I'm still around... Update on my baby girl

Teresa Isphording
on 6/22/06 12:48 am - Knotts Island, NC
I know I don't post much any more but I do still read the board and keep up with all of you and keep you all in my prayers. As some of you may know, I had a beautiful baby girl on March 22. My husband and I call her our miracle baby because before WLS I was told I would not be able to have kids. Now 2 ½ years after my surgery I have this wonderful and amazing baby. I can't believe my baby girl is 3 months old today. At her 2 month check up she was 12lbs and 21 ½" long. She is just perfect! My husband and I thank God every day for her. I can't believe how fast she is growing. She is such a happy baby and smiles all the time. She was just smiling for her mommy for a while but a few weeks ago she smiled at daddy before he left for work. Needless to say it was the best way to start his day. My Sarah-Bear is definitely a daddy's girl. She is the happiest when she is sitting/laying on daddy watching TV with him. I also wanted to share pictures of her with all of you. I have the albums with her pictures password protected so if you go to www.picturetrail.com/tia07 and click on one of her albums the password is baby_girl06. It's the same password for all 3 of her albums. We are going Saturday to get her 3 month pictures taken and I'll post those as soon as I can. I hope all of you who are going to the Boogie & Splash have a wonderful time. I'm really going to miss going but I can't imagine leaving Sarah with someone over night yet. My husband and I went last year and met the most amazing people and had a blast so we are really going to miss being there this year. We will be thinking about you guys this weekend. Hugs Teresa Mommy to Sarah Elizabeth ~ 3 months old today
on 6/22/06 3:09 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Awwwwwww..she is a doll !! She is beautiful like her mommy !! Just think of the stories you will be able to tell her about how special she is when she gets old enough to understand !!! What a little angel !!! Congrats on everything !!! Dana
Teresa Isphording
on 6/22/06 3:17 am - Knotts Island, NC
Hey Dana, Thank you so much! We think she is beautiful too... God willing, we would like to wait till she is about 2 and have another baby. But if it's not meant to be we are grateful and blessed just to have her. Teresa
on 6/22/06 7:42 pm - Rockbridge Co., VA
You are so blessed, Teresa! Surgery, healthy baby--what more can one ask for? I never left my children with anyone until the youngest (now 21 and too big for her britches ) was 4, and that was with my folks when they lived at Murrel's Inlet, SC. Congratulations on all your successes, Lois
Teresa Isphording
on 6/23/06 12:13 am - Knotts Island, NC
Thank you Lois! She is my little angel. I'm sure it will change but right now I can't ever imagine leaving her with anyone over night. My husband and I joke around saying that she isn't allowed to leave off the Island (we live on Knotts Island on NC/Va boarder****il she is 25 unless mommy or daddy is with her plus my sister use to teach down in Charleston SC so we are going to move her up here to home school Sarah... LOL Teresa
Sharon Q.
on 6/22/06 9:12 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
Hiya Teresa!! I saw the pictures of adorable Sarah yesterday, then promptly got booted and never did get back to post to you!! (Kids are outta school now and hog the puter!) SHE IS SOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!! More amazing that she's here at all!!! She truely is a WLS success story right with you!!! You spend all the time you can with her right now as they grow up so darn fast!!! I hope you get the chance to have a few more!!! XOOXOXOXOOXOOX Sharon
Teresa Isphording
on 6/23/06 12:17 am - Knotts Island, NC
Hey Sharon, Thank you so much! My Sarah-Bear is truely a WLS success story. As we go through this journey we talk about 'wow' moments we have but I have to say my baby girl is the biggest WOW moment of my life. God willing, we would like to have at least one more but if we don't we are forever grateful for Sarah. She is beautiful and healthy, I couldn't ask for more. Teresa
on 6/22/06 11:13 pm - in, VA
Teresa, She is absolutely adorable! I am sad that you can't be here this year as you were one that was so friendly and wonderful to me last year at my first adventure out with this wonderful group! I'll be sure to have a green monster in your honor! Take care of that sweet little girl and come see us soon! Jen
Teresa Isphording
on 6/23/06 12:26 am - Knotts Island, NC
Ahhhh Jen, thank you so much! You are such a sweetheart! I hate that I haven't been able to see you since we met last year. I remember when I first met you last year. I thought you were so pretty and the nicest person. Look at you now! You are a gorgeous and still have a heart of gold! I read your post the other day about being so sick but didn't get a chance to reply. I've been praying for you and hope your feeling better and have a blast this weekend. Yes, please have a green monster for me. I think I've only had one since then because I got pregnant shortely after that. Hopefully, we'll be able to come up and visit soon. Hugs Teresa
on 6/25/06 10:53 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
Grats on her healthy weight and loving smiles . I have problems going to the store with my new one (born 5-24-06) at home with daddy. You look very happy and she is adorable. Sorry I havent been able to catch up with anyone but it seems the only thing I work on catching up on is sleep. I know in a month or so it will get better, maybe 4 hours blocks of sleep I consider our baby a miracle as well since I had to do WLS inorder to recieve a tubal reversal. I had in the past elected sterilization and successfully after WLS had it reversed. Worth every stitch..every stick...heck I am even sick enough to want a new one, already (but we are not working on that really, til next year..or the year after)...then I am very very done. Any plans in the working for you? Either way its good to hear from you on the boards..i get to creep on and read a few pages back once a week or so..busy busy busy....our baby was born small at 36weeks 6days (6lbs, 8ounces) and just now hit the over 7 lb mark after regaining birth weight...she eats all the time so i know this will be a quick gain... well til later i got baby stuff to do love ya allllls
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