I feel so violated....

on 6/15/06 3:32 am - Richmond, VA
Hi all. I have been MIA for a couple of days (yet again!) and here is why. I woke up Wednesday morning thinking it would be a normal day and got ready to leave for work. Got in my truck and something did not feel right, but I carried on. I turned around in the driveway and got 1/2 a block away and reached up to turn on my XM radio and then it hit me...where is my radio??? It was gone! Someone had broken into my truck sitting right in front of my house and stole my xm satellite radio, my new diamond engagement ring that Steve bought me since my current one no longer fits, my daughters portable dvd player and some dvd's, her nintendo ds and about 15 games, my blue tooth hands free thingy for my cell phone, and lord knows what else that I haven't missed yet. I only had the ring in there because I was taking it to be sized. It was too big, too! My husband found some things in the road a few blocks away and brought them home. I spent all day yesterday on the phone with the police and insurance company and then at the police station for finger printing and then to the dealership to get an estimate to have my vehicle repaired. They did not break the glass in the window, but they did $1600.00 minimum in damage getting in the truck! They still have to take the door panel off and see what is wrond with the window before a total estimate can be given. I have been so upset that I have not eaten or been drinking anything. Everytime that I try...it comes right back up. No...it is not a stricture this time...just a stomach (or little pouch) in knots! Sorry for the long post...just had to vent and try and get some of this off of my chest. Tammy
Kathy & Rich
on 6/15/06 3:39 am - Fairfax, VA
I'm so very, very sorry Tammy. I went through a couple of thefts in my lifetime and know how horrible it can feel. {{{{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}}}}} Try to eat or drink something, okay? I don't want you to be ill. Kathy
on 6/15/06 3:57 am - Richmond, VA
Thanks Kathy. You are too sweet! I called my surgeons office since I could not keep anything down (actually I called for something else and told the NP about it) and they called in something for me. It did not help with keeping anything down, but it sure did help me sleep last night! I will keep trying to get something in me. Tammy
Christina R.
on 6/15/06 4:02 am - Reston, VA
Tammy- Sorry to hear about your break-in. Please take care of yourself! Christina S
on 6/15/06 4:22 am - Kings Mountain, NC
Oh Tammy, I can understand you feeling so violated. It's an awful thing to have someone destroy your property and to steal from you. I just never could understand why anyone would want to do something like that to another human being. I will keep you & your family in my prayers that you will recover your losses. And most of all that they will catch the awful person that did this to you. If there is any upside to this, it would be that no one was injured. Personal items can be replaced but life can not. Keep your chin up and try not to let this get you down. Lots of Love Kathy-19 days & counting
Lorraina M.
on 6/15/06 4:23 am - Ruther Glen, VA
Tammy, I am so so sorry to hear about your loss and violation. Plus I feel bad for not keeping in touch better lately. It is sad that it is such a mean world out there sometimes, guess the only good part is that no one happened on the theft while it was happening, would have been terrible if you or one of your family had been hurt. I hope that the insurance covers your financial loss and that you find some much needed peace. I am thinking of you. Lorraine
on 6/15/06 5:39 am - Chesterfield, VA
I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Once I came back to my car while shopping and someone had TRIED to break into my car, which was filled with packages. I'm sending lots of good vibs your way~~~~~~~~ and this is for the person who broke into your car Love ya, Tammy
Sharon Q.
on 6/15/06 6:10 am - Fredericksburg, VA
Tammy Girl!!!!!!!!!!! Breathe with me.......................deep cleansing breaths!!!!!!!!! NOW, possessions are just that.............possessions!!! THEY can be replaced, and in all likelyhood WILL be replaced at some point. BUT, your big shot at awesome health cannot be replaced and you cannot forget that. I know it sux, been there too, but YOU and your loved ones are ok, and in my book that's all that matters...........period!!! Calm yourself, eat, walk, stomp the face of the jerk that did this if you want, but you have to eat, and you have to drink. Nuff said?? We love you!!!! OXOOXoXOOXOXoXOOX Sharon
on 6/17/06 2:22 am - Brick, NJ
Tammy~ I am so sorry about your break in. That happened to me 3 years ago. I got into my car to go to work and there was glass all over the passenger seat, it scared the heck out of me, and I couldn't believe how violated I felt! Someone had busted out the passenger side window of my Moutaineer to get into the car. I cried for 2 days I think. I hide my purse under the psgr. side seat, they took that, and we had just come back from a cruise, all 5 of our passports were in there, my wallet, my cell phone, drivers license, credit cards..... you know all the stuff we keep in our purse. I repaired the window and sold the car the next week. It felt dirty to me after that for some reason. One month to the day I got my purse back, just the cash was missing. I got the passports back, my biggest concern... they are so hard to replace. I am so sorry that this happened to you, I know the feeling you are feeling, it's a very strange and violated feeling. I am sorry for the person that had to do this to get what he needed also, God be with him. I prayed for the person that did that to me, and it did seem to help. I tried to imagine that he stole my purse because he needed money for baby formula or diapers... or a real need! I think it helped? Just a suggestion. Michelle from NJ, I was here checking on Wills condition and saw your post.... in case you were wondering how I got here
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