he passed this summer when he went on peritineal dialysis, but she couldn't remember the right name. She said they were pretty good and helped him so he didn't have to force down a lot of food when he wasn't feeling well. ~Laney
(deactivated member)
on 6/28/06 5:38 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Laney, I use Profect or New Whey Protein by IDS all the time - they are fabulous! Six gulps and it is done. You have to look around all the sites though because it can cost 2.99 a vial. The site I used last week was http://www.buildingbrawn.com/index.php They have it for $21.99 for 12 vials and they deliver quickly. Also mysupplement.com sell it too with free deliver. Shop around and I highly recommend it - I take 3 vials a day. Also I take Scifit twist protein too - that is nice stuff as well. If you want to know more just e-mail me and I would be glad to help! Jackie
(deactivated member)
on 6/28/06 9:14 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
BOO!!!!! Hello sweet friend, how the heck are you? LOL, besides sending out an APB on me, that is. You know, it's really funny, and you're probably not gonna believe this, but I pulled up my profile just last week and noticed I hadn't updated it since May and IMMEDIATELY thought of you. hehehehe ...I was shocked that you'd actually let me slide for 6 weeks without updating sumthin'!!! No excuse - just lazy? ...or maybe [gasp] ...it's just that there really isn't anything more to update about the 'weight loss' aspect of my journey, ya know? I really expect my updates to shrivel up and dry out and had even thought about putting that in my profile - I dunno, something along the lines of ...."Well, this is it, the last update, unless something dramatically changes, weight loss, weight gain, health issues because of WLS, etc" Figure there's no sense in boring people with the "Day to Day Life of Lei" and in all reality the last year of updates has not REALLY been weight loss related - just ME, rambling like I always do. ANYWAY - how's married life treating you? Didn't ya'll just pass your one year Anniversary? Hows the ongoing trials and tribulations of "maintenance" going? LMAO - personally? I HATE that freakn word - so much easier to roll off the tongues then to implement - not to mention, OVERWHELMING when you think it's a battle for LIFE. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh man do I miss the first year of weight loss when NOTHING I did 'wrong' affected the loss on the scales. NOW? Even stuff I do RIGHT causes the scales to go up 2 or 3 pounds, there's no rhyme or reason at times! Okay - enough from me, tag YOU'RE it! Love - Lei
Sporty Jill
on 7/1/06 2:04 am - Norfolk, VA
But we WANT the day to day life of Lie.... hehehehe Jill 263/169/145
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