Things that make you go ... hmmm

(deactivated member)
on 6/13/06 9:21 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
This has been one crazy week so far for me .. Do you ever have days or weeks that seem like you are out of sorts .. well lemme break it down for ya .. 1. Monday .. got up .. got dressed .. was making my tuna fish for lunch .. squirted an entire bottle of pickle relish all over my pants .. 3 minutes to go to leave out the door .. wiped it off .. kept on going .. Smelt like a pickle all day ~ 2. Went to Maryland this weekend .. stopped by the Vitamin Shoppe to learn that my X and his new wife have been using my Vitamin Shoppe Discount card .. how did you find out Tink .. you ask >>?? Well , I verified my address and it was his address .. the woman said .. according to our records .. you where in here last week and updated it .. OH and we gave you an xtra 100 points that day too for giving us your address and updated email .. come on now .. how low is that . .is she not bright enough to figure out she too can get her own card .. hmmm .. changed my address back and KEPT HER POINTS no my points ... !!!! 3. Ok.. now do not laugh to hard .. I got up this mornging .. getting ready to go to work .. I have this black bra that I love .. but it is one of those that clasp together .. it converts to a strapless .. well one of the hooks broke and I decided to well .. melt it back on so it would stick .. I could not find any glue ok .. and I lit it with a lighter .. and pooooof .. it caught on fire .. and melted .. so no bra .. This has been a week like no other .. So have you ever just wanted to get under the blanket and hide ... ??? Tink
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/06 9:39 pm -'Beach, VA
LOL!!!! .... I don't know what's funnier, "them" using YOUR card to get points, which are now YOUR points. Gawd, are people really that STUPID?? ....amazing! Maybe you could give them MY card number and they could rack points up for me, as well? ...or your BRA BURNING CEREMONY, which also left me laughing! Uh, girlfriend??? I think our parents already did the bra burning thing back in the 70's ..are you trying to instigate another "Free the boobies" revolution? Well, I can't let you do it on your own - going in search of a coupla' bras to burn. [sigh]...the things I do for my friends!
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/06 9:47 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
OMGAWD .. It caught fire .. and the strap started burning .. was puffing and slinging it around .. it finally went out .. it did not hurt the cups .I cut the straps off !!! . so I am wearing it any way .. tacky I know .. but it is the only bra that fits me like I want it too .. I was laughing so hard .. and so glad no one was here to see it .. BURN BABY BURN ..
on 6/14/06 4:42 am - Rockbridge Co., VA
Didn't realize I was so much OLDER than you, Lei! I supported the bra burners, but needed too much SUPPORT to burn my own Lois
(deactivated member)
on 6/14/06 7:57 am -'Beach, VA
LOL - I find it hard to believe you are "so much OLDER" then me, but I'm thinking if you needed to hang on to your bra for the support, back in 1970, we probably didn't go to the same gradeschool, huh?
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/06 10:54 pm - Fairfax Station, VA
...ah yes kiddo, I can think of one other thing that ruins your week - and that is to 'think' that you are just the same as the two ladies that you really admire on the VA Board (no names - initials N and L),and then to have a real reality bite when 'one' of them refers to 'our parents who burned their bras in the 70s'!!! Yupper, that would be me!!! And yupper, I could be your parent!! Yikes - now that sets the tone for the day!! I'll be in my rocker if anyone is looking for me -- taking all calls from any 'daughter' that wants to chat!! love donna
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/06 11:20 pm -'Beach, VA
.....oh HUSH, you!!!! Is it really "MY" fault that I just "ASSUME" you and I are the exact same age (46) because you LOOK so flippin' young? LOL, if you want me to believe/assume that you're old enough to be my momma, you're gonna have to work on the AGING process! Go on, get busy, you have between NOW and Saturday to AGE 20 years! Btw - if it makes you feel better (oh bratty one) ...I DID wear a bra in 1970, I do believe it was a training bra. Even then, Im sure my mom bought it just to shut me up - my lil skeeter bumps (at the time) really needed no covering up. Soooooooooooooooooo - for all you know, I mighta been burning my training bra in the 70's too! Love you bunches, guilt trip and all - Lei
Carole V.
on 6/14/06 3:57 am - Virginia Beach, VA
LOL I'm right there with ya in that rocker Donna. Yeah, I caught that "parent" reference too, but in my constant state of Denial (NOT a river in Egypt), I decided she just got her decades mixed up. What? I can't be a dumb blonde too??? Haven't set my bra on fire, but with all the senior moments I've been having lately, it's only a matter of time! luv, Carole
Michele R.
on 6/14/06 2:08 am - Pittsfield, MA
Aww tink honey...Tender hugs to you! It has been a week for you hasn't it? I am sorry and really hope that this next week is better for you. Sorry about your bra...that REALLY SUX when we love a bra and it has something wrong with it like when the wire pokes out at your boob or it catches on fire. LOL Sorry that is way funny but glad nothing else caught fire that could have been bad...ya know? But you saved a little of it! So things looked up there huh? Hugs! Shele
on 6/14/06 3:06 am - Raleigh, NC
Ok no fair making someone with a new incision laugh like that. Maybe there should be a warning on it? Splint your tummy alert???? ::giggle:: ~Laney
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