Cough, sniffle, a'choo...cough cough!

(deactivated member)
on 6/13/06 9:21 pm -'Beach, VA
LOVE the new picture and LOVE that top, Oooooo-la-la, sexy momma!!!
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/06 8:35 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Well then .. this explains it all .. the sniffles can get ya down ... Your brother is adorable .. you two do share the same beautiful smile .. I can see that plain as day . Glad you are back .. I have been busy w Boogie and Splash .. You better get your butt here girlfriend .. We need you ... Love ya .. and hope you feel better real soon . Nat
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/06 9:28 pm -'Beach, VA
Hello sweet friend - I can only imagine all the last minute details you and David are trying to address and handle right now. Can't wait to see YOU (and everyone else) next weekend, wi**** coulda' been for the entire event, but thankfully we were able to make it work out for Saturday. Wendy and I decided rather then skip the whole thing, since we truly canNOT work it out for Friday, we'll just show up as soon as we can on Saturday. Between the price of gas (and having to auction off your first born per tank full) and the hotel room, it's very cost effective to share the expense(s). If I can be of help Saturday evening, gimme a shout out. I've already talked to David about helping out Sunday morning and I'm looking forward to it. Hugs and love -- Lei
on 6/13/06 9:47 pm - Chesterfield, VA
Glad you're back and feeling better... sorry about the yuckies! Missed ya, you gorgeous wahine! Tammy
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/06 10:24 pm -'Beach, VA
Thanks, sweet lady - it's nice to be back, cough and all. The upside, once it goes bronchial, I'm NO longer contagious. See you next Saturday, uh, will I even recognize you? I think the "new" photo you mail to David you should have to share with US too!
on 6/14/06 8:23 am - Chesterfield, VA
Actually, my own COUSINS didn't recognize me Memorial Day weekend!! It was so funny... they asked my brother "who is that lady with Kyle?" Kyle is my hubby. He said "THAT'S TAMMY" Just to give you an idea, my hair is strawberry blond now, shoulder length, and I have a lot less of it. No more sling holding my arm up... and... OH YEAH, I've lost 100 pounds!! (mostly thin eveywhere except the mid-section... darn tummy and hips!) See ya soon... and how do I swiitch out this 9 year old pic with a recent one?? Tammy
(deactivated member)
on 6/14/06 8:42 am -'Beach, VA
Hey sweet stuff - Im going to be around the computer for another hour, if you want to send the photo over to me, i can RESIZE/crop it for you. Unless you already know how to do that?? The photo has to be 100x100 pixels -- if it's smaller, it gets stretched, if it's larger it gets smushed, and it looks funky on the boards. So it's better to resize it before you load it. To load it, go to the MAIN BOARD - that's the only place you can do that (for now) till all the boards switch over to the new format. Then click on the USER SETTINGS (near the top, but not the VERY top tabs ...on the left hand side right below your sign on name) ...its the same area that you can also create "signatures" ....not sure if you've tried that new feature yet on the NEW board format?? Just click on user settings, then the top portion of the screen that loads is for adding or deleting new photos. Click on the "remove" button directly under your current photo and it'll delete it, leaving you an empty box with a question mark. Then click on the "browse" button and search for the photo you want to upload from YOUR HARD DRIVE. Once youve found it, then click on the button that says UPLOAD (next to the BROWSE button) ...and the photo should appear. If it doesnt make sense or you want me to LOAD your photo for you - just send back your "profile user name and password" to me (in a private email) and I can do it. Hugs - Lei
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