48 hour Achievone Sale!

Christine Hood
on 6/12/06 10:17 pm - Fort Eustis, VA
Don't fret too much Lois. I looked at the add after and you need to buy at least 2 cases to save $$$. (5 cases for the max discount...that's a lot! ugh!) I hope my spinach problem doesn't last forever because I really love spinach! It's so hard to understand how you can have problems with something that is so good for ya! Oh well! Christine
on 6/12/06 9:20 pm - Chesterfield, VA
Hey! Wonder why I didn't get that email? I order that stuff all the time... must go order more now while on sale!! Thanks!
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/06 12:01 am - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
Hello beautiful, how are you feeling? Still walking the paths on Shore Drive? Thanks for the email and as you can see, Im finally feeling well enough to at least BUG a few of ya' in posts. As far as BariatricEating goes? LOL, I won't keep blasting my PERSONAL OPINION about her or that ridiculously OVERPRICED SITE of hers, but if you wanna read it, it's stuck in "LisaofNorfolks" Vitamin post. Save your money for business owners that truly appreciate YOU as an individual, whether you slip up along your weight loss journey, or not. HEY??? Ive heard a few people mention that theyve been able to get their local GNC's and Vitamin Shoppes to carry them, I wonder if enough of us talk to the managers of a specific store here in VaBeach if they'd start carrying them? You know, pick out ONE store and then all of us make calls or send emails, or however the heck we can get the peeps that places orders to hear from us. I know Ive seen Vitamin Shoppes, locally, just don't remember where. Hugs - Lei
Christine Hood
on 6/13/06 12:40 am - Fort Eustis, VA
Sounds like a good idea to me! The Vitamin Shoppe is on VAB Blvd and Independence near Pembroke...Let's see what we can do about our vitamins! Christine
on 6/13/06 11:41 am - Richmond, VA
I am so sick of these stones being thrown - Susan has a great support site and I went and read everyone of her rants - and she actually gave you a compliment! This site is supposed to be for our health and her site is the one that is medically approved - by my doctors and many others - she likes to help people by sticking to the rules - and I agree - there would not be failed WLS if more people would follow the rules and stick with what they are supposed too! For all the newbies out there - this is not an authority on what we should do - please go check out her site and her products are wonderful! I would not be able to get in the right amount of protein if it weren't for her and that site. If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all! I didn't see anything that bashed OH - as a matter of fact she has said nothing but kind things - I thought I graduated from high school along time ago! She says it like it is and if you don't like what you here then maybe you are not really doing what you are supposed to be doing. She is not on her site gossiping or downing you - so leave her alone - I saw nothing of the slander and accusations that you are saying - her rants are right there for all to see - and they are what they are and that is a rant - which is something that you are frustrated about and are getting it off your chest - get over it and let people make up there own minds! All of you should be ashamed of yourselfs - we need support and there are people out there that are looking to you for direction and that direction should not be on what we do that is wrong - but on what we need to do that is right - She has awesome recipes and sugar free stuff that tastes wonderful - on her board they discuss recipes and proteins that actually taste good - they help you - they also don't just promote her stuff - they talk about alot of things that you can get in the stores that they have found that are really good - I have learned so much on that board and her site - please people give it a chance - there is enough for everyone to learn something on every board - gossip only hurts people!
Carole V.
