WLS Like Getting Married?
Borrowed from the Lightweights message board. Someone's case worker shared this with them!
First you're dating and trying things out - this is the pre-op time where you try to change some necessary behaviors - no caffeine, no carbonated drinks, establish a regular exercise routine, eating slower, chewing your food to a puree, etc.
Next comes your wedding day aka surgery date!
Then your honeymoon - losing lots of weight and feeling great!
Ultimately married to the same man/woman FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Ok - so now you're at goal or a comfortable weight, but you still need to work on your marriage - do those things you did while dating - tell your spouse you love them, make them feel special, strong, and that your life would be empty without them = exercise, stick to meals/snacks a day, drink your water, take your vitaimins, (mostly) say NO to foods that aren't healthy for you.
Remenber during dating and honeymoon times - you are building habits that you will need for the rest of your life...
When that stranger across the room - a cute guy/gal aka a piece of cheesecake calls to you - remember - You Are Married!!!
WOW.........what a way to put it. Never really thought of WLS as a marriage but in many ways it is. And as hard work it is to keeping a marriage in tack...so is your weight after you lose your initial weight. I will have to copy this and put it in my book........
Thanks Kathy for sharing this with us all.
Lots of Love
Kathy-16 days & counting
Rut roh, uh....soooooooooooooooo, since Ive been through ONE divorce, does that mean there's a "revision" in my future? Hope not!
...oh, and for da' record?? Ive never seen a man that looked as good or better then a piece of cheesecake, so it's not exactly a fair comparison! Men come and go, Cheesecakes are ALWAYS available.
Hugs - Lei (once a food junkie, always a ...?)