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Hola Party Princess !!!
You just opened the same email that I did !!! I was drinking that stuff like mad. I remember Leilani mentioning how to make the stuff yourself..but need the receipe from her.
Tonight is not a good night. I mixed some Martix chocolate protein stuff, 2 scoops, with 2 cups of milk. The concoction has made me very sick to my stomach. My hands are jittery and I wanna throw up but I am sure it is out of my "gut" by now. I did not have this lactose intolerance thing till after surgery. Blahhhhhhhhhhh !!!
Dana (*****fuses to refer to her new and improved stomach as a pouch.)
Sorry to hear about your shakes...nothing that couldn't be cured by a nice coconut donut!! LOL I'm having a rough one myself today. I have felt pretty yucky and tired all day today and then tonight I ate 1 egg and attempted some chopped spinach and the spinach and my new and improved stomach did not get along at all!! No puking or foaming...just a lot of feeling yucky. So...I'm still deciding if a little broth may settle things a bit...but I really want nothing. Hmmm...my first yucky food experience! And I LOVE spinach!
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.. a Popeye fan are we??? Maybe put the spinach in the blender so it is grated REALLY fine and then add your protein drink to it. Could always try that one and see what happens !!!
Didn't I tell you that the whole eating thing ws gonna suprise you? I have crab legs in the freezer squeeling to be steamed but I take a look at them and say," No thank you..not right now." Strange behavior from a crab leg lovin girl !!!!!!!
Thanks buddy! LOL
I don't think the spinach could have gotten much smaller...It's the chopped spinach or as my mom and I call it ABC Spinach (as in ABC Gum...Already Been Chewed!) Oh, AND you want me to add protein!!! NICE!!! Now I'm really gonna
I'm just stressing a bit because I am feeling so weak and know I need to eat but right about now...no way Jose! Hmmmm....that reminds me...Taco Bell...LOL! Anyway, I'll get the vitamin clearance tomorrow and that should help!
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