on 6/13/06 12:42 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
Beth, Opinions are like a--holes, everybody has one. You are entitled to yours. But rest assured, Leilani is NOT a liar. She spoke the truth about the rant on the site, you won't see it now because Susan did have enough sense to take it down after causing so much hate and discontent. It was a vicious and mean-spirited rant, and many, many people were insulted and shocked by the tone and the words, myself included. I agree that everyone should form their own opinion, Lei stressed several times that she was stating her personal opinion, to which she is entitled. She shares that opinion with people she cares about and wants to have the best. That is why we love her. Carole
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/06 8:03 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
Hey BETH?? Lemme give you a few FACTS to digest and choke down with some of SUSAN MARIAS expensive but "oh so good, cause SHE said so" Protein shakes. 1) I could care less what YOU think about me, or my personal opinions and if you think tossing out your little "hissy fit" reply is gonna shut me up, fast forward to the part where you THINK I CARE, cause I'm missing it. 2) Ive been reading and posting to these boards for FIVE YEARS now, youve been around for what 5 months? MOST of my time was spent on the main board. The same board that Susan Maria started off at as a newly post-op. You know, the OH site, full of "lost and failing" weight loss peeps! 3) The RANT I speak of is an absolute FACT!!!! Gee, you think the reason "YOU" couldnt find it might be because Susan Maria caught so much hell from OH and it's members that she PULLED HER RANT?!?? Yah, that's right, she PULLED IT, go back and look - the MARCH RANT IS gone. Gee, I guess that means her "rants are NOT all there for all to see!" as YOU stated, huh? 4) Don't even TALK to me about 'what this board is for' as far as HELPING others. I have over 3000 posts to this board ALONE, doing just that.... helping people. I have about 15,000 posts to the MAIN board, also, helping people. When I looked at YOUR numbers - the roster shows a total of 26 posts to the VaBoard. Where is all the SUPPORT you share with othersl, that you scream about in your reply that I should be doing? 5) I had several people email me a copy of your reply to Susan's board post - and how you came to the defense of an "anorexia" member HERE that I blatantly steered elsewhere rather then try to support or help. That's just an absolute LIE, on YOUR part, but I still chose to laugh at it rather then address it. For the record, not only did this VA-Board Member rec'v many many great replies for a sample vitamin routine, but I personally took the time to send her a very long and detailed reply . 6) If you're so convinced that the only way YOU CAN BE A success is to spend big bucks on her products, please, by all means DO! I tend to rely on MYSELF for success. I'm down 230 lbs and maintaining that loss for 2 years, I think it's safe to say, I accomplished what I set out to do. When you've managed to do just that, get back to me. Oh, one more thing, the next time you wanna go running to her board squealing about something I've said? Do yourself a favor, just cut and paste the link - it'll save you the time in typing. I could care less what YOU think about "MY" Opinions, but I do care when you come on here with NO Facts and assume thats how the rest of us operate! Lei
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/06 10:29 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
I truly do believe that FACTS and ACCURACY is the only way to debate a point. That being said, I need to make a CORRECTION to my above post. I typed the condition "anorexia" while referencing #5, the CORRECT word/term should have been "anemic", all else stands.
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/06 8:28 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
How could I forget to address your comment that "she actually gave YOU (Leilani) a compliment" in one of the rants. Once again, you operate on what you THINK is the facts - it's gotta be, right? ... cause you read it (didn't research it, just READ it). Here is a link from last July about her July RANT -- in it, if you scroll down and look for da' BIRD (ME) you'll see my reply to SUSAN MARIA calling her out on blatantly taking a quote from MY profile and NOT giving credit where credit was due. http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/amos/board_id,4856/cat_id,4456/topic_id,525395/a,messageboard/action,replies/#4164567 AFTER I called her out on it, she went back and edited my name into that QUOTE rant. SO once again, your ASSUMPTIONS are inaccurate. Go figure.
on 6/14/06 1:25 am - Richmond, VA
It is really ashame that you are so filled with hate! I think that the past should be put in the past - and yes I am new - and so are alot of others and they should be able to make their own decisions - without bringing your hatred from the past into it- When Susan rants she usually is right on target at something she has heard or seen - and the fact that she is willing to correct something should say alot - I just feel that we should all try to work together instead of acting like high schoolers - yes - I may not post alot - but it doesn't mean that I don't read the boards and check stuff out - Since I have been blasted for being new - and not knowing anything - why should I try to help anyone on this board! That is the opinion that you older ones give - Even though I throughly researched this process for 2 years (as I am sure everyone did) and I am continuely researching - going to every message board I find and information I find - I have seen and read about the people who are eating wrong and not doing the right things - even in my local support group - but if I try to help them - I get blasted that I am new and couldn't possibly know anything - Well, I want this tool to work - as do many - and we all have week times - but it doesn't mean that I am stupid and can't give any support or advice - You like to keep things like a soap opera - and I don't have to post to see that - I have read plenty ! I feel that it is sad though - It takes so much more energy to hate - then it does to try to make ammends - And the new people here should not be able to think that they can eat BBQ ribs and Dairy Queen and anything else they want - when someone comes to this site and reads stuff like that along with the drinking - they think that they will be able to do all of those things - well yes maybe they can - but it is not right - and it is not good advice for them to get in their heads - testing the waters is not a great thing to do - as you must know in the wonderful weightloss that you have accomplished - there are rules that we should follow and when we don't change our habits or develop new bad habits - then we will have a struggle to lose all that we want to lose and maintain it - I am sorry if I affended you - and no I don't know the whole story - but I still feel that the past should be left in the past and that wouldn't it be better if you rose above it then lower yourself to the level that you are stating that she is on. It is only an opinion - and you may have been greatly affected by it - and I am sorry for that - but the new people weren't and should not be brought into it - if you don't want to use her stuff or go to her site then fine - My point is to let other people find out on their own!
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