Cough, sniffle, a'choo...cough cough!

(deactivated member)
on 6/12/06 11:32 pm -'Beach, VA
Hello friends, Thanks to ALL that emailed, threatening to send out a search party. Iz' alive and getting better. Leave it up to my brother to stop by for a week, turn my relatively quiet life UPSIDE down and then leave me with a horrible cold, cough, full body infection. Absolutely the toughest one to deal with in a very very LONG time. Still can't figure out how I can possibly get THIS sick when Im pumping extra C's and Zinc's on a daily basis, but oh my my, did I. I'm feeling much better and it's now down to just the bronchial challenges. Unfortunately, I know that'll be around for a few months. Ive had bronchitis since a lil itty bitty kid and the outcome is predictable - with a little bit of luck, I won't be FOG HORN COUGHING during the Boogie/Splash weekend. Speaking of? Although I won't be there on Friday, Wendy G. and I are coming out on Saturday, mid afternoon, so I'm looking forward to hanging out with ALL of you that evening!!! Oh, and if you'd like to see a photo of the 'germ carrying bug' brother of mine, here are 2 photos from his visit. Yah yah, I know, we look NOTHING alike! He got the brown skin, hair and eyes from my Polynesian Father and I, obviously, got the Austrian blood on my real Momma's side. Hope everyone had a great last two weeks, I have so much catching up to do with all the boards, that I think I'm gonna take the easy way out and, um, not? Hugs - Lei
Sharon Q.
on 6/12/06 11:43 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
Other than the brown skin and brown eyes.................I can see a definite resemblance. He looks healthy though, how did he pass the sickies if he's NOT SICK???? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, musta been the kids, just as I suspected!!! LOL XOOXOOXOOOXOOXOXOX Sharon
(deactivated member)
on 6/12/06 11:49 pm -'Beach, VA
You know, we went to dinner that night with my VaBeach Girlfriends (Eileen, Wendy, Carole and Jeni) and they said the same thing.... that they COULD see the family connection. LOL ...guess its this cute lil world of DENIAL I live in. Just read your other email - sounds like you're off to a great (QUIET) start this morning and tanning at the pool sounds WONDERFUL!!!!! Er, if I had a pool to tan at, that is. Oh and as far as the GERMS, trust me they were ALL his. He showed up on Monday, sick, that photo was from Friday night's dinner, and he was much better by then. Lei onthe other hand started coughing that night, and have been for the last 10 days. I told him in an email, afterwards, that he better be glad he left when he did or I woulda dropped kicked his germ carrying butt back to NewYork. free of charge!! Hugs - Lei
Christine Hood
on 6/13/06 12:33 am - Fort Eustis, VA
Hello there Missy-ing in Action! Glad you're back!! Anyway, did I miss something? What's going on Saturday? Sumthin' good I hope! As far as tanning...there is a pool in my complex which is completely empty during the day so as I will be home for the remainder of the week (minus a couple of scattered appointments) you are more than welcome to soak up some rays! Just let me know! Talk to ya soon! Christine
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/06 12:48 am -'Beach, VA
Woooohooooo - it's a DATE!!! I told you last week, once I got better, that I wanted to go walking with you. How does Thursday sound? We can do a 2 mile walk on the trails and then take our tired sweaty (er, I mean, glistening) bodies to the pool and get some sun. lol, er, I know it might not be as much fun for you, cause you can't swim for awhile. I assume 4 weeks, due to infections? But I'm all about the SUNNING vs swimming, so I'll be in a chair next to you, talking your ears off. We're currently operating with ONE vehicle, Paul's SUV bit the big one, and he's having a huge case of TESTOSTERONE overload and is insisting he can fix it. 10 days later, it's still dead in the drive way. Anyway, he deploys again at the end of the week, so I'll have my car back and can drive out there. So, whatcha think? hmmmm? Up for some company on Thursday and then again on Friday? LMAO - gotta love the houseguests that never leave, huh? As far as what's going on "Saturday" ...I was talking about the FOLLOWING Saturday, the Boogie/Splash thingie in Richmond. hehehe, you lil blonde wannabe! Let me know if Thursday works for you - walking, tanning, and maybe if we're feeling frisky, a SLURPEE?
Betsy Anitahug
on 6/13/06 1:39 am - Danville, VA
Hi Lei! So sorry you haven't been feeling well, Hon, but glad you will be better for the boogie and splash gala...I am really looking forward to the conference so I can get some much needed hugs from my bestest buddies..Your brother is very nice looking, just like his sister. Much family resembelance...Well, glad you are feeling better...Love ya muchly and can't wait to get a real Lei hug... Hugs, Betsy
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/06 9:14 pm -'Beach, VA
Hey sweet stuff - Spent most of yesterday trying to play catchup on the boards. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I'm a member of about 10 weight loss boards, so READING posts was all I managed to do, trying to reply to them would take another month. Anyway - wanted to say that Im thrilled you were able to spend the weekend with JIM in OH, and I look forward to seeing you BOTH again, next weekend! Not sure what happened that mighta caused some "problems" for you two (couldn't make heads or tails of a few comments threaded in the posts and I suspect a post or two got pulled?) ..but regardless of whatever it was, do what YOUR heart and mind says is right and ta' hell with other people's opinions. LOL - yes, even my opinion! Hugs - Lei
Ms Court
on 6/13/06 2:21 am - Remington, VA
Lei, glad you are back. I have missed you. Sorry about the sickies. Have you tried the Mucinex decongestant. Yes it is time release so it doesn't work as well for us but it still works pretty decent. It was the best thing in the world for me before surgery, when I started to get a nasty bronchial thing a few months ago, I went and talked to the pharmisist and he said it would be ok to use now. I started taking it and ended up killing the bronchial thing before it got bad. Can't wait to see you at Boogie & Splash. Courtney
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/06 8:59 pm -'Beach, VA
G'morning Courtney - I started taking MUCINEX on Sunday - It says to take 2 tablets every 12 hours, but because of the time release, I decided to take 1 tablet every 6 hours. LOL, Im thinking, I might increase that to 1.5 every six hours. Four days later and I still sound like a FOG HORN alerting the incoming ships! Ugh! Can't wait to see you again, too!!! Uh, just make sure you come up and grab me cause I probably won't recognize you, with your ADDITIONAL weight loss!!! Hugs - Lei
on 6/13/06 3:36 am - Chesapeake, VA
Hello There Stranger ~~ So glad to hear you are on the mend. Aren't brothers just grand?? I know, I have 4 of them. Actually just flew home 2 weeks ago for a long overdue visit. Must say I shocked the heck out of all my family. It was a great visit! Luckily I only came back with a few extra pounds which I quickly got rid of----they didn't share any longlasting germs. Any chance of a get together with you, Eileen, Wendy, Jane and everyone one day soon for lunch or dinner? My abdomniaplasty (anchor incision) with hernia repair is scheduled for July 18th. I know you all would have many suggestions for a successful surgery and recovery. Angel on your shoulder Cindy
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